I woke up alone the next morning. I wasn't shocked though; he always does this. This wasn't the first time Sammy convinced me to stay the night with him. It's happened many times before, and every single time, he never stays. He wakes up before me and leaves me there by myself. Maybe it's because he's guilty? Embarrassed? Ashamed?

I sighed and got out of bed. I figured i'd go look for Sam and see how he was feeling this morning. I walked out of his room and to the kitchen. I found both of the Jacks eating at the table and Sammy cooking.

"Morning," Johnson said when he saw me walk in. Gilinsky gave me a head nod since his mouth was full and Sam just looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Good morning."

"Sam's making pancakes if you're hungry," Johnson said.

I sat at the table beside him and looked over at his plate. "Blueberry?" I whined.

"I'm making you regular ones right now because I know you hate blueberry," Sam smiled.

"Aw, thanks," I said. "So, when did you two get home?" I asked the Jack's.

Jack, Jack, and Sam all live together. Sam was the first to live in this house since he's older, but as soon as the Jack's turned 18 they moved in here. They keep trying to get me to move in here, but my Mom won't allow it. I guess I can't really blame her. She doesn't want her little girl, and only child, living alone with three teenage boys.

"A couple hours after you guys left," Gilinsky answered. I nodded in response and watched as Sam set down a plate of hot pancakes in front of me. I grabbed the syrup and drowned my pancakes with it.

"Damn, Chelsey, would you like some pancakes with your syrup?" Gilinsky teased.

"Leave her alone, that's how she likes them," Sam defended.

"Yeah," I said, shooting him a smile. He winked at me in response and went back to the stove to continue cooking.

By the time Sam had finished making food for himself, Jack and Jack had already finished and left the room. It was just Sam and I at the table.

"You stayed," he spoke.

"You asked me to," I responded.

"Right." It remained awkwardly quiet before he spoke again. "Sorry about last night."

"You remember?"

"Parts of it."

"Like what?"

"I remember getting there, getting sick, being in the car, and then asking you to lay with me." He glanced at me quickly.

"Oh," was all I said.

"Anyways, last night i got invited to another party. They said I could invite someone, so do you want to go with me?" He asks.

"I don't know," I answered.

"Come on. I won't get drunk this time, promise," He smiled, and I sighed.

"When is it?"


"Fine. I swear, Sam, if you get drunk i'm leaving you there."

"I won't, don't worry."

"Ok," I sighed again.

"So, what should we do for the rest of the day?" He questioned.

"I don't know," I said, thinking of things we could do.

"We could take a walk or something," he suggested.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Should we invite Johnson and Gilinsky?"

"Sure. You want to change into something more casual? You're still in your party clothes," Sam laughed, pointing at my outfit. I looked down and laughed a little myself.

"I guess I probably should get out of this. I'll change while you talk to the Jacks." I stood up from the table and went back into Sammy's room. I walked into his closet and dug around until I found some of my clothes.

I'm at Sam's so often that he has a bunch of spare clothes for me in his closet. He's actually got a bunch of my stuff here at his house. Same thing with him at my house. His stuff is scattered all over my room.

I put on some jeans and a shirt and put on some more comfortable shoes, and then I was ready. Sammy and the Jacks were waiting for my in the living room when I walked out.

"Took you long enough," Gilinsky scoffed playfully.

"Oh, shut up. You know you take the longest out of all of us to get ready," I laughed.

"It's true, bro." Johnson said, lightly smacking his arm.


"Can we go now?" Sam asked, getting impatient.

"Yes, lets go."

We walked around the neighborhood for a bit, but eventually we ventured out to the city. I convinced the guys to walk with me to Starbucks, and that's where we are now.

"You and your Starbucks," Gilinsky shook his head, smiling at me as I sipped my drink.

"Whatever, Sam drinks it more than I do!" I protested, pointing across the table to Sam.

"It's true," he laughed.

"Can we go now? We've been here an hour," Johnson whined.

I sighed. "Yes, fine, quit complaining." I stood up to go throw my empty Starbucks cup away, but as I was walking I bumped into someone's shoulder.

"Oh, i'm sorry," I apologized, looking up at the boy. My breath hitched as I stared. Wow, he's beautiful.

"No, it's my bad, sorry," he said. I blushed slightly and went to move away, but he stopped me. "Wait."

"Yeah?" I asked, turning back to him.

"What's your name?" He smiled.


"I'm Luke." He extended his hand out to me and I took it, shaking it lightly.

"Nice to meet you."

"So I couldn't help but notice that you're really cute," he said.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I momentarily looked away. "Oh, um, thank you."

"We should talk sometime. If you want we can trade numbers," he offered.

"Yeah, su-"

"No," Sam cut me off. He snaked his arm around my waist, and stood protectively beside me.

"What?" Luke and I both asked in unison.

"She's with me, she doesn't need your number."

"That's not true!" I interjected.

"Whatever, point taken." Luke walked off, leaving me alone with Sam.

"What the hell, Sammy?!" I removed his arm from around my waist and shoved him backwards a bit.

"Trust me, I did you a favor," he said.

"How is scaring off a hot guy that actually showed interest in me doing me a favor?"

"He's a dick; a player. I know him, and believe me when I say you don't want anything to do with him. He'll only hurt you."

Coming from one of the biggest players I know.

"You're so overprotective, it's annoying," was all I said before walking off towards the Jacks. "Let's go," I muttered to them.

I didn't talk to Sam the whole way back to their house. When we arrived I grabbed my keys, told Sam i'd be back later to meet up with him for the party, and then went home.

I never get to talk to guys, let alone get their numbers because Sammy always cuts in and scares them away. Why, i'll never know. He's my best friend, yes, but things like his really make me want to punch him in that beautiful face of his.

spread the word about this story & share it around if you like it. & please vote & comment so other people can find it. i really want this story to be successful (:

this chapter is kinda just a filler. i wanted to show a bit of chelsey & sam's friendship, & sam's protective side. luke is also important. he might come up later...
