Chapter Eight

Hello, hello my wonderful readers! Sorry I haven't been active lately! Anyway here's a new chapter! Enjoy!!!

(For any of you confused about what day it is in the story, it's Thursday.)

 When we started back down our street, it was around 9 PM. The sun had already set and it was dark. I was holding Lapis' hand as we walked back towards our houses.

 Lapis stopped suddenly under a sidewalk lamp. I only noticed when my arm was jerked back. I looked back at her and stood in front of her, a questioning look on my face. "Wassup?"

 Lapis looked into my eyes. "Thanks for your help at the skating rink." She whispered, her eyes flicking away from mine.

 I smiled, catching her gaze again. "Anytime, I'll always be here when you need me."

 Lapis smiled shyly back and we continued walking. Soon we got to her door and we stood there awkwardly for a moment in the chilly November night. We looked at each other, blushing. Before I knew what was happening, Lapis pulled me closer.

 "Do you feel it too?" Lapis murmured to me.

 I stuttered at being so close to her. "I-I don't know what you mean."

 Lapis' face inched closer. "The feeling when we touch. Like a shock. I think I like you."

 I spluttered for words. I calmed myself long enough to say, "Yes, I feel it too." I focused on her lips, they were so close... just a little closer...


 We both groaned as my phone rang. I growled and ignored it, tuning it out as I crashed my lips into Lapis'.

 Lapis froze for a moment but wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. Time seemed to stop, her lips were so soft. It seemed to be too soon when she pulled away. I blinked.

 Lapis was looking behind me. I narrowed my eyes and turned. There, Jasper stood, alone, under a streetlight that was flickering menacingly. Dramatic, I thought with an eye roll.

Jasper's eye flicked to me. "So, my little Lapis has found a new plaything, has she?"
