Beginning of the End

Ethan's hotel room was a luxurious haven, replete with grandeur and indulgence. The spacious abode featured a walk-in wardrobe adorned with gleaming mirrors, a shrine to luxury and vanity. Elaborate artworks adorned the walls, while tall, ornate windows ushered in a gentle embrace of the moonlight, infusing the room with the familiar ambiance of his home.

Two king-size beds dominated the central space, their plush and meticulously embroidered bedding a testament to regal comfort. Along one wall stretched an extensive five-seat sofa, its rich upholstery an invitation to unwind and engage in leisurely conversation. In another corner of the room sat a single, kingly sofa, an elegant throne that allowed its occupant a panoramic view of the room's lavish grandeur.

Jorgan, the enigmatic guest, found himself in awe of this luxurious setting. His perch on the single, extravagant sofa made him appear as a monarch in his private court, thumbing through a magazine with an air of seasoned worldly wisdom.

Jorgan couldn't help but be awed by the setting. Seated on the single, sumptuous sofa, he resembled a monarch in his private court, casually flipping through a magazine with the demeanor of a worldly-wise traveler. The seating arrangement not only provided regal comfort but also a strategic vantage point that didn't escape his notice.

Ethan, caught in this whirlwind of bizarre happenings, observed his guests' eccentric behavior. The interaction from the previous day with Jorgan had been drenched in seriousness, revolving around the dire threat of an impending apocalypse. Yet now, they seemed to be playing tourists on an idyllic holiday.

Savannah's striking resemblance to Kira, observed from a particular angle, piqued his curiosity and fueled his anxiety. Uncertain about the whole situation, he discreetly shifted his position to get a clearer view of Savannah, using the room's decorative elements and artfully placed mirrors to avoid detection.

Ethan's gaze darted back and forth as he tried to decipher the similarities between Savannah and Kira. The play of light accentuated certain shared features—the curve of the jawline, the shape of the eyes, or the subtle tilt of the chin. He was cautious not to overstep boundaries or appear overtly intrusive.

Savannah's response, albeit in an irritated tone, carried no hint of humor. "I will kill you," she said, leaving Ethan slightly bewildered. With a hand now comfortably placed under her head, she seemed to have settled in for the night, her demeanor conveying no interest in any conversation.

Ethan muttered softly to himself, more as a confirmation, "She is the one," linking her to the enigmatic flashes that had haunted him.

Seated on the bed near Jorgan, Ethan tentatively began to address him. "Mr...," he hesitated, contemplating whether to address him with a 'Mr.'

Jorgan, however, intercepted Ethan's hesitation and requested, "Just call me by my name."

As their conversation continued, Ethan's attention occasionally drifted back to Savannah. His curiosity was piqued, and he wondered if Savannah had a sister, perhaps a twin.

Jorgan, seemingly reading Ethan's thoughts, leaned in closer and spoke in a hushed tone. "Don't bring up that topic around Savannah," he advised, then added, "Try to rest whenever you can, Ethan. It's going to be a long and restless day and night ahead."

Ethan, perplexed by the bizarrely calm demeanor of his guests in the face of an impending world catastrophe, voiced the question that had been bothering him. "How can both of you remain so composed when the entire world is at risk? Why don't you seem more afraid? You mentioned the Eldrovions yesterday, that there's a massive army coming. Do we have the manpower to stand against them?"

Jorgan's response was measured but confident. He informed Ethan about the army he had assembled and his intention to recruit Ethan.

Ethan looked somewhat taken aback. "So, I'm not some sort of chosen one?" he inquired, a trace of disappointment evident in his tone. "From what you said the other day, I thought I played a pivotal role in all of this."

Savannah couldn't help but offer a dry, flat reply. Her face remained buried in the sofa cushion, and her tone was laced with a hint of long-standing irritation toward Ethan. She teased, "Oh, absolutely. You're the secret weapon nobody knows about." Then, she resumed her slumber, radiating her attitude throughout the room.

Although the comment wasn't intended to be humorous, Jorgan couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He leaned closer, his gaze unwavering. "Ethan, you are important. Every soldier in an army plays a crucial role, and we all have a part to play."

Jorgan offered Ethan a reassuring nod and stated that he would reveal more details in the morning. He suggested Ethan rest for the time being.

Ethan, being a considerate host, inquired if Jorgan and Savannah needed nightwear from the wardrobe. He glanced at Savannah, who was still lying face down, her sassy demeanor on full display. Without directly addressing her, Ethan relayed the message through Jorgan, asking if she needed to change before bed.

With a nod and a grateful smile, Jorgan thanked Ethan for his hospitality.

Ethan reached for a control panel near his bed. "Do you mind if I dim the lights a bit?"

