Untitled Part 3

If you could think of awkward situations, it would be this one. Harry and Louis were just standing there. Not saying anything. What do you say to a man who just tripped over your feet. Harry could think of loads of things, but none would be alright to say to a stranger. All of them were compliments about how beautiful Louis was and he couldn't just blurt it out and say it.

More seconds passed and they were still just staring at each other. Both memorizing each other's faces.

Louis asks while looking down at his hands, "So uh, what are you doing since your plane got canceled?"

"I was hoping to get another flight out of here, but I don't think that is going to happen. I was really looking forward to go home and see my family for Christmas; now I'll probably just stay at home and eat Chinese and watch Netflix. What are you doing?" Harry says while laughing at his loneliness.

Louis and Harry both couldn't tell if they were flirting with one another, but at this time they were just trying to not sound like idiots rambling.

"Now that I think about it, I'll probably do the exact same thing as you but with pizza instead of Chinese."

"Mm pizza is pretty good. We should both probably get out of here before we get stuck in the airport." Harry says as he picks up his backpack.

"Being stuck in the airport on Christmas, oh God that would be terrible! Airport food and crowded terminals, sounds like the perfect Christmas to me actually." Louis could barely make out what he was saying in between his laughs.

Louis' laugh was indescribable. He had the cutest one and it was so loud for someone so tiny. His eyes got cute wrinkles on the side. He threw his head back not being able to control himself. Harry couldn't figure out how he was laughing so much about his own joke. Harry couldn't help but to also chuckle with Louis.

Once Louis was able to control his laughing, he picked up his bag too, putting it on his shoulders. Walking through the crowds, they finally managed to get to one of the doors to leave. Going outside was not much easier though. There were crowds of people trying to find a taxi to take them home just like what Harry and Louis wanted.

Being 27 degrees and snowing it was not fun at all waiting for a taxi. Not even being outside for a minute, Harry could see Louis starting to shiver. Harry shouldn't have taken a liking into this random guy he just met in the airport so much, but he did. He needs to get a taxi for Louis, can't let Louis be cold.

Finally finding a taxi, Harry smiled to himself. Putting all the luggage into the trunk, Louis and Harry both got in.

"Thanks for finding a taxi, I was about to freeze to death." Louis says while warming up his hands.

"No problem, didn't want you to get to cold."

Was this suppose to happen, were both of them going back to their own places or are they going back to their own places. They just wanted a taxi, never discussed what was happening. It was all just a mad rush of things going on.

Harry looks down at his hands. Trying to figure out what to say to not screw whatever was happening up.

"We both um should figure out where we are going." Louis says not looking up from his hands.

Thank god Harry didn't have to say anything, probably would make a complete fool out of himself trying to find the correct words to say.

"You could come back to mine if you want. I know we don't know each other really, but the storm is going to get really bad and don't want you to be alone on Christmas." After saying it, Harry thought he really said the wrong thing.

Louis didn't answer quickly either which just made Harry worry even more about what he was going to answer.

Looking up at Harry, Louis smiles saying, "That sounds great Harry. Couldn't imagine being alone on Christmas."

"Great, I can order some good Chinese" Harry laughs while saying it.

"I can also order great pizza, sounds like a great Christmas feast." Both Louis and Harry burst out laughing.

Having Christmas with a complete stranger may be the worst idea Harry has ever had, but it also may be the best one Harry has had in a long time.
