Bad Choices 5 - A better life

*cough cough* SMUT WARNING *cough cough*

Finding himself in the same room he had woken up in the morning felt odd. Now that he was sure it was his bedroom, it seemed completely different, especially by night time and without the dragons to crowd it. The viking pushed aside this strange feeling, mixture of déjà-vu and discovery, then he lit up the lanthern next ot the bed and closed the wooden shutters by the window. Said window had visibly been added so the dragons can go in and out.

The sole idea of vikings not fighting them anymore and living in peace with them was still hard to believe, just like Joke being alive and them being together in this other life.

With the lanthern, he could see the whole room, even if the light was dim. He reached the bed, arranged the furs and blankets on it, then removed his clothes. He put them back on the chest where he had found them, folded and piled. He only kept his pants on, then removed his peg leg and sat on the edge of the bed.

He stared for a moment at the stump on his calf, and noticed how the skin had reddened. It was a bit sore, too, surely it was the friction with the prothesis, still he marvelled at how his body was used to it, even if he, himself, was not used to this body.

He looked up as he heard the door creak open and saw Joke, a steaming bowl in his hands. The viking blushed as he saw the blue eyes wander on him. Visibly, though it stunned him, Joke seemed to like the sight of his bare chest. At least, until he noticed how Hiccup was holding his left tight. He frowned with concern.

''Is your leg aching ?''

''Oh no, it's nothing.''

''You sure ? The oil is ready, I can give you a massage here too.''

''I'm fine.'' Hiccup smiled.

Joke's concern moved him more than he wanted to admit. Memories of the life he had lived were still nagging his mind, he wondered again how could this life be so different from his own, and he liked it more and more. Joke smiled back to him with such softness his heart skipped a beat, then he went to put the bowl on the nightstand, before retreating a nightshirt under the pillow.

Realising he was about to change, Hiccup felt flustered. Even if he had understood Joke and him were together in this other life – though he didn't know how long it had been – he was too embarrassed and didn't dare to look. He held from clearing his throat and decided to lay down on his stomach so he couldn't see Joke. A part of his mind tried to pretend it was because he was settling for the massage, another part hoped Joke had not noticed the blush creeping on his face or blame the fever for it.

He crossed his arms and used them as a pillow, taking good care at looking the other way around, yet hearing the ruffling of clothes drew in his mind a perfect picture of the sight he forbade himself to see. He felt like dying out of shame at least a dozen times and ended up squinting his eyes shut.

Then he neared the heart attack as a weight shifted on the edge of the bed, indicating Joke was climbing on it. The viking even flinched when he felt the young man take place above him, his knees on each side of his hips. He tensed without his control, earning a faint chuckle from Joke. That chuckle made the blush darken.

''It's cute how you always react like this, even now. No wonder you're that tensed.'' Joke teased.

Hiccup couldn't bring himself to answer. He didn't know what to say, anyway. Joke seemed to suggest the viking was still embarrassed with his presence, it meant their relationship was new, right ?

''And don't try to blame the fever, you know you're always like this.''

''What about when I'm drunk ?'' Hiccup tried.

''It's worst when you're drunk.'' Joke laughed.

The viking let this laugh lull him, it felt like it had come back from the dead. He had not heard it for so long, so many years and, even if Joke's voice was deeper and more mature, this laugh was just as carefree as he remembered it to be. However, when the laugh subdued, silence fell again. Hiccup felt Joke move and, from the corner of his eye, he saw the young man bend on the side, as if trying to see his face.

Forest green eyes met icy blue ones which stared with confusion. Joke frowned a bit, he seemed disappointed.

''This fever is such a pain if it managed to quiet down your usual sassy retort.''

''Sorry.'' Hiccup smiled.

It was difficult to laugh because his heart was pounding to the idea of Joke liking his sass. Granted, back when they were friends, his retort and sarcasm were the main sources of their best giggles, along with Joke's pranks, but knowing it was still bounding them so many years later... It moved him even more because this sass was the main cause of all the troubles he had had, with his father, with the other teenagers, with the rest of the village.

His mind went quiet as he felt something warm pour between his shoulder blades. It was the oil. Joke poured it slowly, all along the viking's back, and Hiccup would have lied saying it didn't felt nice. Still it was not as nice as feeling chilly hands spread it on his skin and starting the massage.