As the room's lights dimmed with a mere snap of Jorgan's fingers, Ethan couldn't help but marvel at the hint of magic that had just unfolded before him. It was a subtle display, yet it hinted at Jorgan's capability to wield even greater powers. The ambiance that enveloped the room transformed into a cozy haven, and it added an element of intrigue to the night's proceedings.

With this enchanting atmosphere around him, Ethan settled into his bed, the soft fabric and plump pillows ensuring a comfortable rest. He couldn't shake the curiosity that now consumed his mind. Why, he pondered, did someone as powerful as Jorgan require the assistance of an ordinary man like himself to fight alongside him in this impending battle? The answer remained elusive, tucked away in the enigmatic folds of this mysterious encounter.

In those quiet moments before sleep claimed him, Ethan made a mental note to inquire about his parents and their whereabouts the next day.

Ethan's mind couldn't help but wander back to his cherished book, a possession he had always guarded with the protectiveness of a dragon guarding its hoard. Unaware of the extraordinary powers it concealed, he had been meticulous about its safekeeping. Yet, on this day, he found himself surprisingly at ease with Kira taking possession of the book. Not once had he inquired about its return, even when they had reunited earlier in the day. Still, within the recesses of his consciousness, Ethan clung to a lingering hope, a silent plea, that Kira was treating the book with the care and responsibility it deserved, refraining from revealing its extraordinary capabilities, especially in front of Karen.

With these thoughts in his heart and mind, Ethan gradually surrendered to the embrace of slumber, allowing the mysteries of the night to unfold as he ventured into the realm of dreams.

Ethan found himself immersed in a sea of darkness as he closed his eyes. Yet, from this abyss emerged a growing silence, punctuated by the gradual emergence of a radiant and ethereal glow. It was as if the universe itself held its breath in anticipation. And then, like an omen from the distant future, the spaceship materialized before him.

This was no ordinary spacecraft. It stood as a colossal leviathan, a metallic behemoth that ruled the starry expanse of space. Its design was a defiance of convention, lacking the sleek, streamlined appearance of contemporary vessels. Instead, it resembled an entire city suspended amidst the stars, its essence radiating an aura of alien technology. Light, a plaything in its presence, danced along its surface, casting a hypnotic sheen against the cosmic tapestry.

The spacecraft's engines roared with a thunderous might, each ignition a roaring symphony in the otherwise hushed theater of space. These engines were anything but concealed or subdued; they were a dazzling exhibition of raw, unbridled power. Massive thrusters adorned the spacecraft's rear, their sheer size a testament to their potency, as if they could shift entire cities with ease.

With each fiery thrust, the spaceship propelled itself toward the moon's surface. Its metallic hide gleamed brilliantly in the starkness of space, capturing distant starlight and scattering it like stardust. The spaceship's exterior served as a testament to the cutting-edge technology that had breathed it into existence, bestowing upon it an almost mystical, otherworldly charm.

However, despite its imposing exterior, the spaceship's interior conveyed a different tale. It was an echo of magnificence, reminiscent of a realm in the heart of the cosmos. Elaborate chandeliers graced the ceilings, enveloping the corridors in a warm, golden embrace. Every detail exuded regal refinement, as though the spaceship itself was a living testament to a bygone era's splendor.

The spaceship exuded an air of grandeur and foreboding, and its occupants were here for a purpose, not as friends but as bearers of a dark intent. The people appeared to be working aggressively on a mission to land on the dark side of the moon, and it moved toward its target with unwavering purpose.

As it approached its lunar target, the spaceship unleashed three rockets from its bow. These were not ordinary rockets; they were titanic titans, colliding with the moon's surface in a spectacular display of raw force. Their impact birthed a massive, dust-choked aftermath reminiscent of an atomic explosion. From the chaos, something astonishing emerged.

A legion of nanobots, minuscule yet formidable, surfaced like a synchronized ballet. With unparalleled speed and precision, they defied the laws of gravity as they delved into the moon's surface. Their purpose was unmistakable—to sculpt an enormous landing platform for the oncoming spacecraft.

The moon itself quivered beneath the weight of this colossal enterprise, sending waves of disturbance across the vast expanse of space. Even Earth felt the tremors, as if the cosmos itself had been stirred from its celestial silence.

Abruptly jolted awake by the unforeseen vibrations, Ethan's consciousness snapped back to reality, starkly different from the dream world. This was no dream; it was a sudden realization, free from confusion. The tremors of this event were unmistakably linked to the earthquake from the previous night. Panic gripped him as he surveyed his surroundings, only to find that Jorgan and Savannah had already departed.

The once-quiet realm around him had been transformed. Glancing at the clock, he noted that it was 4 a.m., and further sleep seemed impossible. Anxious, he decided to move about. A glass of water offered some solace. Then, with a touch, he activated the projector, tuning in to the latest news about the earthquake.


