Going to War

Authors note: This chapter is loosely based on Chicago Fire episode 7x02. Most things about Pat Halstead (the dad) is the same except he doesn't have the preexisting heart condition.

"This is gonna be a rough one." Capp spoke everyone in the squad trucks thoughts as they pulled up to the 25 story apartment building which had flames darting out of the windows around 20 floors up.

"51, get me a water supply from the standpipe. Truck 81, Squad 3, I need search teams. Engine 37, get the hoses into the north stairwell. Ambulance 61, set up triage." Boden ordered. "Get ready, people. We're going to war." He added. "Squad 3 take 21!" Boden said a few minutes later after getting more information on the location of the fire that was based on the 20th floor.

"You heard the chief, elevators are out, let's start climbing!" Severide ordered.

"Chief Boden!" Jay called, rushing into the apartment building.

"Jay?" Boden asked wondering why the detective and older sibling to one of his people were doing at his fire scene.

"My father lives on 23." Jay explained. "I know he's done some things that aren't right but he doesn't deserve to die."

"Does Hollie know?" Boden asked.

"Not that I'm aware of." Jay said. "Is there anything I can do to help chief?" He offered, looking around the reception area and seeing people in a similar, but very different, position to himself.

"Keep that doorway clear, would you?" Boden asked.

"Absolutely." Jay said with a nod. "Everybody back!" He shouted. "Clear this door!"

"Halstead, Cruz take the left. Capp, you and I will take the right." Severide ordered as they reached the 21st floor.

"Copy." Cruz said as he and Hollie knocked on the first door on the left side of the floor.

"Chief, we cleared 22. Kidd and I are headed to 23." Cruz and Hollie were clearing their fifth apartment when Casey's voice came through the radio.

"Copy that." Boden replied within seconds "Casey, I got Jay Halstead here. His father lives at 23C." At the words Halstead and Father Hollie froze for a second, her father was supposedly in this building.

"Hollie, you good?" Cruz asked, walking to her side. He had also picked up on the same words in the short conversation and had glanced over in Hollie's direction fast enough to see her freeze up.

"I'm good." Hollie replied, not only reassuring him but also herself.

"Chief, we're inside 23C right now." Hollie and Cruz had managed to clear another apartment when Casey's voice came back over the radio.

"Go ahead, Casey. What'd you find?" This time it took the chief slightly longer to reply, whether it was for dramatic effect or if he had been calling Jay over Hollie couldn't decide.

"Nothing. The apartment's empty." Casey said. "No sign of Mr. Halstead or anyone even living here." He said, an ever so slight hint of disgust in his voice after the events of the month.

"Carry on, Casey." Boden said. Hollie kept her ears open for any more mentions of Pat but there were none. "You sure you've got the right apartment?" Boden asked Jay on the ground floor.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I set him up in this place." Jay said, running a hand through his hair in confusion.

"Cruz, I need to go change my tank out." Hollie said as they cleared the last apartment at the same time as Severide and Capp.

"So do I." Cruz said, checking his monitor.

"Chief 21s clear." Severide reported. "Halstead and Cruz are coming down to change out their tanks."

"Copy that, start a secondary search on 24." Boden ordered.

"Come on, you must have seen this guy today." Hollie was cutting through the lobby to change out her tank when she saw her brother at the desk holding his phone in the receptionists face. "Pat Halstead." Jay said. "He's a crusty old pain in the ass. He never smiles. Loves to yell at people."

"Okay, yeah, yeah. I know the guy." The receptionist said. "He used to live in 23C but his daughter's moving in with him or something and he wanted a bigger place."

"When was this?" Jay asked.

"A couple weeks after Christmas I think?" He shrugged.

"Have you seen him today?" Jay asked.

"Not that I can remember."

Hollie had just finished swapping her tank and was stood watching the scene around her whilst Cruz finished his.

"Who's picking up Amelia?" Cruz asked as they walked back through the lobby.

"Shit..." Hollie muttered, seeing the time on a wall clock behind the reception.

"I'll call Mouse, go save some more lives." Jay said, overhearing the conversation.

"What's the latest on dad?" Hollie asked.

"He moved apartments and the guy behind reception's trying to work out which one." Jay explained.

"Okay." Hollie said, running to catch up with Cruz.

10 minutes later and Mouse was stood in the playground along with other parents waiting for their kids. Another 10 minutes passed and most of the parents had left but Mouse was still stood waiting for Amelia. He began to grow impatient and headed towards her classroom.

"Greg, what can I do for you?" Amelia's teacher asked, looking generally confused.

"Hollie's stuck at work and sent me to pick Mia up." Mouse said, glancing around the classroom.

"I thought you'd already picked her up?" She said.

"No, what do you mean?" Mouse asked, getting worried.

"The receptionist came through and took her, said her dad was here to take her home? I just figured they'd mistaken you for her dad?" She said, also beginning to worry.

"It wasn't me or either of her brothers." Mouse thought aloud. "Don't worry, I'll sort it." Mouse said, getting his phone out and ringing Jay.

"Hey, Mia." Jay said, answering his phone.

"She's not here." Mouse said, walking back out onto the playground and heading towards the reception.

"What do you mean she's not there?" Jay asked.

"I'm on my way into reception to try and find out who but someone took her out of school earlier claiming to be her dad." Mouse explained.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Jay asked.

"Its just gut instinct but I think it's Pat." Mouse said, opening the door to the school reception.