The pressure was moderate, the gesture slow and acurate, and fond. Sometimes, Joke pressed harder, working the muscles to make them relax. It was obvious he knew what he was doing. Soon Hiccup closed his eyes and melted into each pressure. His body went lax and seemed to liquefy, his mind was getting numb, devoid of all thought and worry. He did nothing but enjoy the moment, a broad content smile on his face.

He didn't even notice he was starting to hum and groan faintly, he didn't even noticed that, unlike his whole body softening and relaxing, one specific part of his anatomy was doing the opposite and hardening. He didn't pay attention to this, at least until Joke's hands ran to his lower back, just above his hips. His throat tightened and barely muffled a louder moan, which made him start and blush hard. That's only then he noticed his arousal, beating like a second heart as it was captive between the bed and his lower belly. Feeling Joke bending above him didn't help, even less when he felt his breath near his own ear.

''If you keep on like this, you know exactly how it will end.''

Hiccup could almost hear the smile in the young man's voice, and it was so low it sent a wave of heat all over him. A heavy breath came out of his mouth, his breath had quickened and it seemed to amuse Joke. Hiccup closed his eyes, trying to cool off, but all control escaped him as he felt Joke kiss his ear. Something like an electric shock ran down his whole body and he turned around in a jolt. Bad idea.

He found himself laying on his back, Joke miraculously still kneeling on the bed above him. Hiccup's heart made a loop for two reasons. First, Joke seemed to be only wearing this nightshirt. Granted the sleeves were a bit too large, thus the young man had rolled them up to his elbows, but the shirt was short. So short it was exposing a good half of Joke's tights. Second, now that Hiccup was facing him, his arousal was pressed against Joke's body. The pants he was wearing were pretty thin and allowed him to feel any curve in touch with Joke's. He could easily feel Joke's thights, and the fact he was as aroused as himself.

Meeting his intense gaze stole his breath away, then the young man bent above him, resting his hands on each side of the auburn head, and smirked mischievously.

''I think the massage's gone to waste.'' Joke murmured. ''I want you, now.''

Hiccup blushed even more, he swore his chest was about to explose seeing how his heart was beating strong. He closed his eyes as Joke's lips brushed his, and wraped his arms around the thin young man, humming into their kiss and nearly moaning as their bodies pressed against one another. If it was possible to blush even more, he just did as he realised Joke had also moaned.

He found he liked that sound, and loved this sensation of this body pressed against his. Hiccup felt like loosing his mind and kissed back with much passion. It was his first kiss, he never had the occasion to kiss before that, and he quickly decided he could get used to Joke's lips. They tasted and felt like a sweet elixir he wanted to drink forever, he didn't want to let go of them.

As the heat spread within his core, his hands roamed on the other body and got a hold of Joke's waist through the fabric, stroking with avidity as the two men started to rub themselves against the other. Despite the burning heat, the young viking felt like he had reached Valhalla. In the end, finding himself in the life of another Hiccup and discovering these strong emotions and sensations he had been deprived his whole life, maybe it was his paradise ? Though he couldn't conceive how the life he had had was worthy of such an after-life.

This thought died out when he felt chilly hands open up his pants and push it down his hips. Panic crept through the heat and managed to replace the euphoria. He had never done this before ! Surely he knew how people did it, but he had never done it himself ! The way things were going on with Joke seemed to say it was not their first time together, but it was Hiccup's. He didn't even know how the both of them were doing it, which one was going to penetrate the other. What if it was Joke ? Was the auburnet's body ready for that, since he was a virgin ? But was he really one ? His mind belonged to his previous life, but this body belonged to this one. Maybe, just like his stump was used to the peg leg, his body was used to their lovemaking ? He convinced himself he was worrying for nothing.

So he let his panic died out and let Joke get him rid off his pants, before kneeling back over him. Hiccup was puzzled seeing how Joke was placing himself, he was not taking place between his legs but straddling him... The viking's confusion faded into delight as he suddenly felt the chilly fingers stroke and curl around his arousal. They coated the shaft with warm oil, the viking relishing in the touch to the extend he rolled his head back and bit back a growl of pleasure. It kept on like this for a delicious moment, Hiccup not even noticing nor caring about what Joke was doing with his other hand. He could only relish on the touch and the soft moans escaping Joke's lips.


