new powers/ignited fights

Dajianae POV

I woke up groaning. I looked around and seen a bucket full of blood. I looked down at myself and seen blood all over my hospital gown. I looked to my side and seen some food. A note was on it. I grabbed it sitting up.

"Doctors allowed me to make you some food it's good cold considering it tuna I left this at 8 so it should be good if you wake up by 9 at night love mom" I read

I grabbed the tuna and the spoon and dug in. I turned the TV on and watched TV. I heard the door get knocked on.

"Come in" I said

The door opened to reveal my boyfriend. He ran to be and pulled me in a hug. I hugged back. I let go so I can finish eating.

"What happened" he asked

"When I was battling that girl that first time she hit me I felt weird then this happened" I said

I closed my eyes and reopened them. Jackson gasped.

"The sharigan"he said

" I know I just unlocked it when I was fighting "I said

I deactivated my sharigan. Something suddenly appeared in front of me. It was a wand.

" what the-"I said

I grabbed the wand and a book came on my lap. I opened it. It had a lot of spell.

"So I'm guessing this is form me" I said

"Correct" someone said coming out my book

He was a small man.

"Eek" my first instinct kicked in which is hitting him

"Eyy" he said holding his eye

"Sorry who are you"

"Your floating glossary"(I just went star butterfly up in this piece and if you don't know what I am talking bout Google it)

" ok so why do I have this tell me now"I drum on the book

"So you remember shiabaru right"


"Well when a descendent fights another magic being and succeeds they are granted with this"

"Ok now how do I use this"

"Everything you need is in this book try this spell the mega narwhal blast"

"Ok MEGA NARWHAL BLAST" I shot at the window

A wave came and went out the window.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed but was covered by Jackson

"Daji I need to tell you I am not being mean but shut up" Jackson said


"Now will you be quiet"


"Good" he uncovered my mouth

"Ok so now I think I can handle this"

"Ok let me know if you need a type of spell" glossy said(he called glossy)

"Ok glossy"

"Bye" we went back in the book and it closed

I looked at my wand and smiled.

"You ok daji" Jackson asked

"Yes this is one more step to get orochimaru" I said

Rairakku POV

I was pacing my room thinking of what happened to daji. I just can't seem to realize why.

"Time to finish the battle for your sister" a voice said

I turned and seen the girl from the realm. I got ready. I jumped out my window and ran to the field.

"Come on" I said

She went to blast me but I dodged.

"Flame wave" I yelled

I blew a wave of fire at her. She dodged and went to blast me again. I waved my hand to make a shield but nothing happened. I was hit and I rolled on the ground.

"Isn't this familiar this is how your sister was hurt and sent to the hospital too bad you won't make it" she said

"G-go....go ahead a-and....t-try" I said getting up

"You two don't know how to give up huh" she blasted me again

"Ahhhh" I was burned and I softly chuckled

"Haven't you ever been taught to never fight fire with fire*brings two fingers up*hidden fire fist eight trigram 64 fire palm" I chuckled and ran at her

"2 palm 4 palm 8 palm 16 palm 32 palm 64 palm" I said hitting all her points and she fell down.

I looked at her.

"You know you are such a-*gasp*" I was gonna say but a sword went through my stomach

"Y-you lose" she said

I kicked her and she passed out. I tried to go to the house for help but I fell backwards and sword slightly started coming out.

"H-help me a-anyone" I said slowly drifting from consciousness

3rd person POV

Daji gasped.

"Rai is in trouble" she said

"What are you talking about" Jackson asked

"I can feel it"

Daji got up and jumped out the window. She grew her wings and flew. She found rai in a field a bloody mess. Daji went down and checked her.

"Rai RAI" she said

Daji picked up the unconscious rai. She flew to the hospital where they took rai. The nurse told her to go back to her room. Daji did and sat in the bed.

"What happened where's rai" Jackson asked

"She....she....she had a sword in her stomach...she was stabbed....I wasn't there to save her...she might die because of me" daji said in tears

"Daji don't blame yourself" Jackson pulled her in a hug

"But it my fault I shouldn't have challenged that girl *gasp* that girl" the tears still came out her eyes

"Who the one you battled"

"Yea she probably battled rai to get back"

"What are we gonna do"

"First thing I'm gonna get checked out of this hospital second I'm gonna go back to were I found rai and search for that bitch"

I called foe the nurse an asked to be let out. I was let out and I left. I went home and seen her laying on the ground. I went to her as she groaned. Her eyes opened. I picked her up by her collar.

"Why are you out for me huh"i said

" shouldn't have"she said

"Bullshit you went for MY boyfriend"

"That Jackson guy couldn't be your boyfriend your too much of a tomboy"

"That's what every one says they say it will never work now look we have been dating for three years"

"Grr"i let her go and left.

I walked inside. I seen a note on my bed. I read it.

"Daji i know you only been here for a year and I'm sorry to say this but we are moving the girls and guys wanted their space we are moving to the other side oh konoha I'm so sorry

Mom"i read and started crying

I think rai felt my pain cause she came in. At least she was ok.

"We.....we.......we are moving"i said

I sobbed more. I packed my stuff crying. We took moms car to this small house.

"This place has four rooms one's the music room"mom said

"Ok"in a monotone voice

"Daji what's with the attitude"

"It's nothing don't worry"

"Dajianue barbataia inuzuka"

"What did i do i didn't do anything to deserve this"i started crying

I opened the door and grabbed my bags and ran in the house. I picked my room and sat in the corner.
