Chapter 30: Death of a Hero

The only thing that could be heard in the elevator car was the horrible music, and the soft sobbing of Hannah. She hadn't moved, their hands were still intertwined, and she still refused to believe that he was gone. Percy was on the other side, staring at the roof in shock. That was when Thalia couldn't take it anymore, leaning over, she closed Jacob's eyes. If you ignored the hole in his chest, it was almost like he was sleeping. Finally untangling their hands and looking at the box in her palm, Hannah worked up the courage to open it. Once she saw what was inside, she gasped. "Is this? Was he?" she stammered.

"He was," Percy said sadly. "He was going to do it any day now."

"It really is beautiful," Thalia said. "He considered himself the luckiest man alive to have even met you."

"Yes," Hannah whispered before slipping the ring on her left ring finger.

The doors finally opened after what had seemed like forever, revealing the lobby of the Empire State Building. Looking out, they could see Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Calypso arguing with the guard at the desk. However, when the elevator chimed they all looked over and sprinted towards their friends, despite the protests of the guard. "Oh thank the gods," Calypso said as they ran up. "You're alright."

"Wait, where's Jacob, what happened?" Hazel questioned, noting that only three people were standing at the door of the elevator and the tears running down their faces. Hannah broke down, sobbing once again as they stepped aside to reveal Jacob's body slumped against the wall of the elevator, a small pool of blood under him. Hazel's hand flew to her mouth and she stumbled backwards, an air of sadness filling the air around them. Every one of them had experienced death before, but that didn't make it any easier.

"We need to get to New Rome," Percy stated. "And fast."

#      #      #

Jacob found himself in a place he had hoped he wouldn't see for a long time, DOA Recording Studios. Pulling a coin out of his pocket that he always kept with him, just in case, Jacob walked up to a man in a fancy Italian suit. "Boat, now," Jacob said as he slammed the drachma on the counter to get Charon's attention.

Charon sighed and took the coin. "I wish you demigods would just leave me alone and do your quests elsewhere."

"I'm dead this time Charon, Mors finally caught me," Jacob said sadly, wishing he could just make a run for the door.

Charon finally took a close look at Jacob. "Hm, I guess you are," he stated. "Come along then." The two then walked into the elevator at the end of the room. The elevator started moving down, but pretty soon it was moving forward as a boat across the River Styx. Jacob sighed as he looked around at the realm of Pluto. This was his new home now, so he may as well get used to it. He hoped for Elysium, of course, but expected to get sent to the Fields of Asphodel. Because of this Jacob was tempted to just go for the EZ Death line, but decided to go for judgement. Hannah would at least want him to try and get in Elysium, and he wanted to see her again.

#      #      #

The gods were still arguing, well the ones against Percy were. It seems that their Greek personas were against him, while their Roman ones were for him. Suddenly, Apollo clutched his chest as if in pain, losing control and shifting to his Roman form as he did so. "Brother, what's wrong?" Artemis asked, concerned.

"No, not another one," Apollo whispered. "Not again."

"Apollo, what is it?" Artemis asked again.

Before Apollo could answer Annabeth stumbled into the throne room, shirt torn to be used as bandages around her chest and face. "Enough!" Annabeth shouted, causing the gods to pause and revert to Greek forms. "While you were busy arguing Percy Jackson escaped!" Artemis looked relieved at the statement, while Zeus looked downright furious.

"Clearly not without a fight," Athena noted. Annabeth nodded her head to confirm the statement, even though her wounds clearly showed that there had been a fight.

"Apollo, heal her so we can move forward on the matter," Zeus ordered.

"No," Apollo said, anger flashing in his eyes. "I won't."

"You dare disobey a direct order from your king?" Zeus roared.

"She killed my son!" Apollo shouted as he leapt up from his throne, looking ready to vaporize Annabeth on the spot.

"Your son was a traitor," Hera pointed out. "It's for the best."

"My son was not a traitor, he was a hero!" Apollo argued. "And until justice is served for his death, and Percy Jackson is cleared, I will not help in any upcoming conflicts!" Apollo then flashed out.

"Nor will I," Artemis said, flashing out as well. The death saddened her. She may not have liked Jacob all that much, but he was the best nephew she had seen in a while. Besides, it pained her greatly to see her brother in pain like that.

"Nor will I," Poseidon also said, flashing out as well.

Apollo had flashed to the shrine of Hades, the only place his Uncle was allowed to be on Olympus when it wasn't the Winter Solstice. "Lord Pluto, may I speak with you?" Apollo said aloud. He waited for a few moments, but nothing happened. "Please, Uncle," Apollo begged, which was something he rarely did. "It's about my son."

After a few moments a well groomed man in a black pinstripe suit flashed into existence across from Apollo. "Why have you called me here, Nephew?" Pluto questioned.

