
"Wait, who are you people??" The man who went by, Haiji, screamed at us as we entered his bus. We have been unable to find shelter for the past few days after it all went down. He lived by himself and we knew him before this all happened. I heard he went to jail for a while. 

He looked at us holding a gun in his hand, moving the gun back and forth between Hajime and Nagito. He looked insane, every part of him screamed he was not okay. He started to sweat from the forehead as me and Nagito walked towards him. Nagito was in front of me and I was behind him. 

Haiji stood there, pointing the gun towards Nagito, he seemed so scared of him and I can't really understand why. Nagito kept walking towards him until the gun was up against Nagito's forehead. Nagito seemed very calm, while I on the other hand was not. I was so confused about what was going on. 

The only thing that escaped Nagito's mouth was, "Pull the trigger." His eyes locked onto Haiji's eyes. Haiji seemed so afraid of Nagito that he pulled the trigger...Nothing happened. Haiji freaked out opening the chamber to realize that he was missing all of his ammunition. The ammunition that could have killed Nagito.

"Oh how that is trouble, you should always have a gun loaded to the brim." Nagito said smirking at the fact he was a very lucky man. Haiji was freaked out about how his gun had no ammunition in it and slowly started to back up. When he did, he was meant with a baseball bat around his neck. 

"Sorry, when you two were having your little show down, I may or may not have sneaked behind you." Hajime said, Haiji could only see Hajime's red eye which made shivers go down his spine.  Nagito quietly took the gun out of Haiji's hands, knowing he would not resist because he knew he was always on the losing side.  

"How about you go somewhere far, far away from here and leave us alone. Though if you decide you just so badly want to stay here, we can of course kill you." Nagito politely said to Haiji even though he was very much threatening him. 

Hajime knew to how to snap someone's neck, so if Haiji decided it would be better off dying then going out there, he could easily kill him or if they wanted to...torture him. Nagito decided to put some ammunition into the gun, exactly three bullets into a six chamber. 

"How about this, I will pull the trigger and if you live you get to go but if you die, you die." Nagito explained, putting the gun to Haiji's head, making him more able to agree with these terms. Haiji quickly nodded not wanting to die just yet.

"Well okay!" Nagito said happily and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, Haiji was still alive, and Nagito was very unhappy about this.  Though he kept his end with the bargain, Nagito looked at Hajime who seemed to be ready to kill Haiji no matter what. Nagito gave him the look meaning to let go of him, Hajime understanding what to do, he let go.

Haiji fell over onto his knees, trying to breathe as he was holding it in for so long. Nagito then bending over to say, "Now sir, you should go your merry way before we torture your way out, okay?" 

Nagito moved to his right, allowing some space for Haiji to get out, which Haiji then quickly rose and ran out as fast as he could. Hajime and Nagito slowly followed behind him, watching him disappear into the forest. 

Nagito stood there, making sure he would not come back. Hajime walked over to the front of the bus to the other side, seeing where he left all the kids at. "Hey guys, about we go inside for now, okay?" Hajime said bending over. All of the children agreed and Hajime and the kids went in. 

Nagito soon went inside as well, "Well, I guess this is the best place we can stay for now, let's hope that guy doesn't come back." Nagito said sitting down in one of the bus seats. Hajime then sat across from him, watching as all the kids went on the bed.

"M-May we sleep on this bed, father?" Jataro asked looking at Hajime. The others seemed to agree that they wanted to sleep on that bed as well. Hajime smiled.

"Of course, me and your dad can sleep on the floor in front of the bus." Hajime said ignoring the look he was getting from his fiance, Nagito was completely disagreeing with sleeping on the floor. They have been sleeping on  the floor for weeks and Nagito was so excited to sleep on an actual bed for once.

 "It seems we have no food..." Nagisa said getting up and looking around the bus. He was correct, Haiji did not have any food on him before they took over his place, meaning that they would have to go find some food. 

"Well me and your father can go out today and go find some, how about that?" Nagito said grinning as all the kids agreed as they haven't eaten in a couple of days. Hajime was now also mad at this because he hated when they had to go out, it was always so heart-pounding for him. 

