Chapter 4

(Newt's POV)

It was almost amusing at how many of the boys were eager to talk to Chloe after dinner. She only got through the crowd by threatening to send everyone to the Med-Jacks for a month. The crowd magically parted and she casually walked through them. I led her to where the Greenie was hanging around with Chuck.

'Greenie's name's Thomas, just letting you know that.' I told her.

She nodded and continued to bounce along behind me. I sighed and shook my head.

'Are we there yet?' she asked.

I sighed and replied. 'Almost.'

We soon reached the other two and Chloe had barely settled down. I guided her over to the other two and got her to sit down.

'Chloe, this is Thomas. Thomas, this is Chloe, she was the Greenie before you.' I noticed that he kept staring at her eyes.

'Yes I'm blind, you don't need to stare.' She said suddenly. Chuck and I sniggered quietly as Thomas's jaw dropped. I waved my hand at him.

'Long story short, she was an assassin. Normally very placid, just don't try and stop her from fighting a Griever or take her knives away, and she'll be fine.'

'Umm, question,' Thomas said. I shrugged.

'Go ahead.'

'One, who tried to stop her from battling a Griever (whatever that may be), and two, who took her knives away?'

Chloe laughed along with Chuck while I facepalmed.

'One was Newt; I elbowed him in the stomach to make him put me down. Two was Clint; lucky for him Newt arrived in the nick of time.' She sniggered.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed her legs and threw her over my shoulder.

'Hey!' she protested, trying to get free.

'Time to go. You can talk to the Greenie later.' I said.

'Newt, put me down! Now! You are in grave danger of being turned into a pin-cushion!!' she screeched at me. I heard Thomas and Chuck talking quietly as I continued walking towards the Homestead.

'Is she always like that?' Thomas asked. Chuck laughed.

'Not always, but people prefer to have her like this, as she's either this or she's a killing-machine. Don't worry though, since she's been in the Glade it's only happened about twice.'


I was brought back to where I was when Chloe started thumping my back.

'Put. Me. Down.' I laughed and continued walking. Before yelping as pain suddenly flared through me.

'Ow! What was that for?!' I yelped. She'd just kneed me in the gut!

'Put. Me. Down. Now.' I sighed and put her down. She punched me on the shoulder before taking off towards the Deadheads.

'What happened to 'no running for three weeks'?' I yelled as I ran after her.

'No idea what you're talking about.' She sang, increasing her pace. I swore and sped up.

(Thomas's POV)

I watched as Newt headed back to the Homestead with Chloe yelling at him. She was nice, compared to some of the boys. They were about half-way to the Homestead when she was finally put down. She punched Newt on the shoulder and bolted towards the Deadheads.

'She's fast. Especially as she's blind.' I commented, pointing her out to Chuck. He looked to where I was pointing and shrugged.

'That's why she's a Runner. So far only Newt can outrun her in a sprint like that. Minho somethings can, but barely.'

I watched as Newt caught up to her, throwing her over his shoulder again. She kicked, punched, did everything she could to get him to let go, but nothing worked.

'She's also the 'Weapon Master' in the Glade.' Chuck continued. 'A Griever came into the Glade almost right after she got here, and she took it down with two knives. A few days ago she got stung. She only woke up today, and has strict orders not to run for three weeks. She usually doesn't listen though. As you saw.' He said, gesturing to her as she continued to punch and kick Newt. I nodded before joining Chuck in finding a place to sleep for the night.

(Chloe's POV)

I heard the Greenie alarm before Minho and I even exited the Maze. As we neared the Glade, I winced at the volume as I stepped out of the Maze and into the Glade.

'Umm, I don't think that should be sounding now. We only got a Newbie yesterday.' Minho said, already dragging me towards the Box.

I frowned and jogged ahead of him, weaving my way through the growing crowd. I continued to walk forwards. That is, until someone grabbed me; stopping me from going any further.

