Doyoung's P.O.V

I was walking with my friends Mark and Jisung in the hall and said I had to get my English book from my lock . But when I opened my locker a baby blue coloured letter fell out of it . I knelt down to pick the letter up and started to read the well chosen coloured letter.

Dear Doyoung

You might be thinking that I am a stalker or something, well I am not . I just wanted to say thank you for saving me yesterday , from Jennie and Lisa . Thanks for bringing me to the infirmary , I really admire you for that . I heard there is a rumour about you like someone , well Don't give up!!! I am here to support you (owo)

from : an average student

The writing was written in a sparkly pink colour , the writing its self is beautiful .I wonder who wrote this.
