|45| Long Enough.

Although Virag was determined to find Anishka, he knew it was not going to be easy to search for her. She definitely wouldn't have left any clues for him to get back to her. He had hurt her enough this time to make her to do something as extreme as this.

However, what he was more worried about is her safety. Her safety was his utmost concern.

While Ritika left to the Maharana Pratap Inter-State Bus Terminus to enquire about her, he went and searched in the New Delhi railway station. The truth is -- it's too big with thousands of people waiting at the platforms and finding her, is next to impossible even if she was there. From there, they went to the Indira Gandhi International Airport. They went to the airport at last as there was not much possibility of her taking a flight. And, as they had thought, they didn't find her there either.

Now they were getting worried. Her car was at home. So it means that either she walked or she took some public transport.

There was a third possibility that she might have gone to one of her friends home. But, that seemed to be wrong for them because Anishka didn't have many friends. Virag already knew the ones she had.

It was close to ten when the two of them returned home, feeling extremely exhausted.

"I will make something for us" Ritika said while closing the main door.

"Don't mind" he said, leaving to his room. He didn't feel like eating when his wife is out somewhere, in god knows what state.

Though Virag missed her, he was more worried about her safety.

Where the hell did she go?

And why the hell does she have a habit of running away from me?

Once he found her, he will make sure to lecture her for abandoning him alone. And yes, he sure as hell is going to find her.

He sincerely hoped what Ritika said was true. Once he got hold of Anishka, he is going to confess everything; no more pulling back.

He opened her wardrobe and was surprised to find it almost full.

It must be really important to her if she left her whole wardrobe. He chuckled at that thought.

He found the camera she bought for herself for her birthday and switched it on, in curiosity.

Did she ever use that?

He gasped in surprise when he found pictures of himself, in different positions; mostly sleeping. He looked cute in a few while a few made him look like monster reincarnation. He found a few more pics of him getting into his car while going for match practice and a few on his bike. He never saw her with a Camera and had no idea when she took these.

There was only one photo of herself taken like a selfie. She was wearing cute pink night dress that she wore when he went to her room making him realize that it was in fact taken that day; she had a radiant smile on her face.

He can look at that photo all day. She's very beautiful; more than that, she looked happy.

He remembered how he scolded her for buying a Camera when she had no one to take pictures of; the truth is, she had him. She always had him.

Why did it never cross his dumb mind that he was hers!! He was hers ever since he tied the knot.

And as long as he is going to be there for her, she needed none.

It took him this long to realize that.

That she always loved him. Always.

Those fights haven't been for nothing. It's her way to fight for an idiot like him; for his love.

Everything makes sense now. That stupid smile on her face on the day he was happy, the sadness in her eyes when she saw him with Ritika at their door step, the hurt look whenever he misunderstood her and that teasing to make him smile when he was dull.

Tears spilled out of his eyes as he realized that she literally lived for him, all these months. And he did nothing for her.

He made her to go through so much. But she beared it all.

He never treated her as his wife, yet she fulfilled all her duties of being a wife without complaining. She even left her job just to be with him.

And what did he give her in return? Hurt and disappointment.

However, none of these bothered him anymore. He was sure that he is going to fight for her and bring her back. He will give her all the love and care that she deserves. He promised himself not to hurt her ever again. Not in this lifetime atleast.

He placed the Camera back in its position and ran to living.

"She loves me" he announced to Ritika, with happy tears flowing down his face "She really loves me"

She smiled between tears of her own "Took you long"

Ritika was happy that Virag finally realised that it was high time for him to accept his love for Anishka.

"I know. But, finally figured it out" he replied, choking back tears.
It was a mixture of the tears of both sadness and happiness.

"So. Have something to fight for?" Ritika asked Virag even though she knew what his answer would be.

He nodded "Yes. Love"

"Good. Come here now and have some fruits. You need energy to bring her back"

This time Virag didn't say a word and did as told.

I updated after ages. Sorry for the delay. I have my exams going on.
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