Hearing Joke moaning his name made the viking crazy, but not as much as did this sudden pressure on the tip of his shaft, slowly pressing down all around it. The viking's face contorted into sheer pleasure as he was slowly thrusting into Joke. The oil and preparation made it easy and delightful. Hiccup bit his lips as he felt the soft yet tight insides of Joke, pressing firmly around him, as if holding him there.

He took back what he had tought moments ago, this was his paradise. He grimaced and grabbed the pale hips above him, and gasped as Joke started to move. The viking growled and bit harder on his lip, turning his head on the side and keeping his eyes shut to focus on the feeling. His heart had quickened once again, he was so hot he could feel sweat roll on his skin, and each thrust in Joke drove him a bit crazier.

When he heard the young man moan and put an hand on his chest, as if holding himself up, the viking opened up his eyes in a start. Then he saw his partner, the blush contrasting harshly on his delicate pale skin, a few drops of sweat covering his forehead and neck, falling from his snowy hair.

Hiccup stared at him for a long moment as both of them remained still, then his green eyes wandered lower. The slightly too large nightshirt was hidding everything from him. It was hiding the young man's body, and the sight matching this exquisite sensation...

He let go of Joke's hips and ran his hands on his tights, slowly lifting the fabric while stroking his skin longingly. He stroked hips, waist, sides, felt ribs and brushed over chest while the young man lifted his arms to help him remove the clothe.

Though when the viking discovered his naked body with his eyes, the lean and pale limbs and how the beautiful young man was aroused, he lost it. He grabed Joke and made them roll on the bed, shifting their position so he was on top. Joke chuckled, yet the sound quickly turned into a moan as he felt his lover's lips graze his sensitive neck.

Hiccup savored this skin with greed, feeling chilly hands take a firm hold of his shoulders, then he went back to the thrusts. The sensations seemed completely renewed as his instincts woke up. He thrust in again and again, almost bumping their pelvis against one another, each gasp, moan and cry he tore from Joke driving him crazy, but nothing did it better than hearing the young man call out his name and ask for more.

In this moment, Hiccup didn't recognize himself. He felt unleashed, he felt more confident and stronger than he ever had, like a beast, like a savage and dangerous animal, like a predator. A predator devouring his prey mercilessly.

It scared him, until the moment Joke arched his back and cried out louder, coming into their stomach and chest. Hiccup had pushed him to the edge, to his breaking point, and kept on pushing even farther, feeding this sweet orgasm, until the young man dropped back to the blankets, out of breath and slightly shaking.

Hiccup lifted his head a bit and gazed at the reddened pale face with half closed eyes, Joke's breath was starting to steady while his own was more erratic than ever. His own turmoil felt unbearable. It felt like every piece of his body was on fire, each muscle was tensed, his heart was beating out of his chest, his breath was tearing his throat appart. It felt like he was burning. It was almost painful, both physically and mentally. The few part of his mind managing to survive this was begging for someone to end his suffering. He begged for dying again.

He had already experienced death, he knew the sensation of life leaving his body, the cold and darkness sipping in, leading him to nothingness. However, in this very moment, it was the opposite. What he was feeling was not death. It was life. Life to its climax, in all its intensity and even more. And this life ran riot at the exact moment the young man under him cupped his face to kiss him deeply, with the same passion Hiccup was still trusting in him.

This life seemed to explode inside of him, and shoot out of him and inside this extraordinary being who was sharing this moment, who was sharing everything, with him. Hiccup let these new torments invade him, let them wash over him and his core, and he ended up collasping on the bed, conquered by such intensity.

He took a few moments to steady his breath, his thoughts rushing back upside down, trying to find an explanation to what he had just lived.

''Oh babe, what just happened ?'' Joke whispered, still panting.

Hiccup forced himself up, leaning on his shaking arms, and met bright blue eyes. A chilly hand brushed his burning cheek, as burning as the rest of his body, gently brushing off some auburn strands from his forehead.

''Last time you made me love like this, it was our first time.''

