Chapter 5

{Hello my lovely GaLe fangirls/fanguys! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please vote and comment to show the love!}

(Shout-outs to((and I give shout-outs to everyone who comments on the chapter's how I roll lol))Icyviolin, GamerGirl10one, Stormy_Skies_74, and DeleaCrawford!!)


"Oi! Shrimp, wake up!" a loud and annoying voice yelled out, causing Levy to suddenly sit up-right in her quilted bed.

A small 'gihi' was heard following her sudden fright. The little bookworm glared up at the culprit.

"It's not smart to wake up a teenager from her sleep," she mentioned to the tall, young man.

He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Well, it also ain't smart to sleep in wet clothes when yer sick."

Little Levy glanced downward, noticing with a blush that she was indeed still in her clothes from the night before. But it also wasn't really her fault. She didn't know where her pack was, or even if she did pack any extra clothes in the first place. Her books always came first after all. And Gajeel didn't even offer her anything to wear.

"You knew it would be bad for me to sleep in wet clothes, so why didn't you get me anything to wear?" Levy asked with a smug look.

Gajeel simply returned her smug look. "Ya didn't ask."

"Well, I shouldn't have to if you knew already that it was a bad idea. You need to observe better." She crossed her arms and smirked somewhat at the dragon hybrid.

He, meanwhile, was at a lost for words. It made Levy's smirk grow even wider, knowing that she had won this little battle. She even giggled when the scaled-covered man began to stutter.

"Well I--no, well you!--Um...Hey! What's so funny Shrimp?!"

She suddenly glared at him. "Don't call me that! I'm not that short!"

"Oh yea? How tall are you?" he asked, his fanged smirk ever present upon his face.

Levy blushed slightly. "I'm....I'm 4'11, but that's not too short."

She knew that she was only lying to make herself feel better. Her height made her life much more difficult. She had to constantly ask for help whenever she needed something from high shelves, and she could never look at someone without peering upwards at them, which always caused neck cramps for her.

"Gihihihihi. That's not short? Ya must be a really tall fairy then!" Gajeel laughed out.

She merely ignored him and huffed. "Anyways, why did you wake me up?"

The dragon man stopped laughing once he heard her question. Levy also noticed that Gajeel was holding something behind his back.

Wonder what he has....

Her thoughts were answered when he revealed a short, orange dress that had cute designs all over it. It had a slight ruffle at the bottom, which made it even cuter. The best part about the dress, in her opinion, was the fact that it was sleeveless. She had always preferred shirts and dresses that were sleeveless for some odd reason. (The dress up top is what it looks like :3)

"Is that for me?" she asked out of impulse, immediately wishing that she could take back what she said.

Gajeel laughed his unique laugh. "It's not for me Shrimp. I don't pull off dresses well."

Levy couldn't help but to laugh at that, imagining the dragon man in the tiny orange dress. "I guess you're right about that."

"Oh, and um...I got these for ya while you were asleep. And yes, I did steal em. I ain't gonna be seen by no human," the hybrid mumbled out, a light blush coating his cheeks.

He threw a bag on the bed next to her dress. Levy, now very curious, peeked inside the bag to see what was in there.

She found three new pair of flats, all various shades of red. She also found many different dresses. The only pants, shorts, or shirts that she could find were all sleeping clothes. And, much to her embarrassment, she also found many different bras and panties. What made it even more creepy was that everything was her correct size.

" do you know my sizes?" she asked, a deep blush coating her cheeks.

He also blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, now very nervous. "I erm......guessed?"

She rolled her eyes at him, but she also decided not to reply to that. It seemed that he was already incredibly embarrassed about the entire situation.

I really don't want to know how he found out at this rate anyways...

If she'd found out that he took measurements or something like that while she was asleep, being around him would become even more awkward and uncomfortable.

"Well, um...thanks for the clothes. Now, if you don't mind..." The blunette picked up the dress and motioned for Gajeel to leave the room so that she could get dressed.

Still blushing, Gajeel mumbled a quick 'sorry' before leaving her room, closing the door behind him.

Sighing, Levy quickly stripped out of her now hardened clothes. The rain probably ruined them anyways. She quickly slipped on her undergarments, blushing as they reminded her that Gajeel had gotten them for her.

More like stolen, but I'll let this slide for now...

Next, she slipped the simple orange dress over her head, adjusting it correctly. It was then that she realized she couldn't reach the zipper in the back. Groaning in annoyance, she went ahead and put on a pair of crimson red flats, instantly falling in love with the color. She also quickly readjusted her orange headband.

I guess I could get Gajeel to zip the dress up for me.

Just the idea of Gajeel zipping up her dress caused a deep blush to reappear upon Levy's face. But she knew that she couldn't do it herself. She had no choice after all.

Sighing once more, the little bookworm exited her room, looking around. She instantly found Gajeel just a little ways away from her. He was cooking what looked like breakfast, and the smell was so heavenly. It caused her stomach to growl, much to her utter embarrassment.

Shyly, she slowly walked towards the hybrid. "G'Gajeel?"

The dragon hybrid glanced up from the eggs that he was cooking, his eyes widening immediately as he looked her up and down. It caused Levy to blush again.

"You look nice, Shrimp."

She slightly glared at him. "Don't call me that! A'and....I um....I need your help with something."

Smirking slightly, Gajeel glanced back down at the eggs to move them around in the pan so that they wouldn't burn. "Sure Shortie. What is it?"