"It's my son, Jacob. He's. . ." Apollo hesitated, but then gulped and carried on. "He's dead."

"I cannot bring him back. If the fates cut his string, then his time is up." Pluto said. "You of all people should know this."

"I know," Apollo said sadly. "I'm just worried he won't get Elysium because he was a spy during the Titan War. Please, can you make sure he gets in? My son was a hero in the end."

Pluto's face softened. Apollo just wanted what was best for his son, and he could respect that. After all, that's all he wanted for his daughter, Hazel. "I'll make sure he gets there," Pluto reassured, resting his hand on Apollo's shoulder before flashing out.

"Thank you, Uncle," Apollo said softly into the air before he also flashed out.

#      #      #

Nico was practicing some moves on a practice dummy when he felt a cold chill run through him. He stumbled as he felt the soul leave the world, the soul of someone close to him. The soul felt like the rays of the sun, shining down on a nice day and warm in the world. This could only mean one thing, Jacob was dead.

#      #      #

Rachel sighed as she sat painting in her cave, it would be happening right about now. Being the oracle was a blessing and a curse. She could help her friends, yes, but she also saw them die many times in her visions. The future was fluid, and she often saw many different paths a prophecy could lead when she gave it. She had hoped this one wouldn't come to pass, but knew that this was the path that had been chosen when Artemis took Percy and Jacob to Olympus. Now, she could only hope that Percy would choose the path that would allow him to move past the pain, move past blaming himself for every death. Otherwise, the prophecy would unfold in a very dark way.

#      #      #

It hadn't taken long for the group to reach Camp Jupiter with Arion and his chariot. Leo and Calypso were coming later on Festus, they had just returned to camp first to grab everyone's things and give the Hunt a note from Thalia informing them to travel to New Rome. They had also found a blanket to cover Jacob with for the journey. Arion whinnied as he came to a stop outside the gates of camp. "That's it," Percy roared. "I've had enough of your mouth, mister. Someone find me some soap!"

Before Percy could follow through with his threat the gates opened, and a group of Romans marched out with Reyna at the head. "Ave!" she called as she walked up to the group. "You should have told us you were coming, we would have prepared a feast!"

"We didn't know ourselves until a few hours ago," Percy replied, trying to flash a grin.

Reyna had finally reached them when she noticed the sad aura around them, and the tear streaks on some of their faces. "What's wrong?" she questioned, eyebrows knit in concern.

"We lost a loyal Roman today," Frank announced. "Jacob Firth, Son of Apollo sacrificed himself so that another may live."

"I see," Reyna replied, not exactly sure what to say. "Then we shall honor him, as we do with all fallen members of the legion."

Hazel went over to his body, pulling back the blanket to reveal his left arm, and watch. "May I?" she asked. Hannah nodded, not trusting her voice just yet. Taking off the watch, Hazel held it in her hand as she twisted the outer ring to bring Jacob's shield to bear. Percy and Frank the gently lifted Jacob's body onto the shield. Then, with Hazel and Thalia, the four of them lifted the shield onto their shoulders and started a march into Camp Jupiter. The Romans that had come out of the gate formed a honor guard of sorts while Reyna led the small procession into Camp Jupiter and down the road into a small building where bodies can be preserved until the funeral.

#      #      #

After what felt like ages, Jacob finally reached the front of the line. There, he gave his name to the security ghoul before being led into a courthouse made of obsidian. There was a set of large double doors with chairs outside, where Jacob had to wait once again until his name was called. Jacob was pretty sure he was secretly in the Fields of Punishment because of all the waiting he had needed to do.

The doors opened, causing all the spirits to look up hopefully. "Jacob Firth?" the ghoul called. Rising, Jacob followed it into a large chamber where the three judges in black robes and golden masks sat behind a large desk so tall that he had to look up at them. "Case number 5271938828ZXB, Jacob Firth, Roman demigod Son of Apollo," the ghoul announced.

Not wasting any time, the judges caused a screen of mist to form between them and Jacob, where both sides could watch Jacob's life. Jacob watched as he met his dad at age nine, being forced to survive in the outside world by the heartless gods, when he met Percy, traveling to camp, the quests he had been on, the last few years, and finally, his death. Unfortunately, this also meant he had to watch the times he would rather forget. Luke convincing him to join Kronos the winter after the 'Master Bolt Incident', feeding information about the locations of suspected demigods, and telling Luke about the plans and formations created by Camp Half-Blood during the Battle of the Labyrinth. That wasn't even the worst part though. No, the worst part was seeing Hannah again and knowing that he failed her by leaving her.

"This is quite the conundrum," the judge on Jacob's left said. "A hero in the end, but also a traitor responsible for death and destruction." Jacob bowed his head at that. He knew it, he knew he wasn't good enough for Elysium.

