12.Medicine for broken heart


It was a week since Zuri confessed to Kion, after that she was heartbroken and depressed. Me and the were worried about her since she rarely left our room and changed her character, from joyful and flirtatious lioness she turned to quiet and locked inside girl with depression.

Kiara: Girls, i'm worried about Zuri.

Tiffu: Yeah, me too. It's been a week since we saw her.

Rani: Why don't we Pay her a visit? Come on.

We went to my room and saw some lion knocking on the door.

Kiara: Girls, who is this?

Rani: Cheka, the biggest admire of Zuri.

Cheka looked similiar to my older brother Kopa, the only difference was the colour of his mane and eyes, the mane was light Brown and eyes were golden. We walked to him and I was first to speak.

Kiara: What is going on here?

Cheka: I wanted to check on Zuri cause i didn't seen her for a while and started to get worried but she doesn't open the door.

I walk up to door and knocked on them.

Kiara: Zuri, it's me Kiara. Can you open the door?

The door opened and everyone were terrified by Zuris look, eyes red from crying, make up destroyed by crying and tears pouring down her cheeks.

Cheka: Oh my God, Zuri what happened?

She didn't answered, instead she shut the door.

Zuri: What do you want?

Rani: We are worried about you Zuri, you haven't left the room and talked to anyone, everything Allright?

Zuri: How everything can be Allright after the man you loved broke your heart?

Kiara: We know you are heartbroken but we told that Kion won't be your boyfriend.

Zuri: I really loved him! Why can't you understand that?

Tiffu: We understand that but maybe Kion wasn't meant to you? Maybe you will find love but in someone else.

Cheka: Zuri listen, we are just worried about you, your know you can talk to us we are your friends you hear?

She didn't answered.

Cheka: Girls, i think it will be the Best if i gonna go, my presence here won't do any good but please tell me when she gonna get better, OK?

Rani: OK, we will tell you when Zuri get better, bye.

Cheka: Bye.

And Cheka walked away from us while we entered the room, Zuri was lying On her bed looking at the wall next to her.

Kiara: You OK Zuri?

Zuri: Nothing is OK.

I decided to do thr same excercise that i did whit Fuli.

Kiara: Zuri, look at me.

She did it.

Kiara: Zuri listen to me, you are very attractive and you have romantic soul, i know you are heartbroken but you must move on, just because Kion didn't felt the same way doesn't mean that you never find love. You will find it sooner or later and you have a lot of time for that.

After those words Zuri hugged me and I hugged back with the girls joining in the hug.

Kiara: Feeling better?

Zuri: Yeah, thank you girls. Now can you let me go? I need fix my make up.

And with that she went to bathroom And when she walked out, she looked thousand times better, she was the Zuri that everyone knew and liked.

Zuri: How do i look?

Girls: Gorgeous.

Zuri: Thanks, anyway where is Cheka? I thought he was with you.

Tiffu: Yeah he was, but he thought that his presence won't do any good so he went somewhere else.

After those words Zuri looked down with sad look on her face, i was wondering why she was like that.

Kiara: Everything Allright Zuri?

Zuri: Yeah just, i just wanted to talk with Cheka you know, say sorry for my behavior.

Kiara: Then go to him, maybe he will not be far.

Zuri: I will do it, but, with one thing difference.

Me, Tiffu and Rano looked at each other with puzzled look not knowing what she meant and again at Zuri.

Zuri: When he asks me out, i will accept the invite.

Tiffu: WOW, you really move on from Kion.

Zuri: Yeah, i had a Feeling he will be with Fuli but i didn't wanted to accept it. But now i think Cheka is meant for me besides, Kion and Fuli would be so cute together. Anyway if someone will ask you how i feel tell them i am all good now. Right now i am going on a date.

And with that she sprinted away from us.

Kiara: Do you think Cheka will ask her out?

Rani: Don't you remember what i said earlier? About biggest admire?

Kiara: Yeah you are right, besides i have a Feeling Cheka would ask Zuri out after all.


I was looking for Cheka, i was determited to find him and ask him out, i was wondering if he would still want to go on a date with me after all that ignoring but i was snapped out of my thoughts by being pushed on to locker and of course it was a person i didn't want to see today.

Chulunn: What's up Zuri? Been a long time since i seen you.

Zuri: What do you want Chulunn?

Chulunn: Nothing, i just missed you.

She had her smile on her face like always, the smile that only serial killer can have, then out of nowhere i punched her in the face, it was enough to make her nose bleed, i didn't know why i did that, was i that desperate to find Cheka? After that she put her knuckle-duster on fingers.

Chulunn: You little...

Then again out of nowhere Cheka came out and grabbed Chulunn from behind.

Cheka: Zuri, go get a teacher, i will hold her, go.

I did what he said and look for a teacher but i found Vitani and her girls.

Zuri: (In mind) Cheka told me to get a teacher but things may go awful.

I ran up to girls and asked them to go after me to where Cheka is and they agreed. When we were close to Cheka we saw walking towards us, he was resting with one hand on locker while the other was holding left side of his stomach. I nearly screamed cause how he looked like, he had bruises everywhere and his nose was bleeding.

Zuri: Cheka what happened?

Cheka: (hiss) Chulunn... I was holding her waiting for you when Adinda and Akana came and helped her, that's what happened.

When I heard this i felt more sorry for him, not only he was ignored by me but also now beaten up cause of me. We have taken him to hygienist and were waiting for him to walk out. He did after a couple of minutes, before he could even say something i quickly went to hug, in reaction he groaned in pain. I jumped away from him.

Zuri: What's wrong?

Cheka: My ribs are broken, that's all.

Then i hugged him and started crying on his shoulder.

Zuri: I'm sorry.

Cheka: For what?

Zuri: For everything, i always thought that you are annoying, but now, i know i was wrong, you are the Best boyfriend that girl could imagine. Cheka, will go out with me?

Cheka: How about this for answer?

He asked me before he kissed me and i kissed him back.

Zuri: I love you Cheka.

Cheka: I love you too Zuri.

And i found my love, i hope the others will find it as well, but if they already found it i hope they will find bravery to confess their feelings.
