Chapter 46

"He did what?" Vadallea gaped, her tea was un-drank but there was definitely some being spilled at this moment.

"He just came out of no where and it's been so awkward ever since," I explained, sighing in exhaustion.

After a moment of processing everything I told her, a mischievous grin formed in her face, "So tell me about this Bazen, was he cute?"

I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I quickly took a drink of hot tea like that was going to calm my nerves, "he's very charming."

"Uh huh," she teasingly sipped her tea, wiggling her eyebrows at me, "'charming'."

"I'm serious!" I defended, feeling embarrassed at the slight thought of possible romance. I never saw it in my future so this was uncharted territory. "He gave me a gift too, just before I came back."

"What is it?!"

"Not sure, I haven't opened it yet," I shrugged, "He told me to wait until I'm home to open it."

"Let me know when you do," Vadallea urged, but then paused, "Unless it's super intimate, then don't say anything."

"Why would it be 'super intimate?'" I asked, admittingly naïvely. 

"Oh uh," Vadallea looked away from me, like she was searching a way to change topics, out the window before suddenly squinting and pointing, "Is that the Grand Duke's carriage." 

"What?" I felt my stomach drop tenfold, but I tried to keep my composure. I have yet to reveal my identity to any of my friends, only to Parter and I assume Kent knows my lineage, and deep down I've always wanted to tell Vadallea, but I was never ready. 

I'm still not ready. 

"Who do you think is in there?" Vadallea speculated, though her tone sounded weird.  Like she know something I didn't. But I think I am just being paranoid. 

"Maybe just a servant or something," I answered hopefully. I knew Rebecca wanted to pick me up from the guild, and I told her to come in the evening which is not for another couple of hours. And like the world was against my today, first Bell came around from the driver's seat and opened the carriage door for my grandfather. "Oh..." 

"The Grand Duke?!" Vadallea basically screamed, and the other patrons in the cafe hurried to the window to catch a glance at what is basically royalty. 

There is a running rumor that the Fortunith name carries greater weight than the Royal family. 

"What is he doing here?" I asked her, genuinely unsure of the answer myself. My grandfather is never in this part of town. None of my family ever comes down here. A part of me wants to believe he's here to pick me up, maybe like how my family would await my siblings return from the academy. 

Bell shot a quick look in my direction, no doubt found me from his abilities. 

"He's not here for you," Bell's voice tickled my ears, and a mixture of relief and disappointment burrowed itself in my chest. It made me feel like I was going to throw up. 

"Lara are you okay? You're really pale," Vadallea's warm hand suddenly clasped my own, our matching bracelets catching my attention, mildly easing my nerves. 

"I-I think I'm just really tired," I stuttered, taking my cup with my free hand, chugging the now room-temp tea. 

"Oh then lets forget the walk, you should just go home," she urged, signaling the waiter nearby, "Also this is my treat." 

"Wait I-" 

"My treat," she firmly restated, shooting me a serious gaze which shut me up real quick. 

"Thank you," I sheepishly responded, finishing off what food we had left and moved to gather my things, "I'll see you tomorrow before you go back North?" 

"Yes, I'll be at the Guild all day tomorrow and leave the next morning," she got up with me, walking with our arm linked and a contagious smile on her face. 

As soon as we said our goodbyes, I began the walk I always took back home. Various backroads and alleys that allows me to vanish in thin air and appear by the servant entrance. It's a winding path I've taken a hundred times.

Today however, I was stopped in my tracks at a familiar carriage. 

"Hello Miss," Bell greeted, shooting me an apologetic look as he opened the door for me, taking my belongings when I got closer. 

"Thanks Bell," I nodded, getting a nod in return. I kept my eyes glued to the ground as I took a seat on the bench across from my towering grandfather. His golden eyes stared warmly at my face, but I couldn't bring myself to look right at them. 

Even after all these years, he still strikes fear deep into me. 

"I'm glad you are safe," my grandfather began, suddenly reaching for my clenched hand and grabbing it comfortingly like Vadallea did just moments ago. His hand was significantly warmer though. "I heard all about your success overseas, I'm so proud of you." 

"Thank you," I bowed my head even lower, hiding the heat rushing to my cheeks and ignoring the bubbling nerves in my stomach.

