Chapter 13


I felt like I was drugged. I am in the back of an utillity van. But I am strapped around my waist, arms and legs. The only thing I can move is my head. All my mucles are aching and I can hardly breath. I groan out in pain and the driver looks back at me.

"Oh, so now your awake?" He asks.

"Where am I?" I manage to get out.

"In the middle of no where at the moment, but we will be there pretty soon." He says chuckling.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Some place you wont want to go to."

I lay my head back on the seat and let the tears fall. I litteraly cried myself to sleep. I had a horrible dream that I was consealed in water and I couldn't swim. I drownded then I woke up to the van stopping.

"Were here." The driver says coldly. He gets out and unstraps me. I coudn't move anyway so I just sat there. He carried me inside the big grey building. Once we were inside I coudn't help but see the men in grey and black uniforms with masks on there face and big guns on there sholders. I started to panic.

"Calm down missy. They aren't going to hurt you....yet." He sets me on a table in the middle of a dark room. I had the sudden impulse to run. But I can't because my arms and legs hurt.

"The boss will be in, in a moment to talk with ya's." Then he leaves me in the cold dark room to fend for myself.

'Rylee will save me I know he will. So will Ayden I know he is strong and will be fine' I told my self. I took a deep breath and tried to push the years back. They kept flowing and flowing. I could hear the echo of my sobs.

"What have I done?" I ask sobbing. My hole body is shaking now u controllably. When there is a hiss of air and the door opens.

"Hello Chelsea. Or should I say Olivia." He has a grin on his face that makes me want to slap him.

"My name is Chelsea." I say glaring.

"Oh your the feisty one. This is going to be fun." He looks at me and laughs.

"Rylee can't save you. I know he won't. My compound is to big and powerful for him." The man says.

"He'll do anything to save me." I spat at him.

"What if there is nothing else for him to save?" He asks.

"I'm sorry I don't understand." I looked away.

"What if your dead before he gets here." The man started to walk out of the room. I was breathing heavily.

"What if he kills you first?" I said. The man turns around and looks me in the eye.

"That won't happen. I have at least 150 guards in this compound and they are all out side. No one is in here except you and me and 2 guards out side this door. I can guarantee that he won't make it inside." The man walked away and out the door. I smiled. I had all the information I needed. Now all I needed to do was find a way to tell Rylee.


Two guards came in and untied me from the chair. Thy took me to a bedroom with no handle on the inside and plastic like windows. They set me down and closed the door behind them. I looked around. The room was extremely nice. Even though they were keeping me hostage. I laid on the bed witch had a comforter and the four polls went all the way up to the ceiling. There was a walk in closet and a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool. I was surprised that the man was capable of all this. He seemed poor.

"Might as well take a bath while I can." I said.

I stripped down and put protective blue bags on my arm and foot. As soon as I got in, all the stress and pain escaped my body. And I just wanted to lay there forever. I finally decided to get out. I was in a towel and was walking into the closet to put my shoes in there when I gasped. I thought the closet would be empty. But it was clear full of cloths and shoes and accessories. Now I knew they wanted something from me. I didn't want to put the cloths on. It made me sick. I put on the cloths on that I brought with me and used my crutches to walk over to the other side of the room.

I looked out the window. It was dark now and all the sudden lights and a fan turned on. I didn't notice that there was no light switch either.

But when I did look out the window I saw the Hollywood sign.

Hollywood isn't far from Remington! I thought to myself. I really needed to talk to Rylee.

If only I could.