"Yeah sure." Hajime said giving his fiance a 'I hate you so much' look while Nagito on the other hand was giving a 'aw I love you so much too' look. They both had gotten up from their seats and headed to the front door. Hajime walked out and waited for Nagito. 

"If you kids hear a zombie, make sure that you guys hide and if it comes into the bus, you kill it, okay?" Nagito said wanting reassurance from his kids, they had all nodded, Masaru nodded very aggressively as he had his own knife and always wanted to kill a zombie.

Nagito smiled and walked out of the bus, he walked up to Hajime and held his hand as they made their way down the path to the nearby town they used to stay at for shelter. Walking down the path, they interlocked their fingers together as they made their way.

*six days later*

"Hajime~~~..." Nagito groaned holding his lover hands, dragging his feet as Hajime made him walk. "My legs huuuuurt." Dragging on his words, Nagito kept walking even though his legs were very swore from...walking...

"Ohhh, don't worry darling, were almost back to the bus." Hajime reassured Nagito by squeezing his hand. Nagito smiled softly at the hand gesture. 

The bus that Nagito and Hajime stayed at was deep in the woods. It was made by a couple but they had found the couple dead in the bus.

Drip-drop. Drip-drop. It started to rain. Hajime and Nagito didn't have anything to block them from the rain. They both started to run to the bus that was in the nearby distance. 

"Let's hurry, we can't risk getting sick." Hajime said knowing that if they get sick, they have no medication at the moment and if they get sick, it would be up to their immune systems alone.  

When we got to the bus, we quickly opened the door and got in.The front half of the bus had all the seats removed. In the back the seats had their back parts removed, just leaving the bottom parts. The person who used to live here had put on a mattress on the seats for a place to sleep.  

"Hey kids were back!" Nagito yelled out walking towards the back of the bus. The children were all on their shard-designated mattress, just talking about something kids talk about. 

"HIIII DAD!!" Masaru yelled while jumping onto Nagito, giving him a big hug, Masaru grew up with a sh*ty dad, so having Nagito there was absolutely something that made Masaru happy. 

"Hello Masaru!" Nagito said returning the hug, then setting down letting him sit in one of the bus seats.

"What took you guys so long?" Nagisa had suddenly asked. Usually he never talks always keeping to himself, making plans to what to do. He was very diligent and helpful but silent.

"Oh well...heh...shit, uhhhh... Hajime and I were just looking for medication and we lost track of time." Nagito said looking away from everyone with his face turning warm and red from the flashback he had gotten.


Pushing Nagito on the wall making sure there was no escape...Hajime lifted Nagito's chin. Nagito slowly grinned, his eye filled with hope of what to come. Hajime looked into Nagito's gray eith a tint of green eyes. Hajime would always and forever want to look in those beautiful and crazy eyes of his.

"This is our time y'know, no kids to worry about, just the two of us..." Hajime said whispering in Nagito's ear. Gently kissing his earlobe, licking, and biting it. Nagito only grew more desperate at these gestures, want more and more.

Soft moans came out of Nagito's mouth.

Hajime stopped then asked, "Is this okay?" Hajime always felt very uncomfortable if he didn't ask for consent, he always needed reassurance that his actions were okay from Nagito. Nagito absolutely loved this, he found this the cutest thing in the world, other than Masaru.

Nagito looked at his lover with lust in his eyes quickly nodding. Hajime smiled and slowly continued, teasing his lovers ear.

Hajime going lower to Nagito's neck, kissing, licking, biting, repeating. He would do this until he found the sweet spot. The spot that made Nagito want to melt into the sweet, warm kisses of his darling.

Bingo, Hajime thought to himself. The small, yet very loud, moan came from his lovers closed mouth, indicating that he did find it. Nagito and Hajime always play a game to see how long Nagito can last without making a sound so they don't attract walkers.

Now abusing Nagito's sweet spot with his tongue, more and more moans came. Nagito moaned. We weren't going rough and fast, slow and gentle with lot's of love. Love he was unable to give because of the innocence of children and the danger of the world.

