The Concert

???: Psst....

Mammot: Huh?

???: Take this! gives letter

Mammot: Well ok!

???: Goodbye! Vanishes

Pango: What does it say?

Mammot: It says-


Come on down to shugabush island and listen to the band play some of the shugabands top hits!

Food, Drinks, Dance Floor we have it all!


(p.s this is definitely not a way to try and kill off a big group of monsters so the shugaband can get a better grip on the victory of the monster free for all)

Noggin: And they want us to trust them?

Furcorn: It looks fun!

Mammot: Yeah exactly!

Noggin: It's clearly just a trap, they want us to be killed!

Mammot: I don't get you.

Noggin: How don't you- look why would they host a "shuga-fest" in this time? We're in the middle of a war zone! They're going to lure us in with all these lies of "fun stuff!" And then kill all of us!

Thumpie: Guys I think noggins right-

Mammot: Pbffft, pbfffffft, pbfffffft! Come on noggin we just want to have some fun!

Reedling: It's very clearly a way of getting us to have some peace during this time! Everything will be fine!

Furcorn: Can we please go?

Noggin: NO! Come on guys how are you not understanding this? It's. A. Trap!

Mammot: Well fine then! We will go and you can just stay here being boring!

Noggin: You know what? Fine, I'll go, but this is only because I don't want us losing each other.

Mammot: Yay! Let's go!

Ziggarub: I have a bad feeling about this...


Tweedle: I'm actually starting to think that coming here is a bad idea, eh whatever.


Shugabush: Get ready everyone! Try to act natural and when they least expect it, jump them!

Shugavox: I believe that I'm the boss around here!

Shugabush: No way! I'm the first shuga member, I'm on plant island and gold island! Unlike you! I'm clearly the leader!

Shugavox: I believe I'm the one with the vocalist skills here!

Shugabush: So do I! And I'm just as good!

Shugabass: Guys! They're coming stop fighting!

Both: Right!

Mammot: See noggin? Look at how cool this place is! They've even got their own DJ!

Deedge: I don't know how I got here.

Bowgart: Neither do I but are we cool?

Deedge: I mean yeah, we're cold monsters!

Bowgart: You know what I meant!

Deedge: Yeah, we cool.

Noggin: I don't know Mammot I still don't trust this place.

Shugitar: Relax my dudes! Why not try some of our snacks!

Furcorn: I'm hungry mmmm!

Noggin: NO

Furcorn: Why?

Noggin: It's probably poisonous

Shugitar: If it was poisonous why would I be eating it? sweats see? bites perfectly pretends to choke and spits out food whoops looks like I chewed too fast! Well have fun!

Shugitar runs off

Shugitar: That Rock monster is onto us!

Shugabush: Well I guess one of them has common sense... well let's just see how the other idiots do. They seem to trust us. We will kill all of them when they least expect it!

Shugitar: Yeah you've told me this before.


Tweedle: Finally I've arrived here! Although I am thinking that this was a bad-

Shugabass: Welcome! Please have a snack! Please?

Tweedle: Ummm ok....

Tweedle goes over to get something to eat

Noggin: Don't!

Tweedle: Why?- wait guys?

Mammot: Hey tweedle! I see that you've gotten the invite here too. Isn't it great!

Tweedle: I've only just got here-

Mammot: Let's have some fun!

Furcorn: Yay!

Pango: Noggin I'm starting to think that you're right-

Ziggarub: Me too!

Noggin: Only now? Well at least you two now know not to trust these loons. Let's just try and keep the other 3 safe. Thumpie, just stick with me ok?

Thumpie: Ok....

Mammot: I'm going over to get a drink!

Pango: I'll come with you.

Mammot: Huh, this liquid looks oddly familiar to the water back at cave island. I've never actually drank that before... why would anyone?

Pango: They're doing that to poison you!

Shugajo: Poison? No, it's just, slime.

Mammot: Oh in that case I'll have a drink to- this isn't squishy enough to be slime. hmmmmmm

Shugajo: I'll be right back.

Shugajo: Hey shugabush

Shugabush: I know I know, the rock one is onto us.

Shugajo: No now it's the white one and the Penguin as well!

Shugabush: Well..... you know what let's just attack them now... SHUGABAND ATTACK!

Furcorn: Huh? What's happening?

Ziggarub: Behind me now!

Furcorn: ok.....

Tweedle: I knew this was a bad id-

Noggin: Shh, get behind here!

Noggin and thumpie are hiding behind a rock

Tweedle: Heh I didn't see you there noggin, it's like you're camo-

Noggin: Ssshhh.

Tweedle: ok, ok...

Shugavox: Shoobie dooooo. Nana na nana

Noggin: I hear one!

Thumpie: Im scared!

Noggin: Don't be, just stay quiet.

Shugajo: Why hello there crab!

Ziggarub: Back away you banjo bozo!

Shugajo: Shut it crab! whacks banjo on ziggarub's head

Bango snaps in half

Ziggarub: Ow!

Furcorn: Ziggarub!-


Shugajo: Did I here something behind you?

Ziggarub: No you didn't!

Shugajo: I believe I did! Get out of my way!

Shugajo pushes Ziggarub away, leaving Furcorn vulnerable.

Bowgart: FURCORN! launches cello stick thing at shugajo

Shugajo: Stay quiet little one, I'm going to en-

Shugajo looks down at his chest to reveal that the cello stick thing had went through it. He collapses and dies.

Furcorn: Oh my god how many times have I been saved!

