Birthdays and more!

HEYYY!! SO ONE OF MY FOLLOWERS BIRTHDAYS IS ACTUALLY TODAY- SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!! LOL ITS ALSO Y/N'S BIRTHDAY IN THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!! YAYY!! ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS STARTEDDDDD WOOO!! (i apologize for grammar, punctuation, misspellings in advance- also this is one of my first times making a story ig- so its kinda bad- BUT ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!! I HOPE YOU HAVE BIRTHDAY!!!) AND HERE WE GOOOO

Y/N Pov: 

I woke up to the smell of [favorite breakfast], and a quiet humming coming from the kitchen. I walked to the bathroom, and splashed water onto my face, brushing out my slightly frizzy hair. Once i was done getting ready for the day, i walked down to the kitchen. 

"I knew it was you, 'fuyu," I said, with a slightly groagy tone. 

"Hey Y/n! How was your sleep?" He asked, he had a huge smile and i didn't know why. But i love seeing him happy, so i don't care, as long as he's smiling. 

"Hm? It was nice, how about yo- HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!" I was slightly freaked out.

"Oh, the spare key.. Its underneath the mat- also, i could have climbed through your open window.. be sure to close it from now on, okay?" He seemed concerned. 

"Alright.. But why are you here anyways?" I questioned him.

"Because," He walked over to the closet and pulled something out.

"Happy birthday Y/n!!!!" He screamed, throwing up some confetti. 

"Oh my god.. C-chifuyu, you remembered?" Tears started to form in my eyes. 

"OF COURSE I DID!!" The boy screamed, with a smile. "Also you're not going to school today. Got it?" He raised an eyebrow, knowing i would go to school any way.

"Yeah, yeah. Just this once though, because its my birthday i guess," I said, starting to eat my food, "WOAH THIS IS GOOD!! THANK YOU 'FUYU!!" I said, shoving more into my mouth.

"Im glad!!" He said.

I shoved a bite into his mouth. "HEY!- Y/N!!" He said, almost choking.

"ITS GOOD, SEE?" I said. 

We both laughed, and ate. 

"Y/n, where do you wanna go? It's your birthday so choose some things that you wanna do!!" He said, while getting out a map.

"Okay! Uhm... How about we get some lunch? After, of course. Not right now," I said, with a small laugh.

"Alright, what do you want for lunch?" He asked me. 'He's sure considerate.. awhh-He's asking me everything!'

"Hmm.. I want you to make something for me! Like a sandwhich, or curry, okay? Or homemade Onigiri !!" I started squealing. 

"Alright!! If you're sure.. I thought you would want something from a fancy restaurant," 

I'd rather have your homemade cooking..

"Is there anything else you want to do, or eat?" He said, after an awkward pause from me.


"Yeah! Of course!" He said, searching the things up on the map.

"And for dinner, lets eat something in a field!! Under the stars!! I've never stayed up and ate underneath the stars!!" I was practically screaming.


We planned everything out (they didnt talk about all the plans, so some things you didnt know they were going there- does that make sense?), and everything was booked! We hopped on the train and were on our way to an arcade! 

i was thinking of something like these for your outfit btw ^^ you can change it ofc!! just an idea

This is how i was imagining Chifuyus outfit !! ^^

we were heading for the arcade, and got on the train. Luckily we just made it on time, the next train doesn't come for a good couple hours. 

a bit earlier~

"Y/n, lets go now, shall we? We'll miss the train if we don't leave now," He said, putting his shoes on, as he sat on the stairs of my house. He had bag in his hand, full of the Onigiri he had made earlier. 
"Okay!!" I said, joining him on the stairs. 

"Oh my god- the time!!! We have to go Y/n-" He screamed, as we ran out the door.

"WHERES THE STATION?" He screamed, still running.

"TURN LEFT!" We were running, gasping for air. 

"HURRY! COME ON Y/N" His breathing was heavy.

"YAY! 'FUYU WE MADE IT!!" I said, with a smile.

"Yep," He said, trying to control his breathing. 

"THE TRAAAAIIN!" I screamed while pointig at the huge thing coming towards us. It was super windy, and loud, my hair was flying all over the place. "CHIFUYU!! I LOVE YOUUUU!" I screamed, only because i knew he wouldnt hear, Due to the train, and the loud screeching it was making. The train came to a stop. I had the biggest smile on my face. 

"Come on Y/n," He said, already on the train. He held out his to help me on. 

"Thank you," I said, taking his hand, and getting on the huge train.

I sat down infront of Chifuyu and i looked out the window. I saw mount Fuji.


"WOAH- Y/n keep it down though-" He said, making me embarrassed. I was screaming like a kid on the train. 


Some time went by, and Chifuyu fell asleep. He had his manga in his hand, open on page 48. I put a piece of paper in it, and kept its place, Placing it inside my bag. I watched as Chifuyu sat there, breathing calmly, the way his hands would move sometimes, or the way he would mumble random things as he slept. I got up, and sat down beside him. His head falling down on my shoulder. I played with his hair, and watched his calm face. I watched as the odd time he would scrunch up his face, when something was going on in his dream. A while later we arrived at our stop. 

