"Ella," Anna, who was the head maid, called her.

"Yes, Madam," Gabriella replied.

"What have you been up to?"

"I don't understand, Madam. Have I done something?"

"Do you know, Madam Maria? She met me this morning and asked me to send you to the main area of the Queen's Palace."

Gabriella was taken aback, "The main area...?"

"Yes, the Queen specifically requested you."

Gabriella suddenly paled, "What have I done wrong, Madam? Please tell me. I will sincerely apologize to the Queen."

Anna looked at Gabriella up and down, realizing why the Queen wanted this girl. Gabriella looked beautiful even as just a maid. No wonder the Queen wanted her to be a Special Maid. Moreover, Gabriella was too outstanding to be just an ordinary maid.

"You haven't done anything wrong. The Queen wants you to be a Special Maid. Accept that honor and go meet Madam Maria quickly," explained Anna, but Gabriella remained silent.

"You don't want to do it? But you can't refuse. I've never heard of anyone turning down the position of Special Maid. Besides, it's only for six lucky girls," Anna said.

"I just think I'm not worthy of the position. There are many talented maids here. I even think that you, Madam, could fill the role," Gabriella explained her apprehension.

"Hmm... that's true. I am beautiful, tall, and smart. I am even the head maid. Don't I meet the qualifications?"

"Of course, Madam."

"But I still can't do it because I have a shortcoming. Do you know what my shortcoming is, Ella?" Gabriella shook her head.

"My shortcoming is that the Queen didn't choose me. She's not interested in me. The title 'Special Maid' is given because the Queen specifically selects a maid for herself. So now you understand? Even though I'm very talented and highly qualified, if the Queen is not interested in me and doesn't choose me, I will never become a Special Maid," Anna explained.


On the same day, Gabriella went to meet Maria.

"Becoming a Special Maid is an honor for the maids in the Queen's Palace. This position is coveted by all the maids. All eyes will be on you. They will envy the freedom you will have," Maria explained.


"Yes, freedom. Although you are essentially bound to the Queen forever, you will be able to leave the palace and interact with the outside world because the Queen only entrusts her affairs to the Special Maid. You can interact with the royal family members, even see the King, princes, and princesses."

"That sounds a bit... extraordinary."

"A bit?" Maria found it strange.

"I don't think it's freedom or luck."

"Why is that?"

"Because I have to exchange my whole life for something limited."

"You sound different from what Anna said. She said you were a very positive person. You were even very happy working in the palace. But from what you're saying now, you sound so... Realistic?"

Gabriella smiled, "Madam, before, I worked with enthusiasm because I thought the wages I earned could help the children of the Notter Church and Orphanage. But in reality, the money I earned was misused. I even had to forget my past and start a new life as a maid in the Queen's Palace."

"So now you no longer think positively about God? Do you hate God?"

"I still think positvely, Madam. In fact, I love God even more. God has shown me how the world works, and I am grateful for it."

"Now you have to serve the Queen forever. Won't God be angry?"

"Madam, this is just a job. My heart and faith will always be with God."

Anna then gave her a choice, "Queen or God, which will you choose?"

"Based on what criteria, Madam?"

"In general."

"I can't answer that yet."

"Why is that?"

"Madam Anna, I have known God even before I was born. God has been with me and protected me. My dream was even to become a Nun and help the Priest. But what about the Queen? I am only now getting to know her, although I knew a little about her before."

"That's true. So you can't answer?"

"Not yet, Madam. Later, after I've worked for a long time as a Special Maid, I will give my answer."

"Alright... I think you can now go see the Queen, and I strongly recommend that you keep your words and your answer about God to yourself forever. You will never say it again, no matter what."

"Why, Madam?" Gabriella asked innocently.

"Ella, do you like competition?"


"What if someone else likes your competition more?"

"I definitely wouldn't like that."

"That's the reason, Ella. The Queen won't like competing with God, because she is the Queen."


Maria led Gabriella to the glass garden to meet the Queen, who was relaxing with her four Special Maids and three Maids of Honor. The Queen was incredibly beautiful and radiant. Gabriella was sure that not only men but also women admired the Queen because she looked truly awe-inspiring.

Maria approached, and Gabriella followed behind. "Your Majesty, I have brought her," Maria said.

The Queen looked Gabriella up and down, then extended her hand. Gabriella immediately took her hand and kissed the back of the Queen's hand. The Queen then pulled her hand away, and Gabriella bent one knee and extended her hands, bowing her body and head.

"The Shining Star of the Nocturnia Kingdom! May happiness and beauty always accompany Queen Belladonna Nocturnia!" Gabriella praised the kingdom and Queen Bella loudly.

"I accept your homage," the Queen said and gestured for Gabriella to stand up.

"You must already know that I have chosen you to be a Special Maid. That also means I already know who you truly are. However, I want you to say it with your own mouth. So, introduce yourself," the Queen commanded.

Gabriella swallowed and took a deep breath. "I am Gabriella, an orphan from the Notter Church and Orphanage. I entered the palace at the age of 10, and now I am 15 years old."

"What are your skills?"

Gabriella thought hard, but she didn't have any particular skills. "I apologize, Your Majesty. But I don't have any specific skills. I just do the tasks assigned to me and complete them to the best of my ability."

"What kind of work do you often do?"

"I often work with clothing."

The Queen appeared interested. "Clothing?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. When I served as a child servant, I worked on laundry. I learned to handle clothing so they wouldn't get damaged. Then, when I received education to become a maid, I practiced repairing damaged clothing."

"Education? Do we have a clothing repair tutor for maids?" The Queen asked Maria.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Based on your order upon entering the palace that all maids in the Queen's palace should not be uneducated and should have skills, the kingdom specifically provides education and skill teachers for the maids," Maria replied.

"Ah... Yes, I remember. I was so upset because I was constantly told to learn, so I told the maids to learn and experience my suffering."

The Queen then asked Gabriella again. "Do you suffer? Isn't learning not enjoyable?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Your Majesty. But I enjoy learning, it's very enjoyable, and I don't feel like I'm suffering."

"Is that so? I hate it. As far back as I can remember, my parents gave me numerous tutors. I had to learn different languages and various skills," the Queen sighed.

"I didn't just learn, but I had to master them. Because I was destined to be the Queen of Nocturnia, and a Queen should not be uneducated or have mere academic intelligence," the Queen continued.
