[CLOSED] The Force of Fanfiction - Week Four: Smuggler Week

Smuggler Week: For the final week of The Force of Fanfiction, your challenge is to write a story of no more than 1000 words about a smuggler. Neither the character or story have to be canon.

The Fine Print

Any story submitted for The Force of Fanfiction should be no more than 1000 words in length. Longer stories will not be considered eligible for judging.

Stories submitted for The Force of Fanfiction must be put forth by the deadlines here. Any stories submitted beyond these deadlines will not be considered eligible for judging.

Submissions for this contest are via the comments section below. Simply paste the direct link to your story.

Mature content is permitted, however your story must adhere to Wattpad's terms and conditions.

We absolutely encourage you to share news and updates relating to this contest with your Wattpad friends and followers, and via your personal social media accounts. As far as we're concerned, it's very much a case of the more the merrier.

Feel free to ask any questions, and a member of the profile team will answer as soon as possible.