"Don't call me that either! And I need help with the zipper. I..I can't reach it."

Turning the stove off once the eggs were done, Gajeel walked over towards Levy and turned her around. A slight squeak popped out of the short woman when he did this, and her blush became brighter.

"Darnit...can't zip it with my claws in the way," he mumbled.

A strange crackling sound was heard behind Levy, the sound of her dress being zipped up following that.

Levy then instantly turned around. "Thanks, Gaje--"

Her words died out as she glanced up at him. His skin was no longer made up of silver scales, as it was now human skin that was pretty tanned. His midnight black hair was still long and spiky, but it wasn't as jagged as before. He still had his many piercings, fangs, and red eyes. And yet, she noticed that his pupils were thicker. That weren't exactly round like a humans, but they weren't completely slitted like his humanoid dragon form either. His pupils were in the middle between the two styles.

"Oi! Why are ya starin' at me like that?!" Gajeel suddenly asked, his usual scowl now back on his face.

He did ask a good question. Why was she staring at him so intensely?

Because I'm fascinated with his eyes..

That one thought was, unfortunately, very true. She was obsessed with his eye color for some reason. Perhaps it was the fact that red was one of her favorite colors?

Most likely the reason...

"Oi Shrimp! I'm takin' to ya!" Gajeel yelled right at her face.

The sudden ringing in her ears due to his loud voice brought her out of her thoughts.

She glared up at the now human man. "Don't yell at me like that!"

He just shook his head and huffed. Turning around, he stomped back towards the stove and moved the pan of eggs over to the cabinet. Grabbing two plates, he piled each one up with eggs and set a piece of toasted bread on each one as well. Carefully, he carried the two plates over to the small table that was located in a small area between the kitchen and living room.

Levy, her stomach rumbling again, followed Gajeel over towards the table. She unknowingly licked her lips at the meal before her. A laugh broke her from her almost food fantasy.

"Gihihihihi! You must be hungry, huh Shrimp. Well go on and eat! No ones stopping' ya." Gajeel pointed towards her food with a fork in his hand.

Blushing, Levy sat down and began to eat her food. She smiled brightly at the amazing taste. Who knew that the dense dragon hybrid was such a great cook!

"Like yer food Shrimp?"

She glanced up at Gajeel, who was also eating, nodding. "Yes, actually! You're a really good cook!"

He chuckled. "Thanks Shortie."

Ignoring the multiple uses of her new and annoying nicknames, Levy noticed something that was mixed in with the eggs on Gajeel's plate. It was bits of something shiny and silver colored, like metal.


"Hey, Gajeel? What's that mixed in your eggs?" she asked softly, hoping that she didn't upset him for asking.

Wait..why on earth would I care if I hurt his feelings?!

He smirked slightly. "Iron. Ya know, the metal iron?"

She gave him a blank look. "I know what iron is. But why are you eating it? How are you eating it??"

"You ask a lot of questions, Shrimp."

"Well, you don't have to answer me if you don't want to."

Levy went back to eating, quickly finishing up her meal. Standing up, she picked her plate and carried it back to the kitchen, setting it down in the sink.

A tall figure brushed up against her back, setting his own plate in the sink. "I can do the dishes later. Still wanna know why I eat iron?"

Blushing madly at their close proximity, the short woman nodded. "S'sure."

Grabbing Levy's hand, Gajeel pulled her away from the sink and toward the living room. He pushed her down on the couch, himself sitting next to her.

"Well, I guess I can tell ya while I wait for Lily to get back." Gajeel shrugged his shoulders and smiled somewhat towards Levy.

"Basically, there use to be a lot of dragons around, different kinds too. There were fire dragons, water dragons, earth dragons, sky dragons, all kinds really," he started off.

Levy was quiet and listening curiously. She always loved hearing stories, even the use-to-be ridiculous one that the elder woman would tell back at the village. "What kind are you?"

He smirks at her. "Iron dragon."

She nodded, and yet she was still curious. "But that doesn't explain why you eat iron."

"Dragons have special powers that go along with what kind they are. To keep their powers strong, they eat whatever element matches with them. So that's why I eat iron, but I can eat human food too since I'm half human," Gajeel explained to the curious bookworm.

"You dragons ate fire for instance?" Levy asked.

The tall man nodded. "Yep. Fire dragons ate fire, water dragons ate...I guess....water, but I guess you get it."

She nodded towards him, letting him know that she understood.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the stone door.

"Gajeel! Levy! Someone let me in!" Pantherlily called out from the other side of the door.

The hybrid stood up and walked over to the door, sliding it open for his friend. The panther walked in and instantly sat on the couch next to Levy, snuggling up to her and purring.

Levy smiled and giggled, not hearing the low grow coming from Gajeel.

"What's up with the human form?" Lily asked Gajeel, now noticing the form that his idiot of a friend was currently in.

He simply shrugged. "I did something for Shrimp, but my claws got in the way, so I had to change into this form."

Lily tensed a little, glancing between Levy and Gajeel. "Okay....Anyways, the coast is clear. There's not a human in sight."

Levy was blushing madly at this point, not hearing what was going on.

"Hey Shrimp!!"

Gasping from being suddenly thrown out of her thoughts, Levy glared at Gajeel. "What?! And for the last time, don't call me Shrimp!"

He smiled at her, her protests already having no impact on him. "Wanna go on an adventure?"
