The god gets no response and frowns slightly. Righting himself Xie Lian opens his golden eyes to look. "San Lan-" The words catch in this throat. Eyes widen. That isn't San Lang.

Two people stand a good distance away staring at the god. Unfortunately it's not far enough and Xie Lian can identify them immediately.

But he's sure no matter the distance or disguise they use he will always know them. Call it familiarity that can't fade. Or just that they know each other so well. "Why are you here?" He asks.  "Did San Lang send the invites to you?" Xie Lian asks hopefully.

He can still remember the one time he talked over the set of invites he wanted to send. But he accepted that the two gods probably wouldn't turn up even if he sent them. And if they did they may ruin the day.

Hua Cheng really didn't want them to appear, yet here they were. Had he caved in? No chance. So why are they here?

"Xie Lian..." The shorter says sadly stepping forward. "Ah..." Xie Lian sighs smiling sadly. "He didn't send them." He didn't think he world. That ghost holds many strong opinions of the two that Xie Lian can't lessen no matter how he tries.

"How can you get married?" The god says with a harsher tone. "Mu Qing." Xie Lian says softly. "It's not like I had a choice." He shrugs. "Besides it's not so bad."

The second god, Feng Xin scoffs. "Why didn't you argue? This is unlike you to just sit and accept." He mutters.

Xie Lian looks away. "How much do you know?" He asks. "Because if you think I came here, ran away and hid for a year of my own choice..." he shakes his head. Its not worth going into it.

"So you didn't run from us?" Feng Xin asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "I would never. But I had no choice. My hands were tied."

"But you didn't fight?" Mu Qing scowls. Xie Lian frowns. "I tried. Five times total. And each time I was struck down worse. The emperor would't have it. Even when..." He shakes his head. Don't bring up the past.

"What? Even when what?" Mu Qing asks. Xie Lian shakes his head again. "Your highness, even when what?" Feng Xin encouraged.

Xie Lian sighs. "Even when he knew." He caved. "He saw my eyes, I was already in love. He knew who it was. He saw how I looked at you. He knew before he did it and still..." He admits. "I must have angered our lord, so this is my punishment. He would have hurt you I'm sure."

"Did he hurt you?" Xie Lian doesn't answer.

"Let's run." Mu Qing says. "We can get away from here. Just us three." The taller god smiles widely. "Yes let's go. It will be like before."

Xie Lian holds up a hand. "I don't wanna talk, about the things we've gone through, or the past we shared. I can't run."

The two gods look puzzled. "But you don't, are you... are you actually okay with this?!" Feng Xin yells unbelieving.

The god clad in red nods his head. "Yes." He says. 

"Though it's hurting me, we are history. We can't go back surely you know this." He says quietly.

"You hated the idea of being exposed. Why would I use you in my argument. But without that excuse, I had nothing." The golden eyes man says. "That night." Mu Qing says louder. "Xie Lian that night you asked if we'd bet a life? That was..."
Xie Lian smiles sadly. "Yes because Jun Wu used me as a betting chip."

Feng Xin runs up, "And valuable? Is that what he called you valuable? Like an object?" Xie Lian warms at the anger but it's not enough.

"Nothings been exposed. You two are safe from me and your reputation is still mighty. That's why you never came to see me right? Because you didn't want people to talk." He laughs. How foolish he was.

Mu Qing looks furious. "What nonsense!" Then softening his eyes. "I don't know about this idiot, but I'd rather have you and a bad reputation then... then..."

Feng Xin looks upset. "Have we really lost you to him? Isn't there anything we can do?! Do you even love him? Why... why was it you he picked. Why did the emperor agree?"

"The winner takes it all. The loser standing small. Beside the victory, that's my destiny. Apparently Jun Wu was blinded by the taste of San langs ashes. But he wouldn't have won either way." Then laughing Xie Lian adds. "I've never had good luck since my banishment. Sealed away. And now look at me, my luck has turned, I have freedom."

"San lang?"

He frowns deeply, the other two have to resist the urge to run over. "I call hua Cheng San Lang. And although he technically owns me, I don't feel it. I'm free to do as I like. But I never visited the heavens." Xie Lian looks at the two an understanding look.

"It's been so long. I thought you maybe didn't want me. I was too scared to reach out if rejection was waiting. I never wanted to sully you both. I didn't intend to drag you down with me." He sighs. "I guess I failed at doing that anyway. I can remember the sweet moments. The memories I'll never forget. The three of us. Talking and messing around. We'd tire ourselves out and collapse onto one another. I was in your arms, thinking I belonged there. And even though our goodbyes weren't said out loud, that night, that night was the goodbye I needed. So thank you for indulging me."

Mu Qing looks around before cursing under his breath. "Fuck it." He runs over grabbing the gods shoulders. "I don't accept this goodbye, the only place you belong is with us. You should be wearing this for us not him!" He shouts. Xie Lian's eyes widen.

Fragments of tears gather. "Mu Qing-" how could the god say such things? How could he try to open his heart again.

"I figured it made sense, building us a home. Thinking we be strong there. This isn't your home." Feng Xin says slowly walking over. "We were fools." He says standing in front of the prince.