'Any closer and you'll fall down the Box hole.' Alby grumbled.

I shrugged and stood next to him as everyone waited for the Box to arrive. I heard the slightest creaking and grinding, but it was steadily growing louder.

'Anyone hear that or is it just me?' I asked no one in particular.

'Just you.' Newt replied from my other side. I swore in Latin as I jumped and nearly fell down the Box hole. Again.

'When did you get here?!' I asked, turning to face him once I'd moved a few steps away from the Box hole.

'Just now.'

I rolled my eyes and tried to punch him, failing epically. I heard snickers from the other boys. I turned and sent daggers flying into the crowd (not literally, Alby wouldn't allow me), silencing most of them. Soon everyone heard the sounds of the Box arriving.

'Awfully quiet Greenie.' Someone commented. I could almost feel the tension in the air as two of the Builders opened the doors to the Box. I heard someone jump into the Box before swearing loudly.

'It's another girl!' someone yelled up to us. This caused a lot of them to begin muttering amongst themselves. I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

'WILL YOU ALL ZIP IT?!?!?!?!?' I screamed at them. Silence fell immediately.

'That's better.' I sighed as I continued. 'You can bring the Newbie up now.'

(Newt's POV)

I watched as they heaved the girl's lifeless (or so it seemed) body out of the Box. Chloe knelt next to her and gently touched her neck for a pulse.

'She's alive, but her pulse is slow and quite faint.' She explained. Just as the strange girl sat bolt upright, her blue eyes opening.

'Everything is about to change.' She said (quite creepily might I add).

She passed out straight after, her fist shooting into the air, a bit of paper clenched in it. Chloe gently prised open her fist and handed the paper to Alby, who was standing behind her. Alby opened the note and his expression turned grave.

'It says 'She's the last one. Ever.'.'

Dead silence fell upon the Glade.

'I know this is a shock, but are we really going to stand here forever? I know I don't. Plus you might want to take the girl to the Med-jacks.' Chloe calmly stated.

Like at the Gathering, her words seemed to relax everyone and most laughed, already feeling better. Clint and Jeff hurriedly made their way through the crowd, stopping at the coma-static girl's side.

'Chloe's right; she's alive, but is in a coma.' Clint said, standing up and carrying the girl to the Homestead.

'That was interesting.' I commented to no one in particular.

Chloe stood up, ignoring the stones and gravel stuck to the knees of her pants. Alby sent everyone to the Homestead to grab something to eat before we went to bed. I led Chloe to the kitchen where Frypan was serving some of his 'famous' stew. Even though many of the Gladers were hungry, they still managed to eat and talk at the same time. We decided to skip our usual bonfire and simply head straight to bed. Chloe finished eating almost immediately and slipped upstairs to the room Alby'd said was her room. Somehow or other, she'd even managed to install a lock-of-sorts onto her door (Minho found out it was impossible to get through the door unless you smashed it). Everyone else soon drifted off to bed.

(Chloe's POV)

I woke earlier than normal, feeling sure something strange would happen today. Not giving much thought to the feeling, I got up and got ready to begin running. I slipped out of my room and down the stairs as silent as a shadow. I entered Frypan's kitchen and began making my lunch. Once I'd finished, I grabbed some breakfast and took it outside to eat. As I ate, I wondered what was going to happen today. I pricked up my ears as I heard a couple of doors open and what heard like two people walk towards me.

'Someone's up early.' Minho commented.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I heard the other person plonk themselves down beside me.

'He's just mad 'cause the 'coma girl' won't wake up and fall for him.' Newt sighed as he began shovelling down his breakfast. I burst out laughing as Minho punched Newt (who swore loudly and punched him back).

'Are we gonna go soon?' I asked, standing up and dropping my apple core onto Newt's head. He swore and tried to throw me to the ground, but missed. I darted away as I heard the Doors opening and laughed as he and Minho ran after me.

