Chapter 27

"Apalapucia," the Doctor said, dancing around the console. He was still wearing that long green coat that Elise didn't care for.

"Say it again?" Amy asked.




"Apalapucia," Rory said, giving it go. He got it right on the first try.

"Apalapucia," the Doctor said.

"Apalapucia," Amy said, finally getting it, "What a beautiful word."

"Beautiful word, beautiful world. Apalapucia! Voted number two planet in the Top Ten Greatest Destinations for the Discerning Intergalactic Traveler."

"Why couldn't we go to number one?" Rory asked.

"It's hideous. Everyone goes to number one. Planet of the coffee shops. Apalapucia. I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades."

They all ran for the TARDIS doors.

"I give you..." The Doctor threw open the doors and there was nothing except a set of doors across from them.

"Doors," Rory said.

"Doors. Yes. I give you doors. But on the other side of those doors, I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades."

"Have you seen my phone?" Amy asked.

"Your phone?"


"Your mobile telephone? I bring you to a paradise planet, two billion light years from Earth, and you want to update Twitter."

"Sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades. It's a camera phone."

"On the counter, by the DVDs."

"Thank you." Amy disappeared back into the TARDIS to get her phone. "

How do we get in?" Rory asked.

"I don't know. Push a button," the Doctor told him.

Rory pressed the Green Anchor and they went inside the room. The door closed behind them.

"Okay, so rain check on the soaring silver colonnades," the Doctor said.

Elise patted him on the back.

"Yeah," Rory said.

There was a magnifying glass in the middle of a table.

"Hey? Hey, it's locked," Amy told them from outside the room.

"Yeah, push the button," Rory said.

They assumed that the doors would just open and Amy would be standing there, but nothing happened.

"Come on, Amy," Rory muttered. He walked over to the door and pressed the button.

The doors opened, but no one was standing there.

"Where is she? Where on wherever we are is my wife?" Rory asked.

The Doctor sat down in one of the chairs and pressed the green button on the magnifying glass stand.

Amy appeared.

"Rory, I think I've found her," the Doctor said.

"What do you mean you've found her?" Rory walked over to them and jumped when he saw Amy. "Whoa." He ran around to the other side of the magnifying glass. "No, but, she's not, she's not here. I can see her, but she's not here."

"It's like a mirror," Elise said.

"Where am I? In fact, where are you?" Amy asked.

A white robot entered the room with them. It didn't have a face and was holding up a hand.

"Hands. Hello, hands. Robot with hands, Rory," the Doctor said.

"Welcome to the Twostreams facility. Will you be visiting long?" the robot asked.

"Er, Doctor, something's happening," Amy said.

The image in the glass started to waver.

"Er, Amy? Stay calm. Stay still," the Doctor told her. He took out his sonic screwdriver and soniced the glass. "Ah, time's gone wobbly. I hate it when it does that."

"Will you be visiting long?" the robot asked.

Rory backed away from the robot. "Good question. Bit sinister. What's the answer to not get us killed?"

Elise stood in front of Rory, between him and the robot. At least if something happened to her, she could regenerate.

"It's okay, I've got you, you're fine," the Doctor told her.

"Will you be visiting long?" the robot asked again.

"A little help, Doctor," Rory said.

"And where have you been?" Amy asked.

"Dad! What do tell it? There's got to be a way to turn it off!" Elise snapped.

"I've been here a week."

"A week?" the Doctor asked Amy, "A week? I'm so sorry. Ah-ha. Same room, different times. Two different time streams running parallel but at different speeds. Amy, you're in a faster time stream."

"Doctor, it's going again!"

"Doctor!" Rory yelled.

Elise had her screwdriver out and pointed at the robot, but it wasn't doing anything. The robot was almost touching them. Elise knew something would happen, but she wasn't interested in finding out what.

"Amy!" the Doctor yelled.


The Doctor soniced the glass again. "Come on. Gotcha. There. Stabilized, settled, shush."

"Why has this got hands?" Rory asked.

"Organic skin. Ultimate universal interface, grown and grafted, not born. I mean, it's actually seeing with its fingers, scanning the room," the Doctor explained, "But why not just give it eyes?"

"Will you be visiting long?" the robot asked.

"As long as it takes." The Doctor walked back over to the glass. "Amy, what exactly did you do?"

"I just, I came in and I pressed the door button."

