Kidnapped (Part Two)

As he listened to Sabrina Reid, one of the agents sent to watch him, continue on her long explanation, he didn't know what it was for, he'd missed that part, Tony couldn't help but think that this Sabrina and Joyce would get a long pretty well, probably Probie and Sabrina too.

Derek Morgan, the other agent watching him, would probably get along best with Ziva, or maybe Gibbs. Kate might've gotten along with the Prentiss woman he'd met earlier before she was called off by Hotchner.

Kate had come by earlier, but had been called away by Gibbs after a few hours to chase a lead that didn't pan out. She hadn't returned.

Tony stood. "Get you another refill?" He asked of Sabrina, pointing to the coffee mug the agent had been drinking from.

"Oh." Sabrina smiled, offering up the mug. "Thank you."

Tony went back to the kitchen and refilled both mugs, drained his, then sighed.

"Alright, I know Reid can be tiring, but she hasn't bored anyone to death yet." Derek said, sounding like he was behind him. "So, who'd you loose?" He asked.

"Joyce is my girlfriend." Tony replied. "And I just wish I could've been there to protect her."

"Yeah. I felt the same way." Derek sympathized. "Reid was kidnapped by an Unsub, unknown subject, about a year back. She almost didn't make it." Tony got the feeling, from the way Derek spoke about the other agent, that he and Sabrina where closer to lovers than friends.

"That'd be Kate." Tony laughed. "She had a sniper set sights on her, and it nearly got her in the head, but she turned last minute and the bullet just clipped her shoulder. You met her earlier."

Derek smiled. "Alright. That's good. You listen, alright? Joyce hasn't been found as a dead body. And until she is, you still have hope that she's still alive, and fighting to get back." He set a hand on Tony's shoulder, took the coffee mug the brunette had made for Reid, and went back to the living room.

Tony sighed, allowing three tears to drop down his face, then he wiped them away, and sat up straight.

"Agent Morgan! Doctor Reid!" He called, rushing to the living room.

Both agents looked up startled and alert. "Yes?"

"I just remembered something. And I think it's going to help our case."

Hour Eight

Her entire body hurt. She hardly had the energy to blink or breath, let alone move or try to get away.

Footsteps pounded above her, but she didn't cry out or beg to be released. She was just too tired.

Her internal clock told that it had been a little over eight hours since captivity and since she'd last eaten anything other than cafeteria food.

She wished Tony was here. She'd feel much better if Tony was here.

Then she reprimanded herself. Tony would never have gotten into such a situation, and she wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Jeez, she needed food. She was talking to herself.

Suddenly, there was a rattle and gentle footsteps gradually got closer. "Here." There was a tray of food placed in front of her. "I didn't know what you would want, or if you had some sort of allergy or anything, so I'm sorry."

Joyce pulled herself into a sitting position and groaned softly in pain. "I-I'm diabetic." She managed to get out.

"Alright. I'm assuming you know what to do with this insulin shot then?" The person asked.

Joyce nodded.

Tony, please come soon.


"So, Joyce is diabetic?" Asked Agent Hotchner, holding the phone's speaker down from his mouth.

Tony nodded. "Yes."

"Garcia." Hotchner spoke into the phone as he put it on speaker.

"Fingers at the ready, my liege." Replied the voice at the other end.

"Look for any insulin purchases made recently by people who match our Unsub." Hotchner asked.

"Uh, no recent insulin purchases made by our baddie, but a Rachel Harford made an insanely large purchase of sugar free foods and insulin." The peppy blond girl replied. "And before you ask, I've just sent the address to your PDA."

Hotchner narrowed his eyes. "Thanks Garcia."

Tony looked up. Hotchner nodded at him. "Get your gear."

Hour Twelve

"What's your name?" Asked the person.

The other person had been here for four hours now, and hadn't left.

"I'm Joyce." She replied.


"Where are we?" She asked, leaning against the wall.

"In a cabin outside Norfolk. I know you work for NCIS. I was forced to watch you."

She opened her eyes, but was too tired to move. "How long have I been here?" Her internal clock had screwed up. All she knew was it was late.

"A little over twelve hours. It's one PM."

"Are you a prisoner too?"

"Free to come and go as I please, but I can't get away from here."

"Are there people looking?"

"Yes. Your boyfriend, Tony, has been tearing up my home. He won't find you there."

"Could you get a message to him?" She asked, looking at the other with pleading honey brown eyes.

"I can try, but I make no promises."

"Tell him I'm sorry. That I'm alright. And he can find me if he knows where to look."

"I'll tell him." Footsteps from above and the other person gasped. "I have to go now. I'll be back soon." Then Rachel was gone.

Thank you. She whispered to herself. Then she began to sing softly to herself again. You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my Sunshine away.


"Missus Harford? FBI." Hotch stood on the porch of a home in Norfolk, Morgan, Reid, and Rossi behind him. Tony and Gibbs stood back, letting FBI take the lead.

A young blonde lady opened the door. "Yes?"

"Missus Harford, we're from the FBI." Hotch explained.

