Chapter 20

The next few days Stefan remains true to his words. He have really been monitoring me. We eat together every day except for lunch. He has been telling me to come for lunch at his company but I refuse.

Since the last time when the reporters saw us together, I really don't want another one. Ana have been calling Stefan almost every day and she even turned up at his office. I guess she still doesn't understand that he doesn't want anything to do with her.

"Hey", I hear Stefan voice from beside me. Liam and I are currently in the backyard garden. We have been here almost every day. It's so quiet and peaceful.


"I was wondering if you're up for a walk", Stefan says boyishly.

"Sure", I smile.

It's already eight in the evening. That means there will be no reporters at night. But who knows?

"Do you think it's a good idea?", I ask.

"Of course. Why?", he tilts his head slightly.

"What if the reporters saw us again and they write irrelevant things again?"

Stefan suddenly smiles. There's a strange twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't care."

"But I do", my reply is instant. "Wait here let me change my clothes. I'll wear my big hoodie!"

I can't risk taking the chance of having my ugly face everywhere on the net.

"Wait", Stefan calls out when I start walking away. "Here wear this one."

"But it's yours", I point out while he removes his own hoodie and gives it to me.

His abs flex as he moves and my eyes remain stuck on it.

Jesus Christ!

"Are you planning to go out half naked?", I ask in almost a whisper.

"Can't have all the girls drooling on me", he says cockily.

I roll my eyes. Gone is the admiration but he's still hot though.

He throws his hoodie on my head. Liam starts laughing when he sees it.

Stefan chuckles and takes him from me. I sniff the hoodie and it smells just like him.

So good!

"Don't worry it doesn't smell", he explains while smiling. "I just wore it."

I know right. I'm just being creepy but he doesn't needs to know that.

Stefan gives me Liam back after I put on his hoodie and returns in his room to put on another one.

"Daddy is stupid baby", I say to Liam and giggles and hides his face in the crook of my neck.

Two minutes later, Stefan returns and we walks outside. He takes Liam from me and I put the big hoodie on my head to block haters.

I can't really risk any pictures of me on the internet. It's scary.

Stefan chuckles when he looks at me.

"You look like a hobo", he teases.

"Oh my goodness", I drawl. "I don't care. I'm just blocking haters."

"Besides it's your hoodie."

I stop in front of him and standing on my tiptoe, I try to make him wear his hoodie too.

"See you're a hobo too", I laugh.

Stefan laughs and puts Liam's little hood on his head too.

"Now it's complete", he smiles and I find myself smiling like an idiot.

My heart is doing things in my chest right now.

"Let's play twenty questions", I blurt.

Stefan looks at me amusingly and nods.

"Ok my turn first", I say. "What's your age?"

He turns to look at me in disbelief.

"Don't start again", he murmurs ans I burst out laughing.

"Old man!", I utter and laugh again.

"My turn now because you lost your question for futile answer", he sulks. "Favorite color?"


"Favorite movie?"

"I don't really have one", he shrugs.

"Really?!", I say in disbelief. "Don't you ever watch movies or something?"

"I do but I don't have any favorite."

"That's tragic!", I gasp.

"You're so dramatic", he chuckles.

"I guess I got it from my mom", I say instantly and look towards the sky.

Stefan slings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer suddenly. He gives me a warm smile when I look up at him.

My stomach suddenly dips, making my heart flutters.

Oh my God!

Am I falling for him?

"Do you want ice cream?", he asks.

"Yes", I smile brightly and nod.

Stefan buys a vanilla ice cream for me and he buys a strawberry for himself. We walk around while eating and reaching a nearby park, we sit on a bench.

"No Liam you can't have this", Stefan says when Liam tries to take his ice-cream.

"He can have a tiny little bit", I say and give him some of mine.

"Are you sure?", he gives me a curious look.

"I have seen people giving it to their babies but just a tiny taste", I say and smile when Liam tries to snatch the ice cream again.

Stefan looks at Liam again and chuckles. He takes his spoon of ice-cream and put it in his mouth.

"Don't put that much Stefan!", I chide and tap him on his arm lightly.

"He will get a brain freeze in his tiny brain. Look he's already cringing."

Liam pouts at his father and throws his chubby arms toward me.

I take him in my arms happily and this time he tries to snatch mine. Stefan laughs.