"Oh! Amy, there are two buttons. The green anchor and the red waterfall," Rory told her, "Which one did you push?"

"I pushed the red waterfall."

"Great." Rory left the room and came back a minute later. "I pressed Red Waterfall, and she wasn't there!"

"Okay, so you can't follow her directly. No, it's never simple. Did you hear that, Handbot? She pressed the wrong button, that's all. We're aliens, we didn't know."

"Statement rejected," the Handbot said, "Apalapucia is under planet-wide quarantine. This is a kindness facility for those infected with Gen-7."

The Doctor covered his mouth and nose with his coat. "What?"

Rory did the same and walked over to him. "Gen-7?"

"The one day plague."

"What, you get it for a day?"

"No, you get it, and you die in a day."

"There are 40,000 residents in the Twostreams Facility. Please remain in the sterile areas. Visiting hours are now," the Handbot said before it beamed out of the room.

"Sterile area. I'm safe," the Doctor said. He walked over to Elise and kissed her forehead, smoothing a hand over her hair. "We're safe."

"What about me?" Amy asked.

"Gen-7 only affects two-hearted races like Apalapucians."

"And Time Lords," Elise said, realizing why the Doctor had been reassuring her.

"Yeah, like us. Walk into that facility, we're dead in a day. Time moves faster on Amy's side of the glass. Amy, you said you'd been here a week. What did you eat?"

"Nothing. I wasn't hungry."

"No, because that Red Waterfall time is compressed. That's the point. The Time Glass syncs up the two time streams for visits. You could be in here for a day, and watch them live out their entire lives."

"And watch them grow old in front of your eyes?" Rory asked.

"That's awful," Elise said, her blue eyes filling with tears. Were they going to have to watch Amy age and die?

The Doctor put a hand on her shoulder. "No, it's kind. You've got a choice. Sit by their bedside for twenty four hours and watch them die, or sit in here for twenty four hours and watch them live. Which would you choose?" The Doctor pulled the Time Glass off the table.

"Doctor!" Amy cried out.

The Doctor moved and placed the glass where Amy would be sitting. "I'm here, Amy. I'm right here."

"Where are you? Am I looking at you?"

"Turn left just a fraction."

Amy did as he said.

"Bit more. Stop. That's it."

"Eye to eye?" Amy asked him.

"Eye to eye."

"Hello." Rory told her.

"Amy, I'm taking the Time Glass back to the TARDIS," the Doctor said, "Like satnav, I'll use it to get a lock, then smash through using the TARDIS to get you out. Until then, you're on your own." The Doctor soniced the glass.

"Er, what are you doing?" Rory asked

"Locking it on to Amy. Small act of vandalism. No one'll mind."

An alarm started going off.

"Ah, that'll be the small act of vandalism alarm. Amy, I need you to go into the facility just for a bit. Find somewhere safe and leave me a sign. Remember, you're immune to Gen-7, but don't let them give you anything. They don't know you're alien. Their kindness will kill you. Now go."

Amy walked over to the other set of doors and pressed the button. She turned back to them before she entered the facility. "Rory, I love you. Now save me. Go on."

The now trio headed back to the TARDIS.

"Are you sure this going to work?" Elise asked her father.

"This is locked onto Amy permanently." He placed the Time Glass onto the console. "Play the signal into the console, the TARDIS'll follow it."

The Doctor pulled out a tool box and started rummaging through it. "Now then, I know you're in here. Er, er, ha ha!" He turned around with a pair of thick rimmed glasses on his face. "How do I look?"

"Ridiculous," Rory told him.

Elise would have said cute if the Doctor wasn't her adoptive father.

"Glasses are cool, see?" He put them on Rory. "Oh, yes. Hello, handsome man."

"Oh, hello."

Elise giggled.

"Hello, Rory-cam," the Doctor said.

"Huh?" Rory turned around and saw the Doctor on the monitor. "Oh, you can see what I see."

"You're breaking into Twostreams. Now, I can't go in there. The Gen-7'll kill me and Elise, no regeneration. You will be our eyes and ears."

"Rory-cam. Rescue Amy. Got it."

"That's the spirit. Now, smashing through a timewall could get a bit hairy."

"Is it safe?"

"Don't know. Never tried. Best hold onto something."

Elise grabbed onto the railing as the TARDIS started wheezing.