The car purred to a stop, and Jorgan, accompanied by Savannah, entered the hospital. Without the distinctive jacket, Savannah appeared strikingly feminine in her simple gown, and her resemblance to Kira was uncanny, as if they were twins. Progressing through the building, they encountered an attentive security guard. Jorgan extended his hand in a display of congeniality, and the guard responded kindly, akin to a programmed sentry. With this silent escort, they made their way to the elevator, and the security guard tactfully resumed their vigilant stance, behaving like a mechanized attendant.

The elevator ascended to the third floor with hushed swiftness, and they continued their journey with such grace that it seemed to compel the surveillance cameras to shy away, averting their unblinking gaze and leaving their passage unrecorded. This almost invisible traversal through the hospital further heightened the air of mystery.

Finally, they reached room 3E, where Jorgan came to a halt. With a glance at his ring adorned with the hidden subflares symbol, he prepared to unlock the door. The room contained a man in an undisclosed condition, hidden from view by his position in the bed. Access to the room was secured by a locked door, but Jorgan's ring possessed the power to function as an access card. He effortlessly swiped the ring's face against the door handle, and the door obediently parted, granting them entry.

Savannah, although she had maintained an unyielding facade for most of the past hours, now seemed to reveal a crack in her armor. She was battling emotions she preferred to keep concealed. Jorgan, ever the astute observer, offered a gracious gesture, inviting Savannah to precede him into the room. She accepted, hurrying to the bedside. As she crossed the room's threshold, Jorgan followed, and with a gentle touch, he adjusted the screen affixed to the door. In a seamless motion, the once transparent portal transformed into an opaque shield, safeguarding their activities from prying eyes.

With Jorgan's extraordinary abilities, he and Savannah arrived effortlessly at one of the country's most secure hospitals, their passage seemingly unhindered by conventional obstacles.

As the man's identity remained unrevealed at the moment, the narrative shifted back to Ethan's hotel room, where Kira and Karen were seated on the plush sofa, sipping coffee. Kira sat in silence, her gaze roving around the room, pondering the disparity in status between her and Ethan.

Karen was sharing the news about Professor Thomson's accident during the earthquake the previous day, explaining the severity of his injuries. Since nobody liked the professor much, it did not disturb anyone and left it as just a piece of news.

However, this is not the case for Ethan. Despite the rivalry that had existed between him and the professor, a genuine concern for the injured man stirred within him.

Karen went on to recount how students found Professor Thomson and had him admitted to the university's hospital. As the conversation flowed, Kira's eyes fell upon a jacket resting on the bed. It was the same black jacket bearing the logo of a ninja's crossword, an eerie déjà vu from her dreams the previous night. A sense of foreboding washed over her, and she began to discreetly scan the room for any more oddities, her eyes widened in silent curiosity. Her visual exploration revealed another anomaly: a woman's shoe resting on the back of the sofa.

Kira, demonstrating maturity and perceptiveness, decided not to immediately delve into personal matters with Ethan, despite her deep unease about the presence of the jacket.

They made it known that they planned to visit Professor Thomson later in the evening and bid farewell to Ethan.

Ethan, appreciating their visit, organized for a car and walked them towards the hotel's exit. As they were leaving their room, Renuka emerged from her own and greeted them cheerfully with a hearty "Good morning." She extended a warm invitation to Kira and Karen, suggesting they spend the day shopping together. Unbeknownst to her, they were on their way back to their room.

As Kira began to explain their departure, Karen intervened, gently taking Kira's hand and informing Renuka that Kira would stay, while she couldn't due to pre-made commitments. Karen expressed her intention to join them later in the day.

Renuka warmly insisted, her welcome sincere and heartfelt, even mentioning that she had thoughtfully arranged casual dresses for both Kira and Karen, considering that Karen might join as well.

Karen offered her heartfelt gratitude to Renuka for her thoughtful gesture and departed with Ethan towards the parking lot.

Kira signaled bye to Karen with a wink and a warm smile before joining Renuka. In her elation at being embraced by Ethan's family, Kira temporarily set aside her concerns about the mysterious jacket she had noticed.

While walking back to his room after seeing Karen off, Ethan contemplated how to contact Jorgan, as he had not provided a contact number. He decided that, as soon as possible, he would visit the hospital, as he had no other plans for the day.


In hospital room 3E, the man lying in the bed was indeed Professor Thomson. As his eyes gradually opened, a mix of surprise and agitation flickered across his face. His gaze landed on Jorgan, who was deeply engrossed in examining a report, while Savannah had succumbed to sleep in the chair, her posture one of vigilance, poised to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Seeing Jorgan and Savannah, Thomson's initial response was marked by a gruff and growling tone, revealing his bewilderment. "How... What are you doing here? How did you come here?" he mumbled, clearly taken aback.

