Chapter 17 Shula's diary

I am struggling to process what has happened. Lila has betrayed me to the aunties. She says I am jealous of her relationship, that I am immature and stupid. How can she treat me like this?

When she came to the pool a few days ago, I noticed the bruises on her arms and a few on her upper thighs. I thought her boyfriend did it to her. I started to tell her that my boyfriend had turned on me, the virus had caused him to become full of rage and attack me. Lila was angry because if her boyfriend has viral symptoms, she will lose him, but I didn't want her to get hurt. I didn't want her to end up in hospital like I did. Lila says she loves him and will do whatever he wants, even if it hurts her. 

She says only ugly girls like me end up as workers and baby carriers. 

She wants a better life than me.