Hiccup hesitated, his face still flushed.

''It felt like our first time, to me.''

Joke's eyebrows shot up, then his features softened in a way that made the viking melt. He was still stroking the freckled face.

''Joke, I... Oh Gods, I think I'm in love with you.''

The white haired young man's smile dropped, then he bursted out in laughter. Hiccup was stunned and, even if this laugh drew butterflies in his belly, it vexed him all the same. Were his feelings that hilarious ? Was he that ridiculous ? Joke took a bit of time to calm down, even wiping a tear of laughter, while the viking was almost glaring at him.

When Joke was calm again, and Hiccup was expecting to see him smirk, he found nothing but endearment on his pale face.

''Time to finally notice this, it just took you eight years.''

Hiccup blinked. Eight years ? Had they really been together for eight years ? But then that meant... they had gotten together when teenagers ? Were the decisive events making this life so different from his own, dated from that long ago ? When did all of this change ?

Joke pulled him out of his thoughts as he took his hand, softly kissing his calloused knuckles. Hiccup's heart skipped a beat at the touch, then another one as the viking noticed something about Joke's fingers. He was wearing a ring on his ring finger. The object was thin and made from a surprising material, it looked like ice, but shining like some kind of gemstone.

The material didn't matter for Hiccup, it was the finger were it stood that did. It was not just a ring, it was an engagement ring. Curious, he tentatively checked his own left hand, and spotted a similar ring there, in the same material, at the same finger. Then it hit him. They were married.

He instantly looked back to Joke, feeling like he was discovering the young man all over again. Though said young man was not looking back at him. His gaze was focused downward, before he lifted his head back up with an embarrassed blush.

''Huh... babe ?''

Hiccup's heart made another loop to the pet name.

''Are you planing to get out or... ?''

Hiccup frowned in confusion, then looked down too, only to see he was still inside of Joke. It made him blush too, and his first reflex was to pull away, but he found himself not wanting to. He didn't want to pull away. He wanted to stay there. It felt so good there. He felt accepted, and most of all he felt loved. Not for a deed he had pretended accomplish, but for who he truly was.

''Nope.'' He said, teasing. ''I'll never get out.''

Joke gave him a quizzical look, then burst out un laughter once again. New tears streamed his eyes, but this time Hiccup didn't felt insulted. He smiled and stared at the laughing young man, patiently waiting for him to calm down, patiently waiting to meet this bright eyes of his, and maybe know what was so funny.

The answer came as Joke talked between his giggles.

''Wasn't it what you said the first time, too ?''

Hiccup looked away, embarrassed. Okay, it was funny, thought it was his first time. If Joke had the memories of a full life with him, eight years of relationship and... some time of marriage, for Hiccup it was all new. He only knew their couple for one day, one night actually, and he had to admit he knew he could get used to it. He didn't want this to end.

''Eight years, one night, all our life... It doesn't change what I feel for you.''

This declaration gave him the satisfaction of seeing a new blush creep on pale cheeks, and Joke's smile got brighter. The pale hand found back its place on a freckled cheek, before slowly stroking down to the viking's neck. Hiccup closed his eyes, relishing in the touch.

''I like when you get romantic.'' Joke mused.

Hiccup looked back at him and smiled, before leaning in to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around the thin waist and moved against Joke, rubbing against and inside of him, slowly growing hard again. Joke flinched in pleasure and let him do as he pleased, holding him by the neck.

Hiccup held onto him too, his grip growing more desperate as he could feel tiredness slowly claim him. However he didn't want to give in to sleep. He still felt like sleep would end his day. This feeling was growing and growing, like a silent cry getting louder to warn him. His glimpse was coming to an end. His day in this other life was coming to an end.

Despite of this, he kept on holding onto Joke. He had lost him many years ago, and the memory of this rejection, then his death, was still haunting him. As he had tasted this other life with the white haired boy by his side, he was more than aware he had made a terrible mistake back then. He had rejected him. He should have held onto him. So, in this moment, while he was slowly drifting off to sleep, he tried to make up for his mistake. He knew he should have hold on Joke, never letting him go, so he held on.

Unfortunately, sleep tore them apart. His glimpse ended, and he went back to nothingness.

Or so he thought.
