Sleep walker talker

The same nightmare happened again. But this time it said something else like 'Tommorow will strike'. What is that supposed to mean?? I know there's a tommorow the hecc? "Hehhhehh" wha- the hecc?? What was that? A bear?.. A bear Why is a bear FRCKN humming..Thats tottaly not it. It sounds like the ehem ehem humming is coming from outside the tent. What if it's a ghost?? Ohno.. The stories of what Gelatin told us the first night here Is flooding back. I'm just thinking as a big frckn monster will come from behind me and kill me.. IM SCARED. The humming was going closer. That's it I'm a fried leaf.. I then took all my courage and went out of  the tent. I saw Gelatin circling around the campfire.. Hes eyes were closed. "AGH THE GHOST POSSESED GELATIN" I screamed loud. Gelatin then opened and looked at me confusingly. "Wat" He asked. "G-gelatin you were possesed by a ghost!!" I told Gelatin waving my arms. "SH" Gelatin told me. Oh yeahh I forgot everyone is asleep.. "Yeahh sorry" I said whisper shouting. "So what made you thought I was possesed weirdo?" Gelatin whispered asked at me. "Well, you were circling around the campfire and you had your eyes closed so then I thought-" I got cut off by Gelatin. "Wait wait wait my eyes were closed" Gelatin asked me still whispering. "Yeah" I answered. "Well then I was sleepwalking idiot!" Gelatin whispered yelled at me. "WUT" I answered. "Yeah.. I sleepwalk" Gelatin said. "Your the idiot then" I said. Gelatin looked at me annoyed. Then he suddenly started grinning. Why is he grinning!?!? "Yo Leafy.." He asked. "Y-yeah?" I answered. "Did you hear humming while I was sleepwalking?" He asked. "Y-yeah?" "Well.. I didn't hum.. I heard the monster from the forest loves to loves to sing.." Gelatin told me. I froze.. Monster.. Forest.. I curled into a ball. "Ahah Leafster you okay buddy?" Gelatin asked. "I hate you" I said. "OK ok let's just go to sleep before Lolli wakes up and chews us out ok?" Gelatin said helping me up. "Mkay.." I answer following him back into the tent.

Tommorow lightning will strike..