Hajime and Nagito don't get to do it very often, so whenever they get the chance, they make sure all of their desires are full filled. Wanting every single part of their bodies to be explored all over again, just like their first time.

Hajime roaming and feeling part of Nagito's torso, making sure every part of him was left touched and his lover left in pleasure. Licking his sensitive nipples, making them rock hard, Nagito let out more sweet moans, trying to cover them by coving his mouth.

As Hajime lifted his head from Nagito's neck, he was about to kiss him before he felt a warm finger on his mouth. Hajime grew to panic just a bit, thinking he did something that made Nagito uncomfortable.

"Sorry big tits, but I think we should start heading back.now." Nagito said and Hajime blushing from the new nickname he got. Nagito gave him pet names like 'Darling' and 'Honey,' but never something like that. Nagito knew it made hi m suler flustered. 

Hajime sighed before saying, "Alright, alrighty, I guess we have to go back, but next time I will make sure you won't be able to walk back on your own." Now smirking putting his face closer to Nagito's. Nagito only smiled at this statement.

"Hmph. Bet." Nagito said moving his head closer to Hajime's to where both of their foreheads are touching. "I will be waiting big tits." Nagito said putting his arms around Hajime's neck. Hajime then putting his arms around Nagito's waist.

"You better hope that ass of yours will be able to survive." Hajime said not giving a second thought of what he had just said. Nagito only looked at him, shocked at what he said, clearly flabbergasted.

"H-Hope?!" Nagito looked so excited, putting his arms around himself, now panting. Hajime let go of him and felt so disappointed in himself. 

"Shit." Hajime said under his breath. Now backing away ashamed of himself for saying the H-word near Nagito. Nagito always had this...thing...about hope. To the point if you say it around him, you might as well sell your soul to the devil.

"Ohhhhh~ Hajime~ Y'know we could stay a little longer because I think that my flagpole just went up." Now looking down there. Hajime knew what was going to come, knowing that he was about to win the bet they made.

"Didn't have to ask me twice." Hajime said now pushing Nagito back to the wall roughly kissing him. Exploring every bit of him.


"Y-Yeah me and Nagito just lost track of time..." Hajime reassured the story Nagito had just made.  Hajime was sitting down on his shared mattress with Nagito beside him. 

"Well, did you guys find any food for us?" Monaca asked...grhh grumble...Monaca and the other children were growing hungry hour by hour. Never knowing when the next time they were going to eat.

"Well you can tell that I am hungry as well as the others." Monaca said after her stomach grumbled. She seemed a tiny bit embarrassed but she wasn't really showing it.

"We found about six cans of food and four bottles of water." Nagito said digging through his backpack grabbing and showing the supplies they had gathered. The run was a very dry one, not finding as much food. Knowing that winter seemed to be coming, it was a major problem to the family.

"We may have to go back tomorrow or the next day to get more supplies." Hajime said knowing that they didn't find much supplies this trip to the nearby town. The had visited the grocery store many times in the nearby town and it seemed it was only them in the area.

"Hey dad, is it okay if I come next time too?!?" Masaru asked very loudly coming over and sitting on Nagito's lap. Nagito seemed to become very used to this as this was a habit of Masaru's to make him feel more comfortable.

"Hmmmmm...well kiddo I'm not so sure about that, it is very dangerous out there," Nagito bending over towards the little red head child, "I don't want you kids getting hurt." Nagito is always afraid of losing someone, he has immense trauma because of losing people. 

That was one fourth of the reason why he didn't want Masaru coming. The other was this was the one and only time Hajime and him get to have some fun time to themselves. They never dared try to do it on the bus, one out of the five kids would definitely wake up. 

"Aww man." Masaru was clearly disappointed that he didn't get to go to the town. He hasn't killed a zombie, it was currently the only thing on his bucket list he hasn't done yet. Actually, he only had two things on his bucket list: 1. Kill his dad and 2. Kill a zombie. 

"HEY MASARU!" Kotoko yelled at him. She seemed like she had something important to say. She stood up from her sitting spot on the bed. She seemed very determined...maybe she had an idea?