Savannah's initial anger and frustration gave way to a deep sense of helplessness upon witnessing Thomson's condition. In response to Jorgan's remark that Thomson was recovering well, she couldn't help but voice their collective plea. "We want you with us in this, Tommy," she implored.

However, Professor Thomson remained unyielding and resolute. "I have my sentiments and promises to keep," he asserted, adjusting his back support for a clearer view.

Savannah's emotions continued to surge, anger resurfacing as she confronted him. "How could you break a promise?" she demanded.

Jorgan, the voice of reason in this tense situation, stepped in to temper their emotions. "Emotions won't help us," he cautioned.

Despite the intense conversation, Thomson's resolve remained unyielding. He turned to Savannah and instructed her to press Jorgan for an explanation regarding the transformation of the original plan into what they now referred to as the 'Saving Ethan plan.' His gaze bore into Jorgan, demanding answers. As he looked towards Jorgan, his voice grew weaker, the fiery anger that had fueled him now waning.

Jorgan chose not to provide a direct explanation but instead made a promise. "Leave that to me," he stated firmly. "The question is whether you're joining us or not."

Thomson, now showing signs of guilt, replied that he wasn't fit to join them, emphasizing the depth of his rivalry with the very person they were pursuing. He confessed, "Do you think this is an accident from the earthquake? I know it is my punishment from him for not doing my job."

Savannah wanted to delve further, but their conversation was abruptly halted by the unexpected entrance of Ethan. It was a surprise for both Thomson and Ethan to find themselves in this situation.

As Ethan mulled over Thomson's role in his life, a sudden recollection flashed through his mind. It was Matilda, playing cards with children, and Thomson was seated among them. Ethan was left with unspoken questions as he looked at the three individuals before him.

Professor Thomson, with a mocking smile, addressed Ethan. "So, they recruited you already," he remarked, his voice reflecting the pain he was experiencing. He followed this with a question, "Is Kira in?"

A heavy silence descended in the room, leaving Thomson with the palpable sense that something remained unsaid.

Suddenly, Thomson's watch vibrated, signaling that his associates were on their way to pick him up. With urgency, he removed the watch and handed it to Savannah, inquiring about her bracelet and its gray bead.

Ethan observed the exchange, his curiosity piqued by the memory of the bracelet from the comic image and its current connection to Kira. However, he chose to remain silent, contemplating the mysteries unfolding before him.

Thomson, sensing that time was of the essence, didn't wait for Savannah's response. Instead, he beckoned Ethan to come closer and offered a quiet yet potent warning: the next time they met, Thomson himself might become a formidable and uncontrollable threat to Ethan. In a final plea, he urged Ethan not to nurture feelings of hatred, mirroring the way he had treated Thomson during their encounter in the hospital room.

Thomson directed Savannah to attach this gear to Ethan, stating that the bead had the ability to recall most memories and that this was the last help he could provide to them.

Without further explanations or opportunities to linger, Thomson hastened their departure from the room, an air of urgency surrounding him. As they left, Ethan nodded in acknowledgment, Jorgan gave him a soft and apologetic look, and Savannah planted a quick kiss on Thomson's forehead before making her swift exit.

Thomson lay there, gazing up at the ceiling. His face displayed a mix of excitement and fear, a sense of anticipation coursing through him. He could feel it; they were approaching. With a whispered welcome, he muttered, "Welcome home, Dad!"


In the vast expanse of the spaceship, its inhabitants were far from idle. Men and women, their faces concealed behind masks devoid of emotion, moved with unwavering purpose and determination. These masks, neither friendly nor menacing, bestowed upon their wearers an air of stoic indifference, hinting at the profound importance of their mission. It was clear that their arrival on the moon was not a mere diplomatic gesture; rather, it bore the intricate nuances of a complex and weighty agenda.

As the spacecraft continued its descent, an aura of fervent excitement rippled through the lavishly adorned passageways. The crew members celebrated their arrival with exuberant applause, as if this moment marked the zenith of their existence.

At the epicenter of this assembly, stood a man with a scarred face, his expression hidden behind an inscrutable mask, who gazed out from a panoramic window. Adorned in futuristic materials that almost resembled fabric, he bore the physical scars of past tribulations. His visage was a study in contrasts: one half marked by scattered burns, the other concealed behind a permanent mask etched with an unwavering determination. Clutched in his gloved hands was another full-face mask, upon which his unwavering gaze was fixed.

Sequestered in his private quarters near the spaceship's window, the man bore an unrelenting smile brimming with vengeance. Behind his inscrutable mask, his eyes remained locked on the lunar surface, anticipation swirling within them. It was a smile raw with the belief that the fate of the world rested within his grasp.

Sequestered in his private quarters near the spaceship's window, the man bore an unrelenting smile brimming with vengeance. Behind his inscrutable mask, his eyes remained locked on the lunar surface, anticipation swirling within them. It was a smile raw with the belief that the fate of the world rested within his grasp.