Bowgart: Furcorn are you ok?

Furcorn: Thank you! But I have to check something. Ziggarub!

Ziggarub: I'm fine! I just got knocked over-

Shugitar: pours cave island water on Ziggarubs body

Ziggarub: melts and dies


Bowgart: What the hell?!

Shugitar: I had to do what I had to do, now if you'll excuse me I'll be out of here. Runs off

Shugitar: We got one!

Shugabush: I've also noticed that we've lost one..... work harder!

Shugitar: Right.....

Furcorn: Z-Ziggarub, I owned almost everything I had to him..... Bowgart if I'm ever in danger again just don't bother doing anything.... potbelly, Ziggarub, I don't want anything bad to happen to you!

Bowgart: Furcorn we're friends! I'll always help you! Now let's go see your other friends and help them out a little.

Deedge: Wait a minute.... is that? WHY I- actually never mind. Yo Bowgart?

Bowgart: Yeah?

Deedge: Tell that sucker Furcorn that I'm sorry for trying to kill him. He's seen to much.

Bowgart: You hear that, Furcorn?

Furcorn: Yeah.... hold on a second...

Furcorn: Hey noggin I'm sorry you were right we shouldn't of come here it's just-

Noggin: It's fine just be quiet!

Shugavox: Stupid shugabush thinking he can be the leader of me! I will show him what is what!

Noggin: Watch. Hey singing man....thing.

Shugavox: WHAT?

Noggin: Aren't you going to kill me?

Shugavox: .....yeah! I'll show shugabush who is superior! Thanks for the idea, rock thing. But you're dead now! starts hitting noggin

Noggin: Yeah I'm a rock so you aren't really doing anything to me

Shugavox: sweats whew! You have me a real workout then!

Noggin: rams into shugavox

Shugavox: dies

Noggin: Coast is clear lets get moving.

Tweedle: .....

Thumpie: Alright....

Furcorn: Ummm hold on....

Furcorn: Hi Bowgart I'm back.

Bowgart: Hey Furcorn

Shugabass: We've lost shugavox!

Shugabush: YES! Oh I mean ummm boohoo... waaah yeah whatever just keep on killing them.

Shugabuzz: Are you ready for pain?

Pango: What can you possibly do to us? Whack us with your instrument? Because really that's the only thing you can do, and even then that won't- shoves food down throat alright that should kill you! Totally caught you off guard then didn't I?

Shugabuzz: choking you son of a dies

Mammot: Haha that was funny.

Shugabush: Thus can't be happening! Bring in the reinforcements!

Shugitar: What reinforcements exactly?

Shugabush: ... I don't know...

Shugarock: I've just realised that me and shugabeats haven't done anything at all so we're going to attack them now.

Shugabush: Good!

Thumpie: Guys I'm scared

Noggin: As long as you're with us you'll be fine!

Shugarock: Hey shugabeats look at this stupid brown ball haha.

Noggin: Hey watch it!

Shugabeats: What are you going to do about it rock? Play your little drum song?

Noggin: You also play the drums.

Shugabeats: So I do-

Shugarock: Hey watch this bashes guitar on thumpie repeatedly

Noggin: STOP!!!!!!

Thumpie: nooo.... dies


Tweedle: Watch this, hey Shugarock why not try whacking me with that guitar?

Shugarock: Are you tempting me? Fine then face my guitars wrath! Whacks

Tweedle: flies above it

The guitar lands on the ground and smashes into pieces

Tweedle: Incoming! Starts scratching Shugarock's face

Shugarock: covering face with hands OW!

Tweedle: Noggin kill him!

Noggin: o....ok bashes into Shugarock

Shugarock: dies

Shugabeats: screams and runs off

Shugitar: Well it looks like they got one of them.

Shugabush: Can you just go and attack them?

Shugitar: I accidentally drank one of those drinks so I'm going to become very ill in a few-

Shugabush: GO!

Shugitar: Fine!

Furcorn: Hey

Shugitar: What is it punk?

Furcorn: (punk? Ha!) this is for killing my friend! scissor kicks shugitar

Shugitar: usually....this....wouldn't of hurt..... as much...... but...... I accidentally..... had that drink...... and so- dies

Furcorn: I-I did it!

Bowgart: Look out!

Shugabass: Come here!

Furcorn: Woah! Dodges

Bowgart: launches cello stick and impales shugabass be more careful next time Furcorn!

Shugabass: dies

Shugabeats: Th-they all, they all died!

Shugabush: Don't just stand there do something!

Shugabeats: Ok I'll try....

Reedling: Hey I haven't spoke for a while so I'm just going to- Whoah there steady!

Shugabeats: Come here dog, cat? Whatever you are!

Reedling: Actually I'm a- you know what never mind, take this drum man! scratch

Shugabeats: Haha was that supposed to- dies

Shugabush: Wha- oh yeah I accidentally poisoned his drink and not shugavox's, whoopsies!

Mammot: You're surrounded!

Shugabush: Actually as long as I'm on top of here no one can get me!

Tweedle: I can fly!

Shugabush: DJ get her!

Deedge: ok

Bowgart: Deedge what are you- oh!

Deedge: grabs shugabush and throws him off the stage he's all yours!

Everyone beats up shugabush and he dies the end (of this part) also tweedle joined Mammot and that's team so now she kind of balances things after thumpie and Ziggarub's deaths (kind of)

In this part

Deaths - 10

So far

Deaths - 64