"I'll only talk to him." Rachel replied, nodding to Tony. "I know who you are and I know why you're here. But I'll only talk to Tony DiNozzo." She glared at the FBI. "Alone."

Ten minutes later, Tony sat in the living room of Rachel's home. "What do you want?"

"We'd like to talk to you about the massive amounts of insulin and sugar free foods you've made recently."

"Is it wrong to make such purchases?" Rachel asked, fingering a slip of paper.

"We're just a little concerned. We have a serial killer loose and he's taken a diabetic woman." Tony replied. "We'd like to take you in for questioning."

Rachel smiled. "Yes, of course. I will come with you to the station for questioning. Just let me get get my coat." She slid the paper into his hand as she stood and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Read it." Then she was gone.

Tony carefully opened the note and read it. She's sorry. She's fine. You can find her if you know where to look.

Rachel came back out and smiled. "Off we go."

Hour Sixteen

Fear paralyzed her. She was back in the dark. She was trapped. The walls closed in.

Panic had a hold on her. She was never getting out. Help, please. Someone help me!

She couldn't breath. Help me!

What was happening? She didn't know.


"If you know where to look?" Ducky asked, the autopsy reports for the dead sailor in hand.

"We need to look at the husband." Rossi exclaimed.

Reid pulled her phone. "Garcia, what do we know about Adam Harford?" She asked.

"Well, Girl Wonder, he's really creepy. In and out of foster care since he was young because of abusive parents. His mother would lock him under the sink and leave him there for hours. Then he was raped when he was seventeen by a man who wasn't convicted for the rape, but was shot to death in a drive-by shooting."

"There's the stressor." Morgan murmured.

"And, oh. He's got a cabin about thirty miles from Norfolk."

Tony shot from his seat and was pulling his gun before he even knew what was happening.

The rest followed on light feet and quick movements.

Hour Seventeen

She could hear them. They where close. She closed her eyes, trying to stave off her panic.

She was ready.


"NCIS!" Shouted McGee as the car they found tried to leave the driveway. Tony didn't bother, just shot out all four tires.

The car jerked, a door flew open and out spilled Adam Harford, looking debauched and upset.

Reid and Morgan leveled their guns with his face and Rossi knelt down. "We have a warrant for your arrest. Please come quietly." He said.

Tony didn't listen, waiting for Hotchner to give him word to break open the door. At his nod, Tony kicked in the door and worked his way to clearing the cabin. "Clear!"

Hour Seventeen, Minute 53

She could hear him. She banged on the hatch with her feet. Her panic was over taking her. She had to get out.


Tony hear the banging coming from below. Heard the screaming, the begging to be let out. Hang on, Joy.

Prentiss was right behind him and JJ just at his left. They nodded to him and he opened the door. JJ looked inside the room. "Clear." She said.

Tony slowly crept inside. The stairs where steep. He took them slow as he dared.

The noise was louder down here. Prentiss left for the other side of the room, sweeping her flashlight over the walls, looking for hidden doors.

Tony swept his light over the right side of the room.

"Prentiss, DiNozzo! I found her!" JJ called. Tony was first over.

A latched, metal lock was keeping  a wooden door with steel reinforcements locked. Tony pulled his knife from his belt. "Either of you able to pick a lock in under twenty six seconds?" He asked.

Neither spoke up, so he set to work.

In thirty one seconds he had the latch open (he would've had it open sooner, but the knife slipped three times).

Joyce Palmer sat inside, shivering and covered in water. Tony pulled her out gently and sat her against the wall to undo her restraints.

"Tony." She murmured.

"I'm here, Sunshine." Tony replied.

The second her restraints where gone, Joyce flung her arms around his neck and Tony had his arms full of trembling, terrified, ME assistant.

His hands found their way to her waist and the back of her neck as she cried silently into his t-shirt.

He hushed her softly, being gentle as he could.

As the rest of the BAU team made their way down the stairs, Tony looked up and smiled.

"Thank you." He whispered.

They nodded their replies.


Tony had been right, Tim and Joyce both got along well with Sabrina Reid. Rossi and Ducky had hit it off too, both recalling stories of autopsy and old cases that enthralled both of them together.

JJ and Kate got along well, exchanging numbers and promises of getting together again. As did Prentiss and Ziva, talking about weapons and their own undercover operations.

Hotch and Gibbs where almost identical, it was scary. Hotch talked about his son and how much he was growing, Gibbs smiled, listened, and laughed.

Abby and Garcia had also made friends and where exchanging addresses for letters and PMs.

That night, though, Joyce went home with Tony exhausted and happy to finally sleep.

After making sure she was perfectly capable, Tony made up the bed while Joyce finished her nightly routine.

He met her in bed. She curled up beneath his chin, tucking her hands to her chest as Tony stroked her back.

"Okay?" Tony asked, watching her reactions.

"Mm-hm." Joyce replied, finally drifting off.

Tony smiled. Joyce was home, safe and sound.

There would be fights and difficulties along the way, but neither giving up.

The kidnapping was over and for now, that was enough.
