
"OUCH" she says, her entire face filled with snow. She's smiling guiltily from the other side of the yard, hands full of snow. She hits her back with a fistful of lose snow. Unfortunately, the snowball doesn't make it all the way over to her guilty friend. This causes a big fit of uncontrollable laughter, from the both of them. Then they settle down to enjoy the boiling cup of chocolate. They share stories about their childhood Christmases, just seeing the way her eyes light up when she's talking about her memories with her family, makes her heart swell. She can feel her love vibrating from her body. She has such a big heart. Her stories of christmases past are enchanting. She almost feels like she was there, just listening to her telling about it. She can see her love for her family and christmas, shimmering in her eyes. Clearly, christmas is her happy time.

This amazing person, decided to bless her with friendship. And for that she will be forever grateful.