'Hurry up slowcoaches!' I called back.

'Darn that girl.' Minho muttered behind me.

I bit my lip as I heard them coming closer, trying not to laugh at what I was going to do next. I grinned as I stopped very suddenly, causing them to nearly crash into me. I took off as they stumbled, heading towards (where I thought at least) the nearest Door. I'd almost entered the Maze when Newt grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

'Is this how you're always gonna carry me?' I complained. ''cause there are nicer ways to carry a girl.' I sighed, thumping his back.

'Well I only carry you like this because if I carry you any other way you'll escape.'

'I hate it when you're right.' I grumbled.

'I know you do.' He laughed.

(Newt's POV)

As soon as the Doors had opened wide enough, the three of us started running. Before Minho took his usual left-hand turn, a large Griever appeared in front of us.

'Whoa! What the - !' Minho yelped (as he'd almost run into it).

'Move!' Chloe yelled, drawing her sword and axe.

I dragged Minho over to one side as Chloe began battling the gross thing. Clicking noises behind us startled both of us. I swore as I saw about three Grievers approaching us from behind.

'Chloe! Back-up has arrived!' I yelled as I dodged a Griever's saw.

A sickly thunk told me that Chloe had finished off her Griever and come to help us. The three of us were now fighting back-to-back. To make things even worse, another two arrived; totalling five Grievers. The ground was slowly growing slick with blood. As I glanced at the others, I noticed that Minho and I were bleeding from wounds on our arms and shins, but Chloe was bleeding heavily from a gash in her side and a very deep slash just above her right boot.

'Newt! Minho! Get out of here now!' Chloe yelled at the two of us, seeming to ignore her wounds.

'No way! are you outta you're mind?!?!' Minho yelled.

'GO!' she screamed at us, clearing a path for us. I hated to do it, but I knew she was right. I yelled at Minho to move, shoving him forwards.

A very loud screech caused both of us to look back. This weird, mechanical, spider-like thing* was on one of the walls above Chloe and descending fast. That was the last straw. I turned around to go back, but Minho grabbed my arm and continued dragging me along. The last thing I managed to do was scream Chloe's name.

(Chloe's POV)

I heard a different sort of clicking noise from above, and immediately moved out of the way, even though I was a goner anyway. I screamed as something split my back from shoulder to hip. I'd never make it back to the Glade.

Trust me. something whispered in my head.

'I don't seem to have any choice,' I replied, driving my sword into a Griever. 'Oh wait, I do.' I snarled, whipping around and trying to hack at it.

Trust me. I can help you defeat them and get out of here. It whispered to me again.

'Fine.' I spat.

Look through my eyes.

'See what I see,' I replied, backing up against it.

Do as I do. We both said.

*All the Grievers look like giant mechanical slugs, but this looks like they do in the movie; giant spiders

I felt something gently grab me from behind; something cold like metal. I opened my eyes, and saw what it saw, but with my own eyes; three oncoming Grievers, but they looked much smaller than what I remembered. As I turned my head around, I saw this giant, mechanical spider-like thing (that had six legs) gently holding me in its secondary legs. Together, we jumped over the Grievers and impaled two. The third was thrown down the corridor; landing with a horrible, squelchy splat.

'Who are you?' I asked.

Your protector. The voice replied.

'If you really are my protector, get me back to the Glade and don't you dare hurt anyone there.' I ordered.

As you wish Mistress.

'Wait,' I said. It stopped. 'Do you have a name?'


'Okay, I'll call you Voi̱thós*.'

Voi̱thós, I like it.

I could sense its content at being named, as it made this noise that reminded me of a cat purring.

'How can you speak in my head?' I asked, purely out of curiosity.

One simply thinks the words in one's head. Voi̱thós replied.

The clicking noise began, and when I looked down, I saw that the creature was moving as fast as I could run, if not faster. In what seemed like minutes, I saw the Door to the Glade.

