[23] kidnapped

This chapter contains some bad language 

Louise pov:

After I cooled down, I realised that it wasn't that big of a deal actually. I just need to tell Pierre and Charles. But when I arrived at our room, I remembered I forgot my key. I knocked on the door several times and no one opened. 

When I called Charles, I heard a girl's voice. 

' Oh Louise, don't think you will get him back, before you break up with him. '

'Charles who the fuck is this?' I say

'Oh Charles is not here. Just me.' She said

Then I recognised her voice. Charlotte. Oh no, not that bitch again.

'Give Charles his phone back, I need to talk to him.' I said

'Nope, not before you break up with him. And if you don't, he can lose his career. You don't want it to look like he is a cheater right?' She said

I swear to god, I'm going to kill this bitch.

'Where is he?' I said

'Who?' She said

'Oh you know goddamn well what I mean, where is he?' I said

'I'm not gonna tell you girl. You and him are over. He had always loved me.' She said

'Well, let him tell me that to my face then.' I said

'Oh, ofcourse. Just a second.' She said

Oh no, what have I done? My only hope is Pierre right now. I don't know his room number and I don't have his number either, so I went to the reception to ask, but ofcourse she didn't gave me his room number because of "private reasons" bro I'm his sister.

I have only one person left, Arthur.

I run upstairs to his room and knock a few times. 


'I DON'T KNOW, ASK CHARLES!' He said. It sounded like he was in the bathroom or something.


Then he opened the door with wet hair and sweats on.


'I think Charlotte has him.' I say

'What the fuck Louise! What is this for kind of prank.' 

'Art, I'm serious. I need to get to Pierre, please.' I say almost begging him.

'Pierre? Why him?' He says

'Just call him. I'll explain later.' I say

'Fine, I'll call him.' He says

Then his phone rings and he puts it on speaker.

'Arthur?'Pierre says

'Oui, Pierre. Louise est là. Parle Anglais sil vous plait' He said 

(Yes, Pierre, Louise is here. Speak english please.)

'Louise, what's wrong?' He said

'It's Charles Pierre. Where are you? What room?' I say

'Let's meet downstairs. That's faster. Stay on the phone.' Pierre says

'Come on Art, let's go!' I say already sprinting down

We come downstairs and there is Pierre. 

'Okay, I need to talk to you. Art I don't know if you want to hear this, so if you don't, please stay back for a little bit. It might be shocking.' I say

'No, no it's allright' He said

'So, I think Charles is kipnapped by Charlotte.' 

'WHAT?' They both say

'I'll explain the rest while we are searching, but do you guys have his location?' I say

'Yes, I do. Oh he put it off, 30 minutes ago. But he somewhere around here then. Look.' 

'Oh let's go there' 

We went to Pierre's car and he drove. 

'So, tell us everything Louise, what is going on?' Arthur says

'Yeah, well I forgot my phone, so I went to Charles's car, but then Charlotte was there. She showed me a video of us Pierre and me hugging when we found eachother agai-'

'What do you mean found eachother again?' Arthur says

'Well, you know I told you I had a brother?'

'Yes, I do.' Arthur says

'He is sitting right next to you.' I said


'Yes, but go on with the Charlotte story Louise.' Pierre said

'She said she would post it if I didn't break up with Charles and I was scared. I went to the lobby to cool down and then I realised it wasn't actually a very big deal. I just needed to tell you or Charles, so I went to our room, but I forgot my key. Then I knocked a few times and I realised he wasn't here, so I called him. Then Charlotte picked and started treatening me with Charles losing his career and that he doesn't love me but loves Charlotte, so I said that he could say that to me in person, but then she told me "just a second"' 

'WHAT THE FUCK' Pierre and Arthur say

'GUYS QUIET, SHE IS CALLING ME!' I said while accepting the call

Pierre pov:

'Louise, I have never loved you' I heard Charles say

Louise broke down, but it looked like she recorded Charles. He would never say that, he loves her with his whole heart. That's for sure.

'Bulshit, Charlotte. Where are you?' Pierre said

'I will not tell you, before Louise breakes up with him.' 

'Charles I love you, but I need to break up with you' I heard Louise say

'Charlotte just tell me where you are?'

'LOOK AT MY LOCATION!' Charles said

'Charles mate!' Arthur

'Charles, are you safe right now?' I say

'Yes, Pierre, I think I am.' Charles said

Arthur found his loacation and I drove as fast as I could.

We arrived at a hotel and Charles was still on the line.

'Which room Charles?' Louise asked

'Uhm, 348 amor.' He said. We heard loud bangs on the other side of the door and voices from men trough the phone.

'Guys, I- I- think they are wrecking the door..' Charles said

Louise pov:

I heard his breathing go heavier and I think Pierre noticed it too. 

'Charles we are still here don't worry we are coming right now.' Pierre said

'Focus on you're breathing Charles. Keep breathing come on.' I say

We sprinted to the hotel towards the room, but it was closed.

Charles pov:

I heard people forcing the door on my other side, while I tried to keep it closed. My breathing got heavier and I didn't know what to do anymore.

Pierre and Louise probably noticed it and told me to keep breathing. I worked a bit, bit I couldn't hold the door anymore. I slid down on the wall and closed my eyes. What is happening right now?


Hey guys! You guys did not really like the last chapter, so I tried to make it better and add some more drama. Anyways, I love Charlotte and she is an amazing person, so this is not personal for her, it's just for the story. Some of you wanted drama with Charlotte, so here you go!

Tiktok: loverg1rll_123 

Have a nice day / night! xx

