
So i wanted to dig down deeper into the background and story of James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. This also includes Lily and all of the marauders friends even though they are not marauders they still had an impact on them. DISCLAIMER :I will NOT be putting any new characters or any characters Jk Rowling has not made I want this to be authentic as possible and true to their story which includes their deaths I will be leaving their deaths almost exactly the same except i will be inputting their thoughts and emotions in the story.Any hate will be deleted and blocked I want this to be a safe space for everyone and will not tolerate such incandescent behavior if you do not like how i write the story you will be more than welcome to stop reading
TRIGGER WARNING :this will go into detail on abuse, neglect, suicidal thoughts, depression, and trauma If I missed any PLEASE tell me i want all of my readers to feel comfortable while reading this.

I hope you enjoy this story
