chapter five.

The whole day, mum in law has showed me what a daughter in law is supposed to do and what not to. Since it is my first day, she says to me that there are many things she will not show me or let me do right now. Well, that is at least what she said some minutes ago. Mum in law has stayed with me all along teaching me all the usual chores. She says women are supposed to stick together, toil together and keep up with the family reputation. At these words, she looks at me and gives me a severe glance that waited for me to nod in approval to what she was saying. I nod. She does not hesitate to highlight that it is our primary responsibility as women to do everything to maintain this reputation; adding to it that NO MATTER WHAT, we should cover and solely cover the flaws of this family. She says even walls have ears in this locale: Every single incident that takes place in the house should stay only between husband and wife- Neither my parents should know about it nor my in laws- not even her. In her words: Conjugal issues should be solved in the room and not brought out to the world. At those words, my heart shuddered for a while. But I nod with my eyes leveled to the ground.

The clock strikes twelve. I notice the maid hurriedly stumbling and stumbling to open the door. As it creaks open, the father in law steps in and says: "what took you so long to open the door? Can't you mind the time? Do i pay you to sleep? You are two minutes late!" Watchful, I spotted how the poor thing hid her shaky hands behind her back. He furrowed his eyebrows as though someone has just pricked some of his facial hairs without his ultimate permission. He turns back and says: "Do i have to remind you that Sheraad is coming after me? Hold the door for him!"

The poor maid stammers to answer back a 'yes sahaab' while following the orders. In this little time, I have been able to understand that sahaab meant sir in hindi. Inappropriate for the time, I inappropriately realize that my vocabulary has been indecently amalgamated like a mixture of vodka and whisky in just one empty glass. But never mind that.

The mom taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to meet her gaze, waiting for an order: "Follow me and do exactly what I do," she commanded. She goes in front and i follow her like a pet following its master bowing and bowing. She takes the bag from her husband's hands and eyes me as an indication to do the same to Sheraad as he steps in. I do it too. She takes off the coat from her husband and glares at me again. I do it too. The men walk in front and the mum in law gives me the look that said "Repeat my actions". I do it too. He walks in front and I walk behind. At the dining table, mum draws the chair of my father in law. I draw Sheraad's. She goes to the kitchen. I go too. She takes a plate and put some piping hot rice on it followed by some chicken curry called: hmm.. something with M- how does she say it? Hmm.. Mas..Masala, chicken masala- mum calls it. She said to me that this is Sheraad's favorite dish and that I should soon learn how to cook it on my own. Mum explains to me that there is a custom performed the next day after marriage where the daughter in law cooks for the whole family. But since they knew, I am now learning and trying to adjust as per their ways and lifestyles, mum said to me that she has cooked for the day and this is primarily why I should learn how to cook this menu.

She moves forward to serve her husband. I walk ahead to do the same thing to mine. The men keep themselves busy discussing about some business project, definitely incomprehensible to me. Physically present and mentally absent, I try to focus on serving him food, adjusting the napkin and filling in the glass with a generous amount of water. Inattentive and uncalculating, I take a plate and starts filling it. I do not perceive their disgusted gaze secured on me with my eyes fixed on the plate.

"Rose! What are you doing?" shouts the father in law. I startle and look at them.
"Haven't you been taught that women do not sit next to men and especially not on the same table as the men to have their meals? Haven't you been taught that men eat first and then women have their meals in the same plate that we have had ours?" he shouts again.
I gaze at them, perplexed. I feel that nasty bit of saliva swiftly rushing down my throat in panic. My heart shakes from its place and starts shooting in my bosom. I feel my eyes being forcefully widened and frozen: They do not blink. They do not dare to. They stay motionless as though they have been ordered to do so. Exploding bouts pumped in turbulently in the vessels. I tried to resist. I tried not to cry. I clench of my fists and let out agonizing tears. I ran to my room crying and shouting, overwhelmed with uncontrolled emotions.