"Yes, but his heart was in the right place," the judge on Jacob's right argued. "He was just doing what he thought was best for his friends and family."

"That is no excuse," the left judge argued. "The good does not outweigh the bad, and the bad does not outweigh the good. I vote the Fields of Asphodel."

"I disagree," the right judge said. "The boy sacrificed himself to save a friend, and has worked to repent of his wrongs. He was a Hero, I vote Elysium."

The two end judges turned to the one in the middle, it was up to them to break the tie. "What about you, lad?" the middle judge questioned as he leaned forward. "Where do you think you deserve to go?"

"As- Asphodel," Jacob stammered, not willing to look up at the judges. I'm sorry Hannah, Jacob thought. Please forgive me. Jacob knew he wasn't good enough for Elysium, after all he had done. At least, that's what he thought.

"Very well," the middle judge sighed while picking up a gavel. "Asphodel it is then." They were about to seal the sentence with a strike of the gavel, when a spirit drifted into the room from a door behind the judges. The middle judge set down the gavel gently, and with the two others got down from their stools and got into a huddle with the spirit. After a few moments the judges climbed back on their stools. "Decision overruled," the middle judge announced. "Jacob Firth, you are hereby sentenced to spend the afterlife in Elysium." Then, with a strike of the gavel, Jacob's soul was bound to Elysium.

Jacob was in shock as he was led out of a door in the back of the room by a security ghoul. He had hoped for Elysium of course, all demigods did, but he never expected to actually make it in. As he approached the gates to paradise, Jacob pondered what he would do and where he would go. Part of him couldn't wait to see his friends and family, but the other part wanted to find an obscure corner to hide in so he wouldn't have to face them. It wasn't long before Jacob found himself in the entrance, a crossroads laid out before him. Signs pointed in different directions, telling where you could find residents of certain time periods. Jacob debated going to where a bunch of signs pointed to different periods of Ancient Rome, but before he could a group of people walked out of the area that led towards veterans of the Titan and Giant wars. As they got closer Jacob looked down in guilt. He could feel their presence as they stopped in front of them, and Jacob started shuffling his feet awkwardly.

Someone walked in front of him and lifted his chin, Jacob allowed them and was met with bright blue eyes and a kind face. "Welcome home," Lee Fletcher said as he pulled his brother into a hug.

#      #      #

It had been about two weeks since Jacob's death on Olympus. The Hunt had arrived the day before and were camping out in the Field of Mars. It was just after midnight, and a torchlit procession was slowly advancing down the Via Pretoria towards the necropolis on the outskirts of New Rome. Hannah and Clara were at the front, with Percy, Nico, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Thalia were carrying a body wrapped in a golden shroud laying on a shield behind them. Marching directly behind that was Reyna followed by the rest of the fifth cohort. The rest of the legion lined the streets, and fell in line as the procession passed. Somber looks covered everyone's face. They hadn't had to do this since the Giant War, and even if they didn't know Jacob personally, it was never fun to lose a fellow Roman. Eventually the procession reached the necropolis, and the funeral pyre located in the center of it. Jacob's body, still covered in the shroud, was gently set on top and the fire lit under him. The kindling caught immediately, and it quickly spread to the larger sticks and logs. Within minutes the pyre was a blazing inferno, officially marking the end of Jacob Firth, Son of Apollo.

After nearly an hour the fire finally dwindled, and the ashes were gathered into an urn. The urn was then taken to a cemetery prepared for fallen members of the legion where a head stone was waiting. Each side had an inscription, one in Latin and the other in Greek.







After the urn was buried the Romans and Hunters trickled back to their respective camp one by one, until only Hannah, Clara, Percy, Thalia, Hazel, Nico, Leo, Frank, Calypso, Kate, and Reyna were left. Hannah stared at the ring on her finger, before looking at what was clutched in her silver hand. "He would want you to have them," Thalia said, referring to the watch and black ring engraved with silver Latin writing on it. Hannah didn't know how to respond, so she just closed her fist around the objects.

After a few more minutes Nico broke the silence again ."Jacob, ah, he uh, he gave me this a few weeks before he died," he said hesitantly as he drew an envelope out of the pocket of his aviator jacket. "He told me to read it to you guys if, well, this happened."

A/N: I honestly don't have much to say this time guys, except sorry. Sorry it took longer than anticipated to get this chapter out, and sorry that I just spent a whole chapter going over this random OC's death. I just got really attached to this character, and felt like he needed a proper sendoff, so sorry if this wasn't exactly your cup of tea. Also, I thought the tribute video at the top was pretty good, so watch it if you want. Oh, and I also created a new cover! What do you guys think?

Anyways, have a great day!