"Here", I put a little bit in my small mouth and he eats it happily.

"My turn now", Stefan says. "Do you ever want a baby?"

"Of course", I blurt happily and look at Liam. "I want one just like Liam."

Stefan smiles warmly at me and when I think about what I just said, I blush and look away.

"What's your favorite food?", I ask.


"What's yours?"

"The list is endless", I laugh. "But my two main favorites foods are spaghetti and pizza."

"How many girlfriends did you had?", I demand suddenly feeling curiously.

"I have lost count", Stefan shrugs and gives me an amuse look.

"What?", I gasp. "You know before getting married someday, you should get yourself check. Like what if you're a living walking disease!"

Stefan throws his head back and starts laughing and I try to give him a serious look.

"Liam would not have been here if I was a living walking disease Jess", he says and suddenly he bends his lips towards my ear.

"I'm clean so you don't have to worry."

My eyes widen slightly when I realize the double meaning behind his words.

This moron!

"Shup up!"

Stefan laughs again and I find myself smiling back.

"So do you want to get married?", he asks once he sobers up.

My heart misses a beat at the way he has asked this question.


"I mean do you want to get married someday?"

"I guess", I murmur. "And what about you?"

"Maybe if I find the right one who will loves Liam like her own", he answers and keeps looking at me with a weird smile.

All at once, I feel a strange jab in my chest and I avert my eyes from his face. I frown while looking at my toes but it fades away once I see Liam's smiling adorable face. I don't like the idea of someone else with him.

I don't like the ideas of someone else with them!

Fuck! What is wrong with me?!

"What's with that face?", Stefan asks.

"Nothing", I mutter. "It's good. You should find someone who will look after Liam."

"Any guy will be lucky to have you", he claims suddenly in a husky voice and his blue eyes suddenly gains a faraway look.

We look at the each other until Liam screams because I'm not looking at him. He smiles when I return my eyes on him.

"That's not fair Liam", Stefan says slowly and narrows his eyes.

Liam bounces happily in my lap and grins at his father. I kiss his cheeks and he giggles more.

We remain quiet for a while before Stefan starts asking another question.

"How many boyfriends did you had?"

Does even like dating Brian counts? We were not in a real relationship so I guess he was just a random guy friend.

Ewww definitely not a friend anymore. He's more like a fiend to me.

"It's must be hard right?", Stefan suddenly says with a grimace. "There must be so many that you lost count."

"Hey!", I tap his arm. "I'm not you. Actually I think I had no boyfriend because last time I got played."

I laugh after saying this.

"It's not funny", he chuckles. "Why are you laughing?!"

"Well thinking about it now, I find it funny."

My entire life itself is a freaking joke.

"That's the main reason why I don't ever want to be in a relationship with anyone", I blurt.

"Why?", Stefan asks, giving me a curious look.

"It kinds of make you feel vulnerable and I don't want to feel that. I mean what if you really fall in love with the person and he decides that you are not good enough for him."

"Well what if it happens the way around", he claims after a few beats. "What if the guy really falls in love?"

"I don't know about that but if you're talking about me, let me tell you one thing, my luck literally sucks", I state.

"Besides I'm just interested for the baby part."

"You mean the baby making process", he smirks.

"Oh my goodness", I say. "Get your head out of the gutter!"

Stefan laughs.

"Don't let the past ruins the chances of having a beautiful life Jess", he says and moving his hand forward, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Besides who said you really have to be in love in a relationship", he draws with his annoying smirk.

"What do you mean?", I demand.

"Two people can obviously stay together without love."

"That's not true! Wait does that means you didn't had feelings for Ana?"

"No. I just thought we were compatible together. I guess we were more attached than in love."

"Didn't it hurt when she left?", I probe slowly.

"No", he adds and sighs. "It didn't. I thought, that's it. It's better to go on our separate ways. Besides she stayed with me only for money and unknowingly I was already giving it to her."


Stefan turns his head towards me and smirks.

"Everytime after sex she would always ask for it and I would give it to her."

I try to control the grimace on my face. No wonder he's a freaking idiot!

I guess Ana was a gold digger since the beginning but this moron had been too blind to notice it.

I hear Stefan chuckling and when I hear some girl's giggling, I look in front. There's three blonde in front of us and apparently they're approaching us.