"Do you still have the family ring?" He asked suddenly, and I was quick to pull it out of my shirt and over my head, holding it outstretched by the chain,  showing it to him frantically. 

"Yes, do you want it back?" I asked, hoping he couldn't hear the nervousness in my voice. 

"No it is yours," he assured, gently pushing it back to me, "There is power in our family name, and you never know when you need it." 

"Thank you," I repeated, feeling some strange twinkling of relief, not even realizing I finished off my sentence with a small, "Grandfather." 

"Of course my granddaughter," he responded with a beaming smile. One I haven't seen.... ever. A smile so bright I could see the youth in his old eyes. "I, no, our family is very proud of your accomplishments, and would love to hold a feast in your name." 

"Oh that's not nes-" 

"It will just be our family, something small, and with your favorite dishes," he went on to explain rather quickly. Like a child excited to regale some mundane story. 

"Oh uh I-" 

"You like fish and lemon right?" 

It's not my favorite dish, but its light enough for me to eat in the presence of my family without getting acid reflux later. I've tried to participate in family meals, but it was always like I was eating needles and sitting on pin cushions. 

"And chocolate cake?" 

That perked my interest, which he seemed to notice with a ginormous grin. Our family chefs made exceptionally rich and delicious cake. I've only ever had it once when I dined in the main hall a year ago, and every so often I would dream of that velvety sweetness in my mouth. 

"Good," my grandfather nodded satisfyingly to himself, "Truthfully, we ask your maid about your interests. I-" his pleasant mood suddenly dissipated like a candle, "I am ashamed of myself, for how little I have regarded you over the years." 

I didn't know what to say, staring at him with wide eyes. 

"You are my first granddaughter, and honor that I have not cherished enough. I wish I was there for you more when you were younger," he held his head down, something I have never seen before in my life. My grandfather had never bowed down to anyone, not even the king. "And now you're practically a woman, no longer needing me, or your parents, not even our family." 

"Grandfather, I..." I trailed off, unsure how to respond to him pouring out his heart to me. 

"I hope you do not hold too much resentment towards me, or your parents. It is my fault for how our family has treated you. I preach leading by example yet I have lead our family astray, so I hope to make it up to you," he reached under his bench, pulling out a large box I didn't even see despite it's large size and bright blue wrapping, "This will be one of many more gifts I believe I owe you." 

"Thank you," I felt choked up, accepting the gift with both arms, unsure if I was too unwrap it. 

"Please, open it," he urged, giving me a small smile, his eyes glistened slightly with unshed tears. 

Carefully tugging the ribbon, and pulling apart the wrapping, I revealed a sleek black box which I quickly opened, revealing shiny sparkling blue fabric that looked like liquid diamond in the form of a delicate coat. 

Pulling it out, it was a gorgeous light blue coat that felt pretty thick but lightweight, lined with soft white fur.  Long flowing sleeves that were quickly cuffed at the wrists to prevent the soft plush fabric from interfering with my hands. The skirt was short in the front and quickly draped down to what seems like my ankles with various glittering pieces of jewels and embroidery of a gallivant wolf surrounded by delicate flower. On the lapel was embroidery as well, decorated with intricate flower and vine patterning. 

"It's made of Moonlight Silk and Lophra Wolf fur, one of th-" my grandfather began but I was so entranced by it I unintentionally interrupted it. 

"One of the strongest fabrics in the world, made from the Moonlight Spiders, said to be able to block any wound and ward off any curse," I mumbled, turning over the coat to feel the fur beneath my fingers, "Lopha Wolf fur, the most perfect winter fur that warms the wearer in the coldest winters and cools them in the hottest summers." 

This was the most perfect coat in the world. 

"You have done your research," my grandfather proudly stated, "I hope you like this gift." 

"I-I- Love it!" I squealed, finding myself throwing my arms around my grandfather in the biggest hug I've ever given, quickly composing myself when I realized who I was grabbing, "I'm so sor" 

Before I could apologize, his strong arms pulled me back into an embrace, giving me an equally tight hug that I found myself matching. 

"I'm so glad you like it," he mumbled into my hair. 

He was warmer that I thought. 
