Finding the Locked Book

Abby laid on the tile floor huffing and puffing. She looked down at her hand to make sure the red gem was still in it. It was, and she sat up slowly, still hurting from the burn from sliding on the carpeted floor in the hall.

Her butt hurt, but she ignored the pain and stood, looking around for anyone who might be in the large room. She didn't see anyone, but she still decided to cast a cloaking spell on herself. "Invisables." She whispered, pointing her moss green wand at her face, then trailing it down until it pointed to her feet.

She didn't feel any different than usual, so she went over to the mirror stationed in he middle of the classroom. She didn't see a reflection and was quite shocked the spell had worked. Abby had never tried that spell before and it was very advanced.

She smiled and realized that Spellios/Ben was flying around in circles trying to figure out where she had gone. Abby picked up a spoon and waved it around to show him where she was. He flew over and puffed some smog into her face, outlining her clear silhouette.

Abby swiped the smoke out of her eyes and walked over to the shelves of potion books. She skimmed the names and said to Spellios, "It's not here Ben." There was nothing about illusuad stones or freeing them.

Spellios grabbed her stocking and yanked her to a large glass case. There was a book in the glass case, and the display was covered in dust. Abby reached up and rubbed it with her sleeve.

The book was titled 'Revealing Illusuad Stones'.

"Well how am I supposed to get to that?" Abby asked staring at the large gold padlock on the case. Spellios blinked twice and stuck out his tongue. As he began floating away, and Abby knew Ben had lost control.

Ben's control constantly switched between himself and Spellios the dragon. Since to make a whole soul, there was half of Ben's and half of Spellios'. When Ben became to tired, he lost control and Abby was left with a stupid little dragon who didn't understand a word she said.

"Oh man!" Abby muttered under her breath, as Spellios began to float up to the window. She watched him float, until he sniffed up some dust and sneezed. He sneezed out fire and scorched the tip of a banner hanging from the ceiling.

Suddenly Abby had an idea now to get off that lock. "Spellios!" She called in a high-pitched happy voice.

Spellios flapped down and landed on her outstretched arm. He perched there and stuck out his head to be patted in return for coming. What he got instead was a Abby hand squishing his nose with a fist full of dust in it.

Abby waited until he started to twitch, then held him in front of the golden lock. He finally sneezed, and fire blew out blue fire onto it, melting the lock instantly.

It dripped off, and Abby set Spellios on top of the case, and he scoffed embers in her face before flying back up to the banners.

Abby used the tip of her wand to open the hot case. It popped open, and she grabbed the book inside and walked over to the potion making table. Abby opened the book and began scanning the chapters.

1: Capturing a Human

2: Imprisoning a Human

3: What Spells to Use

4: How to Not Trap Yourself

5: Using Your Dragon

Abby sighed nothing there, and there were five hundred chapters in the book. It was then, that there was an angry knock on the door and the sound of a dragon scratching. Lilly and Ripper had found them!

To be Continued...
