
Seungwan smiled when the oven let out a sound, signalling that the bread pudding is ready to get into their wild stomaches.

Opening the oven, she took out the big rectangle-shaped and put it on the counter. As she was cutting it, Seulgi came into the kitchen with a cute messy bun.

"Hey." Seulgi greeted, as she walked straight to the cabinet.

"Hey." Seungwan looked at her, wondering what she is searching for. "Do you need anything?"

Seulgi flashed a smile without looking at her. "Plaster."

Seungwan placed a few slices of the bread pudding into each plates, before looking at her. "Are you injured?"

"Not a serious one." Seulgi said, as she keeps the now awkward smile. Ripping the package, she placed the bandage on a spot at her wrist before acting as if nothing happened.

Her heart ached badly, remembering the cause of the fade red cut on her wrist.

She woke up this morning and took a bath, only to discover the newly fresh cut on her wrist, and it strikes her mind that Jimin is really mad at her, considering how strong his grip on her last night.

"You're not trying to cut yourself, right?" Seungwan asked.

"No, I'm not." Seulgi immediately denied. "It's a stupid thing to do, and I've no reason to do so. This is just a small stratch which I also don't know when did I get it."

Seungwan let out a relieve sigh, before continuing her work. "Can you help me to call the others? I've asked Taehyung to do so, but it will be great if there is another person to help him."

"Um, I think--" Seulgi quickly thinks of an excuse. "He must have call everyone already. I passed by him while going here."

She must avoid to meet Jimin. He doesn't want to see her after all.

Seungwan nodded, agreeing with the logic. "Let's sit and wait for the others then."


"I thought you're already dying in the bathroom." Yoongi said as Sooyoung approached the table with a messy soaked hair.

Sooyoung scrunched her nose at his remark, lips pouting slightly. "Woman need a longer shower, you should know that if you want to get married someday."

"As if he is getting married. I think the world is going to end if he sends his invitation card one day." Seokjin snorted.

"That's mean, hyung." Jungkook said, but still flashing a teasing look to Yoongi who seems unbothered with the words.

"Enough teasing. We don't want anyone to get offended here." Seulgi said, reaching the plate beside her when she realized that Sooyoung hasn't started eating yet. "Here."

"Thank you-- oh? What's wrong with your wrist?" Sooyoung asked, as she took the plate.

Seulgi was caught off guard at the repeated question, and she immediately moves her arm. "Nothing much."

She looked around, noticing everyone's concern eyes, but manage to skip Jimin's unreadable ones. "Hey, I know what you guys are thinking, and it is not that okay. I'm matured enough to cut myself, so quit that looks."

Seungwan chuckled. "I know that everyone will have the same mind as me. It's okay guys. I take a peek at her cut, and it is not any hint of suicide, so don't worry much."

Seulgi flashed her a thankful smile when the others believe her, and continue to eat.

She heaved a sigh, and her eyes met Jimin who is staring blankly at her wrist which is holding the spoon. When he looked up to make the eyes contact with her, he didn't flinch, but coldly moved his eyes.

If only she is Yerim, she will surely read his mind to know what he is thinking about.


Sooyoung was giving her wolf some meat when Namjoon came into her view. "Hey, morning."

She grinned to him, replying the same greet. "How's life?"

He smiled. "Great to be back." Sliping his hands in his pocket, he looks around. "Does the air here always fresh like this? It feels good."

Sooyoung chuckled, patting the wolf in process. "You said as if you never feel the air here, Namjoon."

The male scoffed silently, almost invisible in her ears. "Yeah."

She didn't question his short respond, instead opening another topic. "What're you doing here?--outside I mean."

"Waiting for Seulgi. I was ordered to train her today, as a punishment." He said, shrugging.

"Punishment? What did she do? Why don't I know anything?" Sooyoung asked, confused.

"You don't have to know every matters in this world, girl. I don't really sure about it, but I heard that she sneaked outside last night without guide and weapon. Not sure where to, though." He said.

"Really?" Sooyoung exclaimed in surprise. "It must be something important then. Seulgi unnie is not someone who will do anything without thinking."

"Hm." He hummed, eyes staring on the ground blankly. "I agree, so much."


"Unnie, you're not going right? Please tell me that." Yerim said, blocking Seulgi from walking further.

"Yeri, I have any other choice." Seulgi said, calm shadowing fear in her eyes. "You know that."

"I'm worried." The younger said. "Gosh, I can't even breath properly. This feeling is eating me out."

"Look, we don't even know the truth yet, and there is still a possibility that he is innocent." Seulgi said, making her voice seem confident as much as she can. "I'm sure that nothing will happen. Maybe the feeling that you have is something not related with him, so don't worry, um?"

Yerim shut her mouth, trying to comfort her own self without knowing that the person in front of her is also nervous as hell.

"Fine, I hope everything will turn great." She agreed, finally giving Seulgi some spaces to walk.

The older smiled, ruffling Yerim's hair before continuing her way with heavy heart.

Everything is gonna be alright.

