
(Janja and Sasabab having Picnic)

Janja: Hmm am starving, what's for dinner?

Sasabab: Hand sandwich with ham.

Janja: Oh I like ham is behind us while were good.

Sasabab: Sure (Gives him the sandwich)

Janja: Thanks (Eats it) So it's literally turned a very good sandwich.

Sasabab: Yeah, your my only friend Janja.

Janja: And then we will have fun together.

Sasabab: YAY.

(Jasiri arrives with an evil laugh)

Jasiri: Hello Janja (Said with an evil smile)

Janja: Oh god no.

Sasabab: (Bring out his light-saber)

Jasiri: No no no stop bringing out your sword I hate it when you do that!

Sasabab: If you lay a paw on my friend you'd be punished.

Jasiri: Okay am sorry I just wanted to join you for a picnic.

Sasabab: Alright then but don't trick us.

Jasiri: Yay.

Janja: Alright then come alone.

Jasiri: Sure. (She pins Janja down and lays on top of him)

Janja: What are you doing Jasiri?

Jasiri: I missed you.

Janja: Really?

Sasabab: So you two have bad blood each other when you were enemies?

Janja: Yeah fighting for our turf Sasabab.

Sasabab: Okay then. I've got books on the list hah!

Janja: Why are you laying on me for?

Jasiri: It dosen't matter. I think it's cute when your nervous.

Janja: Really?

Sasabab: Of course not Janja.

Janja: Oh.