"Excuse me", the one with the short dress says. "Are you Stefan Black?!"

Guess the hood didn't worked out for him.

"Yes", he answers and throws me a cocky smile.

"Moron!", I whisper and Liam tries to jump on my lap.

"Can we have a picture with you please?", she says and the other two girls nods eagerly.

"Of course", Stefan accepts and gets up.

He removes his hood and stands beside the girl. She squeals while taking the picture.

God! They are behaving as if Stefan is some sort of God! They are even battling their fake lashes on purpose.

I really hope I'm not in the background. But either way Liam's face is hiding mine. He's apparently standing on my lap and jumping happily like always.

I look at him and kiss him. He's my little egg.

"Oh my God!", one of them gushes suddenly. "Is that your son? Can we have a picture with him too?"

What the fuck! Hell no!

I hug Liam close to my body. He's too small for exposing him like this to strangers.

"I don't think it's a good idea", Stefan states calmly. "I don't want my son all over the internet."

I sigh and adjust his little hood on his head. He gives me a smile and drools a little.

"I love you so much baby", I whisper and give him another kiss. He giggles happily and to be honest it's the most melodious thing I have ever heard.

Stefan returns beside me after a while and sighs.

"Guess the hood didn't worked for me", he says.

"I'm glad you didn't let them take a picture of Liam", I mutter.

"Of course I wouldn't let them", he explains and strokes Liam's head.

"My baby's too small for this world. I have to protect him."

I give him a warm smile.

"You know it's the first time I have heard you use the word baby for him", I say.

"You always say 'where's my child? Where are you taking my child!?", I try to mimick in his voice.

Stefan laughs and just to tease him, I decide to add.

"But I get it. You're just acting like your age. Old people do say the word  'child' a lot."

"Really Jess!", he says. "You know I'm handsome. You just don't want to accept it. Girls still drools for me and you even saw it with your own eyes minutes ago."

He smirks arrogantly and leans towards my face.

"Just say it. I'm too good looking."

"Over my dead body!", I retort and he pouts.

Awww. He's so adorable. He's too handsome too but he doesn't need to know that. His ego is already the size of the entire world.

I watch as his blue eyes flick down on my lips. He licks his own and suddenly I feel a blush creeping on my cheeks. He starts leaning down and my heart beats start increasing.

Just when my eyes are about to close on its own accord, Liam shrills catching my attention. I turn my face towards him instantly and Stefan groans lowly when his lips fall on my cheek.

"Come on Liam", he sulks.

I kiss Liam on both his cheeks and he laughs happily and looks at his father.

Oh my goodness! Was he going to really kiss me?!!!

I feel another wave of heat on my face and look away. I look at Stefan but he's still sulking. He catches me looking at him and smirks.

"We should head home now", I say and get up.

Stefan gets up too and that's when I decide that I need a picture of today. I will keep it like a memory.

"Can we take a picture please?", I ask.

"Of course", Stefan gives me a smile.

"Wait. Let me get my phone", I murmur and try to search for it in my nonexistent pockets in my leggings.

Crap! I left it in my room.

"It's okay", Stefan says clearly seeing that none of my clothes have pockets.

"I'll take it from mine."

He removes his phone and clicks a picture of us. Liam is in my arms, leaning his cheek against mine. He's already grinning at the camera.

Stefan is also leaning down and his face is just beside mine.

He shows me the picture and a big smile appears on my face. It's so cute.

"Oh my goodness! It's so beautiful."

My left hand automatically lifts up for a high five. Stefan claps his hand on mine while smiling and just when I'm about to pull mine back, he entwines our hands together.

"Of course it will be beautiful", he smirks. "There's my face in the picture."

I roll my eyes while smiling myself. He still have not let go of my hand and we are already walking.

"Of course not", I say. "It's because of Liam. He made the picture beautiful."

"I'm his father", he argues. "So that means he got his good looks from me."

I smile. That is true. Liam definitely got his looks from him. He's going to steal a lot of hearts once he grows up. My face soften when I look at him. He's already sleeping in my arms. His one hand is clutching the hoodie lightly and his one hand is just over my chest.

"Let me take him", Stefan suddenly says and take the sleeping baby from my arms. He then entwines his hand through mine again and pulls me closer against his side.

And just like that we return back home while arguing about his good looks.

Such a moron! But he's cute and handsome.
