The New Girl in School 26

Sakura was staring at the lump that was on her, she stared wide eyed as she realised who it was....

"Madara, what are you doing?" Sakura asked trying to move him, she felt something sticky leak through the blanket and froze, she turned on the lamp for more light and saw blood all around him. "MADARA!" Sakura pushed Madara off of herself and kneeled on his bed pushing him to his back to hear him groan.

Madara's door slammed open the whole oraganiztion running in, they saw Madara bloody laying on his bed and Sakura covered in his blood, "Sakura, are you alright?" Pein asked walking to her touch her shoulder, she crawled to Madara quickly and started healing him.

"Kakazu can you get me some water and a rag?" Sakura asked not looking up.

"Yeah" Kakzu left following Sakura's request and came back in a matter of seconds with a bowl of water and a rag. "Here."

Sakura took the bowl and put it on the table by the bed, "Thanks, alright guys out, I need to focus." She heard them shuffle out slowly, "Madara, what in the world happened to you?" She was done healing him in an hour and a half and pulled him off his blankets and got new ones and fixed his bed and laid him down carfully. She got the rag wet and put it on his forehead, she sighed as she walked out of the room slowly and went to the kitchen but stopped in the living room as she saw the group of men standing around. "What's wrong?"

They all looked to her and walked to her, "Saku-chan! Did Madara do anything to Saku-chan?"

"What? No, he didnt do anything, why would you think he did anyhting to me in the first place?" Sakura asked walking to the kitchen getting fresh water and turning aorund looking at Tobi waiting for a reply.

"You yelled his name, you were covered in his blood." Kisame said.

"I was covered in his blood because he fell on me alright, he was injuried on his mission."

"What were you doing in his room?" Zetsu asked arching his eye brow.

Sakura blushed and turned around to turn off the water, "Nothing"

"Liar" She turned around and looked at NeNe.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you lied and dont say you werent lying, I can tell when you lie Sakura." Neji said looking into her emerald eyes.

Sakura sighed and leaned against the counter, "I cant hide anything from you NeNe-chan. Alright, I was sleeping in his room because I was scared and worried about him. I had a bad feeling when Pein told me that he went on a mission." Sakura admitted as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, she looked to the ground embarrassed.

it was silent in the kitchen as the men starred at her, they were each jealous that she was so worried about the older Uchiha that she went into his room and slept there waiting for him to return. They wanted to haved her wait for them, they wanted her in their bed worrying about them. Sakura sighed annoyed with the silence and took the bowl and went back to Madara's room, she closed the door behind herslef and walked to Madara's bed and sat the bowl done on the table. She crawled into the big bed and looked at Madara, "Madara, wake up."

As she said those words, his eyes flicked open, his onyx eyes turning meeting her emerald green one. "What's wrong my cherry blossom?"

Sakura pouted, "You left without saying good-bye, you didnt write a letter to tell me about your mission, you come back horrible injuried and pretend to be alseep the whole time and not talk to me. Thats whats wrong Mada-chan!" She said turning around on the bed grossing her arms lifting her head sniffing a little.

Madara starred wide eyed at her, he was surprised that she was worried about him so much, he felt warm inside knowing that she stayed in his room beceause she worried so much. He smiled and pulled her closer, "I'm sorry Sakura, its just that Pein said that the mission was really important and needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. I would of said good-bye and written a letter but I was in a hurry to get it done so that I could come back home as soon as possible for you." Sakura turned slowly to him and squinted her eyes at him.

"I dont care, you could of woken me up and told me before you left."

"I would of but Pein took you to your room, at least thats what he told me, but when I looked in there so that I could say bye, you werent in there." Madara said looking her in the eyes. "Sakura, where were you?"

Sakura blushed and looked away form Madara.

Madara growled a little as he saw her blush and look away, 'If he did anything to her I'm going to kill him.' Madara thought, "Sakura, where were you?"

"Peins room" Sakura whispered blushing more remembering their almost kiss.

Madara heard that and was mad, 'Pein took her from my room only to put her in his? If thats how he wants to play then fine, lets play.' Madara thought hugging Sakura trying to calm down.

Sakura looked at Madara and smiled, "Welcome home Madara-kun."