(Newt's POV)

A clicking noise from the East Door grew closer and closer.

'Griever!' someone yelled.

Everyone suddenly began running; either to the Homestead, or to grab weapons. The spider-like thing Minho and I saw entered the Glade. As I looked closer, I spotted long brown hair and pale skin. No way. . . . . . . I thought as I grabbed the spear someone threw to me. Sure enough, it had Chloe. As it came further into the Glade, it very, very gently set Chloe on her feet and retreated a few feet.

'Don't hurt it. It saved my life.' Chloe said.

*Means 'Helper' in Greek

Wary, I moved towards her, but the thing growled and looked ready to attack. Chloe raised her hand and said something in Latin to it. At once, it retreated, almost back into the Maze. I dashed forwards, but almost fainted when I saw the pool of blood around her. She coughed and sank to her knees.

'Chloe!' I exclaimed, rushing forwards to help her up.

As I neared, I was horrified to see she had been laid open from her left shoulder, to her right hip since we'd left her. I gently grabbed her right arm, while Gally grabbed her left arm. She groaned slightly as she got to her feet, but otherwise stayed silent. The spider-like thing made this curious noise that reminded me of an animal whimpering.

'Voi̱thós, stay. And don't cause trouble.' Chloe commanded.

'Voi̱thós?' I questioned. She shrugged.

'Thought it fitted him.' she explained. By now we'd reached the Homestead, and she had lost so much blood that Gally and I had to practically carry her up the stairs.

'Med-Jacks! Emergency!' I yelled. Jeff burst through the door.

'Wow. I think we might as well give you a permanent spot here Chlo. This is the second time its' been an emergency. You are very accident-prone, aren't you?'

I laughed and Gally smirked.

'It seems everyone's nicknamed me 'Chlo'. Why, might I ask?' she sighed.

'Nicknames are a sign of friendship - ' I began, before getting cut off by Chloe.

'NO! Get that away from me!!' she screamed, across the room in less than half a second. I turned and saw Jeff holding a bottle of something. He sighed.

'Chloe, I have to clean your wounds. They'll get infected otherwise.'

Chloe scowled at him but didn't move.

'Gally, Newt, please?' he asked, gesturing to her.

Gally and I both sighed and stopped her from punching and kicking Jeff as he poured the stuff on her cuts. The instant it touched her skin she began screaming in Latin. After a very, very long thirty minutes, Jeff let Chloe leave.

'She throws very good punches.' Gally muttered, rubbing his jaw.

Jeff snickered as I went looking for Chloe.

(Time skip: two days later)

I was currently freaking out as I ran from Door to Door. Minho and Alby had gone to check out a dead Griever Minho had found, but they hadn't come back, and the Doors were about to close. Every Glader was waiting at one of the Doors, hoping they'd make it. Currently Chloe, Thomas Chuck and I were waiting at the East Door. Chloe suddenly pricked up her ears to listen, and I knew the Doors were going to close. They were half-way closed when we (excluding Chloe of course) saw them. Minho was dragging Alby and I knew they weren't going to make it. Chloe darted forwards to help him, but Chuck and I caught hold of her; holding her back. Just as they were about to close, Thomas slipped through the gap and Chloe wriggled out of our grasp. She slammed her hands against the closed Doors, before yanking out her knives.

'What are you doing?' Chuck asked.

'It better not involve you going into the Maze.' I warned.

Chloe didn't reply, but ran up to the Door and jumped, driving her knives into the crack. Using her arms alone, she pulled out one knife, drove it in a bit higher and repeated it for the other hand. Within minutes, (in which a large crowd had gathered) she'd reached the top of the wall and whistled: loud and piercing.

'Sorry Newt, but I'm going into the Maze and you can't stop me!' she yelled down.

Voi̱thós suddenly appeared next to her and she climbed on top of him. She wasn't seen to say anything, but Voi̱thós jumped into the Maze with Chloe on his back.