"Playing by the rules, The ghost may throw a dice. The emperor's mind as cold as ice. But no matter what they decree, no matter what I gamble. I will not loose my memories of us." Xie Lian proclaimed. He smiles widely and the two others practically crumple to the floor.

"And someone way down here... is where we lose someone dear?" Mu Qing asks out. "We can't, tell us we're not too late. Fuck!" Feng Xin curses.

"The winner takes it all. The loser has to fall, I'm glad I didn't get banished again. Tho if I had I wouldn't be married off to a ghost king." The two gods looks desperately at each other. "Xie Lian say it, say what we need to hear and we'll fight."

Xie Lian laughs. "Why should I complain? It's not like I'm being hurt. He's very kind. He gives me anything I ask for. He looked after me when Jun Wu beat me up. He eats my cooking, he understands my pain. He's been with me for so long."

"Did he give you a choice? Does he even know about us? Have you told him?" Feng Xin asks clinging to the red robes. Xie Lian hesitates. "He knows about us..." then looking distant. "He also knows about the time when I was banished...and my time as a crown prince." the two wince. "I'm sorry." Feng Xin says. "We should have never left."

Xie Lian laughs. "Oh Feng Xin." He says cupping the boys cheek. "Was it not me who told you to leave? I should be sorry-"

"I'm sorry." Mu Qing says loudly. The two freeze. Xie Lian turns to face the other. Tears breaking free. "I- I-" he can't put the words together.

"But tell me does he kiss like we used to kiss you? Does it feel the same when he calls your name?" He asks grabbing the gods hand. He raises it to press a light kiss to it. Then pressing it to the boys chest he continues. "Somewhere deep inside you must know you miss us."

Xie Lian nods slowly as Feng Xin wipes his tears. "What can I say?Rules must be obeyed, I can't disappear, I can't disobey. Jun Wu would hurt you." He sighs. "The game is on again a lover or a friend. A big thing or a small thing. Someones hand. Someones body. It was won, and I will be given."

The two look disgusted. The hands grab tighter and Xie Lian rocks with each pull. "Don't tell me?!" Feng Xin scowls. "What you imply is?!" Mu Qing asks. Xie Lian nods. "Jun Wu lost a bet against the crimson rain sought flower. And I was what he bet. It's only natural San Lang would want me."

They both let go as if they'd touches something burning. "So 'The winner takes it all'?" They both say together starting to see the full picture. Xie Lian looks as if he's about to break down. "I didn't want this at first." He whispers. "I've been forced here, but I can't even bring myself to hate him." He sobs. "San Lang is so kind. He's so patient with me. When I doubted him he let me. He never got angry even when I asked him to invite you to the weeding. He's never hurt me."

The god throws his head into his hands as he wails. "I love you two, we have so many memories. We've been through so much. I hate it. I hate myself.  Should I not be loyal to you?! Should I not be loyal to San Lang?! Why am I here? Why was I bet? Am I only an object. Am I just a body to please someone with?!" He yells in hysterics.

The two gods envelop the bride in a crushing hug. "Don't worry about us, Xie Lian." Mu Qing says painfully. "You're doing this out of selfless love. I'm- I just want you to be happy." Feng Xin adds.

"I don't wanna talk, if it makes you feel sad." The shorter mumbles into the golden eyes god neck.

"I apologize, If it makes you feel bad." Feng Xin says mirroring the action on the opposite side.

Xie Lian shudders trying to rain it in.

"I hate it. Seeing me so tense. With no self-confidence. I'm a mess, and tonight I'm-"

The two shush him. "We'll fix it." Mu Qing says suddenly. "What?" Xie Lian asks pulling back. "How? You can't." Feng Xin look at at the other and nods. "We didn't come here to watch you get taken away. We came here to gamble."

Xie Lian stands up. "Gamble?! No!" He yells. "You will not do anything stupid. Gambling got me into this mess. It will not get me out. Besides it's not like I'm unhappy!" He yells. "You're not?" Mu Qing says. "No I love San Lang with all my heart!"

Then taking in a deep breath. "I was so happy before you two came here!"

The two take in a sharp deep breath. "No you don't love him. Your just surviving. We can bet our lives for your freedom." Xie Lian stumbles back at the obscured statement.

"You promised me you'd never bet a life!" He yells. Pointing a finger at them. "Don't say such things, if San Lang hears you he'll take you on. He's too good he'll crush you and then you'll be two less rivals for him and it's not like I hate him! I do love him very much. And he's so kind to me! Please don't say that again. I just want to be happy with him." He rambles.

"I love you." He say looking at the two gods. "But I love San Lang in a way I never have with you. It's pure, loyal, we are devoted to each other."

"No, snap out of it! We'll bet our life's for you and we'll win and you'll be happy again." Feng Xin says. "Shut up! I am happy! Imagine if he heard your nonsense! I'm happy here with San Lang, but I would be even happier if you left without a fuss. What if he was here and-" A silver butterfly lands gently on the tip of his nose and his breathing hitches. "San Lang..."

But you see, the winner takes it all.