Madara blushed a pink tint as he heard Sakura add the 'kun', he looked to her and saw her smiling in his arms, he smiled back loving the  warm, happy feeling she brings to him, he loved it when she smiled, he felt like it made any room brighten up no matter how dark or bright the room already is. He pulled her to him and leaned against the back of the bed frame, he put his head on her and was slowly feeling his eye lids get heavy. He felt Sakura's breathing slow and her body push to his and relax, he tightened his hold on her and whispered in her ear, "I'm home my beautiful blossom."

*In NeNe room NeNe and Shiki*

"What are we going to do about Sakura, Orochimaru said he wants her back home, tomorrow is the due date." NeNe said thinking.

"I'm not sure, maybe we should asked Pein if we can take Sakura to town for a little while tomorrow and take her to Orochimaru." Shiki said looking up at the ceiling leaning in a chair.

"Maybe it might work, lets go and try it." NeNe said getting up and walking out with Shiki close behind. They found their way to Pein's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The two walked in and closed the door behind them, Pein looked up at the two and narrowed his eyes, "What do you two want?"

"We would like to take Sakura to town tomorrow for a while." Shiki said straight out ignoring the glare that Pein sent his way.


"We want to spend some time with he-" NeNe was inturrepted by the door opening.

"Pein, I'm making everyone a snack, what do you want?" Sakura asked walking in not caring if her two best guys and her boss was talking about something.

"Sakura, as you can see I'm talking." Pein said trying to push back a smile that was trying to show.

"I was just asking a quick question Pein~. If you tell me what you want for a snack then I'll get out." Sakura said purring when she said Pein's name noticeing the tiny tint of pink that dusted his cheeks. Sakura's lips were twitching as an idea popped up in her mind. She walked to his desk and bent over his desk slowly and whispered loud enough so that only he could hear, "Pein-kun, dont you want anything?" Sakura asked looking at Pein as she saw his eyes widen just a fraction and his face redden a tad bit. You smile and shrug your shoulders and turn to NeNe and Shiki.

"Well, do my two favorite boys want anything?" Sakura asked smiling at them.

"Want to go to town tomorrow?" Shiki asked.

Sakura's eyes wided, "YES!! I need to get more food, clothes, medical supplies, art, books, scrolls. How did you know I needed to go to town?" Sakura asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Just wondering." Shiki asked.

Sakura smiled and jumped turning around, "Pein, tomorrow we'll be going to town, we'll be leaving early in the morning and wont be back till late, at night."

Pein looked to the two behind his blossom and glared, he sighed annoyed by the two and looked back at Sakura and felt himself calm down. He was grateful that he had her in his life, he knew of she wasnt he would go insane with all the stress and mad, idiotic men in his organization. He nodded his head, "Alright, but your going to be the one to tell the rest of the crazy group that is obsessed with you."

Sakura laughed making the tension in the room lighten as they all relaxed hearing her laugh and seeing her face brighten with a smile. "Oh Pein, your so funny, they arent gooding to go crazy, dont worry." She said smiling walking out the door.

In the living the group was just sitting around watching tv, relax, but when Sakura came in she was engulfed in the group, they were asking her to sit with them but some was asking for food, tipical men. She sighed and yelled, "LISTEN!" When they were silent she smiled and nodded her head, "Tomorrow NeNe, Shiki, and I are going into town to going shopping, We'll be gone all day long tomorrow so you guys will have to make sure to not fight and kill each other." Sakura said.

"Saku-chan! Tobi wants to go with Saku-chan!!!" Tobi yelled grabbing her arm and pulling her to him.

"No twerp, I'm going with SAKURA!!" Hidan yelled.

The next thing that Sakura knew they were all fighting over her. She sighed and walked to the kitchen and decided to make dinner since it was late already. After dinner Sakura finished the dishes and went to Pein's room and sat in their reading while he did little bit of paper work and they fell asleep.

In the morning Sakura woke up early and went to the living room already dressed and ready to go, when she was at the front doo she turned around and saw Shiki and NeNe walking to her, she smiled and headed out when they were by her side. Little did she know that NeNe and Shiki werent planning on going shopping.

"Hi!!! Hope you guys liked this chapter. I might update later tonight too, deepens on how tired I am and if I stay up long enough, but knowing me, I most likely will stay up, lolX). Any ways, dont forget to comment, vote and follow!! Love y'all!!!*