"Fuyu, 'fuyu! Wake up, we're here," I said, slightly shaking him. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. It took him a second to realize what was going on.

"Oh, sorry- Come on Y/n!!! Let goooo!!" He screamed. I had no idea where he suddenly got this energy from. I got our bags and things, and we got off the train. 

Present time~

"AAGH! And i was so close to getting it too," I pouted, as i lost at a crane game in the arcade.

"Its okay Y/n, ill get it!!" Chifuyu said, putting some coins into the machine. 

*Beep boop beep* He won! He got it! And for me! Me!!

My face was tinted pink. "Thank you," I said, squeezing the [favorite animal] plush. 

"Its a birthday present from me, lets say" He said, flashing a smile.

"Thank youuu!" 

We played some more games, and got a bit hungry. So we headed to a park!!

Once we got there we layed out a blanket and sat down.

"Thank you for this meal," We both said. 

It was sandwhiches, and some other things. 

"Hey, 'fuyu?" 

"Yes? Just so you know, im only letting you call me 'fuyu' for today.. because its your birthday," He mumbled.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything you've been doing. I know you're trying to save some people right now.. And im just getting in the way.. But thank you!" I smiled. 

"Aw Y/n~ You're so sweet yknow? Take it easy today, got it?" 



"Thank you," I said to the man, who was handing me and Chifuyu our popcorn, "Alright, lets go watch this!" 


We were going to see a movie!! we were going to see [favorite romance movie] 

3rd person Pov

"They KISSED!!!" Y/n screamed, instantly covering her mouth, after realizing she said that out loud. And not wanting to disturb anyone. "Man, i want love like that," She half said to herself.

"You'll find it! Never give up Y/n," Chifuyu whispered into her ear. 

1st person Pov 

"You'll find it! Never give up Y/n," Chifuyu whispered into my ear. 

I felt his breath on my neck. It was warm, and he smelled good. The sound of him breathing was enough to make me go red. 

The show ended. (Play Couple of Kids - Maggie Lindemann for better experience !!)

"Would you like some dinner now?" He asked, holding up the bag he's been carrying around this whole time.

"Yes!! Thank you 'fuyu," 

He rolled his eyes at the sound of "fuyu" and mumbled something along the lines of 'There you go again, with 'fuyu'

We arrived at a field and placed down a blanket, it was getting dark. The sky was orange, getting darker and darker. The breeze came by, it was pretty chilly. My hair swayed in the wind. I took off my shoes and started running in the field of tall grass. I held my hands in the air. Chifuyu joined me, and i tripped on him. We both fell to the ground. Chifuyu was now on top of me. His head close to mine. His bangs fell gracefully, nearly touching my face. His cologne was really pretty. I watched as the way he breathed vigorously. In and out, in and out. His cheeks turned bright red, and i could feel mine go red too. The wind blew my hair, as well as Chifuyu's. I took my hand, and moved Chifuyu's hair out of his face. I raised my head, and kissed him. His soft, warm, lips. His lips tasted of Honey and flowers. My heart was racing, my cheeks were red. The wind was blowing my hair, and clothes. It felt good. I've been waiting for this. I've been waiting. I love him so much, i love him so much, i love him so much. This was the birthday present that I've been waiting for. This. This right now. He brought his head up. Both our faces red. 


"Im in love with you, Chifuyu Matsuno." 


"Its always been like this, Since the first time i laid my eyes on you. You're perfect. You know? You're really kind, you always make me smile! Every word that comes from you makes me want to marry you even more than i already do. The way you laugh is enough to make anyone fall in love. You're always helping everyone, and putting them before yourself. I love that about you. I love the way you help me whenever i need it. Or how you appear out of nowhere when im having a bad day. Or how you know everything about me, whether i told you or not. The way you observe everyone around you, and have everything written down about them. The way you read manga while playing with Peke J. The way you bring out your dishes and wash them as soon as your done. The way you'll go to the store willingly even if you're sick. The way you're always, always, always, always, there for me. The way you try your best to bring up my mood, even if i keep on shutting you up. The way you're so inviting to new students or teachers. The way you hold the door open, even if they're perfectly capable to open it themselves. The way you always say 'Please' and 'Thank you', or how you're so kind to everyone, even if they've wronged you. They way you wont want to hurt someone, even if you're in a gang. The way you pass down the cereal to me, and then tease me about being short, right after. The way you smile whenever you say Hello or Goodbye. The way you always see me off, and stand there until im inside my house. The way you choose to be.. You choose to be kind, caring, selfless, unique, and so much more. Chifuyu, i think im in love with you.."

We both were sitting up at this point. I watched as his breathing became unstable, he was freaking out, i could tell with one look at him. 

"Y/n.." He started. Tears started to form in my eyes.

