The beggar

The bolt was removed and they could leave. Still upstate Alice wants to break this painful curse. Then it clicked. the Beggar was crazy and if she didn't get what she wants she will hurt you. Metaphorically but literally too. The beggar was the only one who can break the curse. Alice got a new phone and job so she can make a new life for her self. She sent in a resume for a job as a waitress. She was accepted and started working on the beach side Every night was gorgeous. The lights, sunset and the sea line until one night. Alice saw the beggar was cursing some one . So Alice put what she was holding down. Ran out to her then stopped her in the act of destroying someone else's life. It just so happened that the beggar was Miss. Kook. Miss. Kook lost everything when Mr. Kook died a year ago. Alice had no idea mr. kook died. Alice was so upset for her. Alice new Mr. Kook they were good friends. Mr. Kook was Alice's teacher in the army he was like a father to her. So Alice helped Miss. Kook get everything back. So she broke the curse on Alice. The end.
