I like you

A/n: shits about to go down ;) Also prepare yourselves bc this chapter is probably going to be long af.

-No pov-

The concert was a mess. Xiumin and Luhan had both run behind the stage after kissing each other and the rest of the boys were currently still onstage doing who knows what trying to create a distraction to buy them some time.

-Luhan's pov-

"Wait, Minseok!" I yell before running after him backstage. Oh no, what have I done? No, scratch that, what have they done?! I knew they were gonna do this, but I just let it happen. I didn't expect Xiumin to react anywhere near this bad... God, why do I have to be so damn selfish! All I thought about was kissing him, I didn't even consider his feelings! I was just as much as fault here as anyone else.

I ran backstage to his dressing room where I imagined he would be and kicked open the door, not even checking to see if it was locked first. Right when I was about to leave because I thought the room had been empty, I hear the faint sound of someone sobbing and look in the direction it was coming from. There Xiumin was, sitting under the table crying.

"Minseok!" I desperately try running to him but end up tripping on myself instead, falling forward on my hands and knees in front of him and staring directly into his red, tear-filled eyes.

"Are you okay?!" I ask feeling terrible that we all embarrassed him on live TV and made him cry.

He just shrugs and hides his face on his arms which were resting on top of his knees.

"Aw come on... Look at me. Why are you crying?" I grab his chin with my index finger and lift it gently so that he can't look anywhere else but at me.

"I-I don't know..." He stutters and grabs my hand pulling away from me and wiping his tears, only to be replaced by new ones. The sight of him looking like this nearly broke my heart. It didn't look like he was lying, but part of me thought he wasn't telling the full truth either.

"Um, You know..." I pipe up, trying to break the ice. "I really enjoyed that kiss."

I noticed him blush and steal a quick glance at me before looking up completely. "Y-You did?" He asks adorably in disbelief.

I nod without hesitation.

"I did too..." He says quietly before looking back down and playing with his fingers in his lap. He looks so cute and vulnerable like this...

"Oh, really?" I can't help but smile, regaining my confidence. You know what, he's leaving tomorrow so why not just tell him how I feel now? I might not ever get a chance like this again.

"Actually Minseok, I didn't like that kiss..."

He pauses playing with his fingers and looks back up at me with sad eyes.

"...I like you."

-Xiumin's pov-

He w-what...? Did I just hear that correctly? No, this can't be real. I must be dreaming...

"You what...?" I ask again out loud this time.

"I like you. Saranghaeyo, Minseok-Oppa." He responds with a sincere smile.

I feel my face flush harder than ever before and more tears start running down my face.

"I-I like you too, Luhan!" I finally manage to spill out the words before covering my face in embarrassment.

He beams brightly and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in a tight hug.

"Am I really not dreaming?" I ask, still feeling unsure.

Luhan stares me directly in the eye, before pinching me lightly on the cheek. "Do you still think you're dreaming now?"

"Ouch..." I wince at the sudden small pain.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" He apologizes and pecks a kiss on the spot he just pinched, making me blush again.

"But wait..." I put my hands on his shoulders and pull away before things can go any further. "What about Sehun?"

"What about Sehun?" He looks surprised at the sudden mention of his name.

"Aren't you guys dating...? Or weren't you guys dating?" I ask hoping he would say 'no' to both.

He sighs before opening his mouth. "It's kind of complicated, but I'll tell you everything."

I stay silent and wait for him to continue.

"Three years ago, Sehun asked me out. I agreed to go out with him because I was still confused on whether or not I liked men at the time, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I said yes. That was a big mistake. Everything just felt wrong, and I tried breaking up with him. When he asked why, for some reason I didn't have the guts to tell him the truth, so I came up with the excuse that I might have liked you instead. Back then it was only an excuse, but when I thought about it more, I realized it was true..."

He takes a small breath before continuing.

"The feeling I got when I was with you and the one with Sehun is completely different. I noticed him being more mean to you, and I thought it would just be better if I just left... So I did. That was a dumb decision that I still regret to this day. Leaving doesn't take away the pain, it just adds more. That's something I realized while missing you so much these past few years..."

So that's what Sehun meant when he said I'm not getting in his way this time...

"Luhan... If you really felt that way you should've said something to one of us, we could have come up with a better solution..." I said feeling bad for him and I start to stroke his back. My poor deer had been suffering so much...

"I know, and I wish I had." He responds, resting his head on my shoulder then closing his eyes.

"So you said you liked me and it came true? And that means I'm the reason you left EXO?"

"Partially... But don't think it's your fault. It was just mine for being so stupid."

"So then what happened with Sehun this time? He told me he was gonna confess before he locked me in the closet."

"Oh, right, that. He just asked me to go out with him, so I said no and told him I have feelings for someone else."

"Oh..." I look of to the side feeling rejected, almost forgetting that the two of us were a thing now.

"That someone is you, dummy."

"Oh, right! I nearly forgot for a second..." I facepalm feeling stupid.

Luhan just laughs and smiles. He then leans in for a kiss and our lips meet. This time was different, though. It was sweet and warm. It wasn't forced like the first time, this time it was real. We both pull apart and he stands up and holds out his hand. "Come on, we better go back out there and finish our performance!"

"Yep!" I take his hand and stand up, the two of us walk out the door together, surprised when we see the other members standing in front of the door with their arms crossed.

"Why aren't you guys onstage right now?" I ask feeling shocked.

"Because our show got cancelled after you guys ran off!" D.O answered angrily.

"What?!" Luhan and I gasp at the same time.

"Yeah, the company's boss saw the show and wants to see us all right now! He sounded super angry." Lay adds.

Ah crap, this is all my fault...

-A few minutes after Luhan and Xiumin ran offstage-

"Boys, stop this right now! Sooman just saw the show and he's furious, He wants to see you all for a meeting right now!" A staff member walks on the stage and waves his hands in the air.

All the members along with the audience gasp.

"Sorry everyone, shows over! Refunds will be available online tomorrow." He says before walking off the stage and helping security get everyone out.

The members all exchange concerned looks.

~To be continued again~

A/n: next chapter will probably be the last :3
