Chapter 5

We two sit in the box that bought us to the location. Our breaths our heavy and rapid. Challenge one was finished. Over. Done. Or so I thought. That same manufactured sounding voice booms over the speakers once more; "James, you have passed." A pause of tense silence, "Iris, you have failed, you shall retake the challenge in a few moments. Alone. Please exit the box immediately. Congratulations James you may come down in the box". I am shocked, I do not understand how I failed? And from the looks of it neither can James. I step out of the box and prepare myself. I hear the box begin to close up and just before it does James says: "I AM SO SORRY IRIS". The box then descended and disappeared. I am left alone with the beast.

I pick up the dagger in which I used to initially killed the beast with. I tie the rope around my waist and stand. This time, I'm prepared, prepared for whatever else the Mistress wants to throw at me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. To fail. To retake. This makes me angry, I decide to use this anger to motivate me. The voice spoke:

"Iris, in order to pass, you must defeat the Vapori within three minutes, if you do not, you fail, and your out."

A familiar growl sounds behind me. The Vapori has eyes that glow and I know that my time is slim. The feet of it come into the light. The rope is a little bloody nevertheless I throw it, it hooks around one of its teeth. I yank it, the creature yells, the tooth in which was hooked is hanging out by a thread, I take this chance to stab one of its clawed feet. It slashes at me and I roll to the left hitting my head on one of the pieces of broken wooden drawers. I refuse to be beaten, so get up and continue fighting. The rope still dangling, sways from side to side, I grab it and haul myself upon its back and stab it through the head begging for it fall. Jumping off the Vapori dying slowly, the second Vapori. But is it enough?

The box has appeared once more. I stumble helplessly into it and curl up. I notice my hand is split. Must have been from the broken drawer's debris. "Iris, you have passed". A wave of relief washes over me. I have never wanted the box to move down so much. EVER.

As I reach the initiate level, the one with the two benches. Salem is waiting your hands crossed, he wears a unreadable expression. As I approach he starts to say: "Iris, Iris, is special, Iris is different. Iris will get herself KILLED!"

"SALEM! Iris, the Mistress has her eye on you, be careful youngling" says Theo.
