The other day around, the driver and the man came to meet him and when asked about Madhav's condition, Madhav said in his usual philosophical style, "The heartless life has won once again, I have bluffed even death, I don't know what other action is left." 

Emotions came and went but Madhav did not even realize it. Madhav thought that he had not even asked introduction to that man. Then Madhav said, stumbling but with humble words, "Sir, I am grateful to you that, you got a beggar like me treated in such a big hospital. Humans like me can never think of such a dream, sir. Now, please tell me something about yourself so that I can introduce myself to you. May I know …sir."

The man replied, “Well, May I know yours?” Madhav replied, “Yes sir, Madhav”, the name echoed.

But Madhav had a doubt deep somewhere in him which persuaded him to say these lines, “Nobody would have cared so much, and after the great act of getting a beggar treated in such an esteemed hospital, and come to ask about the well-being of the survivor.”

It was heard with a slow smile - "Madhav, it was my driver's mistake and there is no right to take anyone's life in this world. When the servant makes a mistake, his owner is responsible for him. Therefore, for the mistake of my driver, as soon as I heard…"

Madhav's senses woke abruptly. How can a poet bear someone so humble? Madhav's eyes were spilled by thinking that there are such people even today. This confirmed that humanity is not dead, perhaps because of such humans, the earth rests.

Then Madhav said, "Sir, it is your greatness or else the people run after hitting the car. They do not even stop a moment to know that the one who has collided is alive or dead."

By saying so, Madhav sought the command to go from the car but the car was standing in front of him, and the whole stream was shed by the eyes tilted. Seeing this, the senses of Madhav went out. He was not able to understand that he was looking at a person or the God has become transmitted on earth in his form because in today's situation, when the humans have become the biggest enemy of humanity, it will look like this in this situation.

The words were arrested in Madhav's mouth and the voice was gagged. In some time, he fell on his knees. 

Madhav said, "Sir, you are greater than my father, please-I am grateful and forever obliged to you."

When the car-owner saw Madhav fell on his knees, he started feeling ashamed of himself. He picked up Madhav and embraced him graciously.

Empathetically said the car owner , "Son, I won’t be able to show myself, you are embarrassing me".
Then Madhav said, "Sir, just no more. You have to say what you had to say. If you are so lord, then only tell who you are?"
Then the car said, "I am the owner of a newspaper mass in this city.”

As soon as he heard, Madhav was unchecked. He could not even think that such a big man stands in front of him today. Madhav began to understand himself grateful. Now Madhav asked for the permission to go from Harshmohan, and he refused and said that you will go to my house with me and rest until it is completely right. Madhav was dumbstruck. Then, Harshmohan grabbed the hand of Madhav and took him to his mansion.
