Author's Note

Hi guys! How are you? I hope you're all great on this fine day! I'm writing this author's note to inform you about Chapter 12 - Breakfast. I wasn't too happy with how it turned out. I made a few mistakes and left out a few key information. 

So because of this, I have edited Chapter 12. There was a few parts added to it and so I kindly ask that you take a read over. Most of the chapter is the same but I changed up a few things. I'm very sorry for this and I hope you forgive me please. 

Also, in Chapter 12, you might have noticed that Jen's behavior is a bit weird, different and very wayward.. that's kinda also my fault because I wanted there to be a difference in how she is and how she behaves in front of Theo as this is her body's reaction to being around and interacting with her mate for the first few times. Her personality will shine through in the next chapter however and I guess things would carry on from there. 

From now on I'm going to be extra concious on how I portray characters because I don't want to get you guys confused as to the personalities of characters. Right now I feel that Jen's personality is a bit confusing and as a result, I'll have to really bring out her personality in the next chapter. 

Sighh Oh well, such is life. 

Anywhosies, that's all from me for today, thank you for reading and as always... 



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Enjoy :*

Word count: 273 words

Written on: 14/08/2016

Published on: 14/08/2016
