Chapter Twenty-One

Heatherfeather was slowly gaining consciousness, her mind in a jumble of confusion. With a start, she remembered her fight with Ripplestripe, and that she had been saved at the last moment by—

"Salmonflop!" she jerked awake and looked around wildly, confused at her location. She was laying in her nest in the medicine cat den, Harebrain staring down at her concernedly.

"Salmonflop? That RiverClan warrior who used to go out with Ripplestripe?"

"WHAT?!" Heatherfeather screeched. "HE WENT OUT WITH RIPPLESTRIPE?"

"Uh... Yeah?"

Heatherfeather collapsed into a sobbing mass. She had thought that, because he saved her again, maybe he actually loved her this time. "But... Why would he take my side against Ripplestripe, then?"

"Are you feeling alright, Heatherfeather?"

"Of course not!" she screeched. "I just almost got murdered, but was saved at the last minute by my murderer's ex-boyfriend!"

Harebrain looked really concerned now as he bent over her. "If you're saying that you think Salmonflop saved you... I'm afraid your wrong."

"And what, may I ask, makes you think that?" Heatherfeather hissed.

"Salmonflop died last moon."


"All cats old enough to gather before me, get over here!" the ShadowClan leader yelled. The cats wandered over slowly, not caring that the words to call them together were completely wrong.

"Today, Redpaw will be made a warrior blah blah, mentor says he's ready blah blah, Redpaw, get over here!" The apprentice made his way forwards, looking scared.

"Do you blah blah even at the cost of your life?"

"I... I don't!" Redpaw declared determinedly. For a moment, the entire clearing was dead silent.

"What?" the Clan asked in unison.

"I love Kaletail, I always have, and I always will! And if never becoming a warrior is the price I have to pay to be with her, then so be it! Kaletail, I love you!" All eyes turned to Kaletail, who was frozen with shock. Her mouth hung open and her eyes darted around the clearing.

"I-I-" panicking, she darted out of the camp, and Redpaw darted after her, leaving the ShadowClan cats still frozen in shock.


"He died?" Heatherfeather asked, disbelief filling every fiber of her being.

"JK, TROLOLOLOL, " Harebrain shouted. "Your reaction was great!"

"Ugh, I hate you so much!" Heatherfeather screamed as she stomped out of the den. She had to go find Salmonflop so she could figure out exactly what that flopping flop of a flop felt for her.

She streaked across the moor towards RiverClan territory, not caring that she was also racing towards her would-be murderer. She crossed the border without hesitation but slowed when she approached the camp. Before she could enter it, she was bowled over and pinned down from behind.

She couldn't see her attacker, her face pressed into the ground as she struggled to escape.

"Relax, ma' darlin'," a familiar voice said, and she stopped struggling.

"Sal-Salmonflop?" she stuttered out.

"That'd be me," he answered, stepping off of her. "What can I do for ya this fine evening?"

"It's Sunhigh."

"Yer rather missin' the point, darlin'. What can I do for ya?"

"Look, you saved me once and now you've saved me twice. I want to know why."

He sighed. "It all started out when I was an apprentice. I was seein' a cat by the border, an' I happened to glance in the gen'ral direction of WindClan, an' I saw this great beauty of a cat, an' I saw her rabbit get caught in a tree." Heatherfeather blushed in memory of the incident.

"From that moment on, I knew that I'd do whatever I could to win the affections of such a perty lil' she-cat." Heatherfeather blushed, a warm feeling growing inside of her.

"But... If you wanted to win my heart, why did you say such a hurtful thing?" she asked uncertainly.

He lowered his head in shame. "Come again tomorrow an' I'll tell ya. I'm not ready to tell ya yet."

Written by le Amazing Annco. Sorry it's kind of short :-/