"W-WHA-WHAT" Masaru yelled back clearly startled but yet intrigued in what Kotoko has to say. He got up from Nagito's lap and went up to her. Now they were face to face, Masaru allowed Kotoko to continue, it was a thing they did.   

"Don't get so upset! I know EXACTLY why dad and father won't allow us to go!" Kotoko said very assured of herself. It made Masaru have a little hope to know why his dads would not allow him to go with them.  This made both Hajime and Nagito very worried about the fact that Kotoko had an idea of why they don't allow the kids to go with them.

"A-And why is that...?" Hajime asked, his face becoming a tint of pink. He was so scared that Nagito and him were being too obvious why they would not allow them to go with them. To Hajime always excited to go out for supplies even though he hates it and Nagito always comes home with swore legs. 

"YOU GUYS just don't like us! So you go find supplies to get away from us! Aren't I right?" Kotoko told her fathers. Hajime and Nagito let out relief sighs. It was an absolute relief that Kotoko did not get that idea even through her trauma. 

"No, we both love you all very much." Nagito assured his kids and it was true. Nagito would kill someone if they ever even try to hurt one of his kids. Even though they aren't his actual kids and just some kids he and Hajime found by themseleves, does not mean he cannot call them his after the last two months.

"Then...what do you guys do that you don't want us going with you guys?" Nagisa asked suddenly how long he was quiet for. Jataro was sitting on his left by him playing with his hair, while Monaca was on his right just looking down zoned out. 

"Ohhh, y'know, it's just that we both think you kids won't be able to catch up with us so we have to leave you guys here." Hajime replied answering Nagisa's question. It was a very reasonable lie and it was believable, it wasn't even close to what they actually do. 

Nagito was so relieved that Hajime came out with an excellent lie. It was such an excellent lie that Nagito thinks that Hajime actually planned that one out. It was way too good to be true to make it on the spot. 

"It is getting late, we should head to bed guys." Monaca said coming back to reality, she had realized the hour of the day by looking out the bus windows that had curtains. Jataro's head fell on  Nagisa's shoulder, he had already fallen asleep. He must of have been so tired he fell asleep sitting up. 

"Yeah..." After saying that Masaru yawned. He went to the far side of the bed, refusing himself to sleep by Monaca and there was no room on the other side where jataro was. Kotoko went in between him and Monaca and slowly alloed herself to drift off to sleep. 

"Yes, you kids should head off to bed." Hajime whispered walking over to the back of the bus and gave all the kids little kisses on their foreheads. 

Nagito got up and went beside Hajime then saying, "Good night kids, tomorrow you guys can eat, me and your father can share a can then head out to find more food." Nagito explained to his kids. They had been running out of food, trying to eat every day or so, so they can try to last longer. 

"Alrightly, you can shut up now and go to bed." Kotoko said half asleep as she snuggled closer into Monaca. Masaru put his back against everyone already snoring quietly. Nagisa was asleep in no time with Jataro snuggling up against his shoulder, holding him like a teddy bear.  

"Heh...okay..." Nagito whispered kind of sad that she said that. Hajime and Nagito went to the front of the bus which is where they slept. Getting ready for bed, both of them cuddled up close to each other to keep warm. Hajime big spooning Nagito, they shared their warmth as the cold night came around. 

Slowly as the moon rose, eventually everyone in the bus was in a deep sleep waiting for the sun to rise against the horizon. Another day that did not know what was going to happen to them. A day that anything could happen. 

A/N: okay, yeah. first time writing lemon by the way. Also when I first wrote this, it had so much dialogue that was absolutely pointless and I have gotten rid of it. We got some Komahina in the building y'all. Also, I have plans for where this is going and I'm kind of excited.

Also, we hate Haiji in this building and if you disagree, please stay far away from me and my little children that I am writing. Please remember that Nagito and Masaru have a father and son relationship. 

for clarification, after the '*six days later*', no nagito and hajime were not gone for that long, it was just that I had already made a rough draft of this chapter so when I added more to the beginning, i had already added the main part of the chapter, if that makes since. it was kind of like a parallel maybe? i don't know. 

word count: 3441
