Chapter 22-Hae Ji's Trust-

"Cause I did everything!"


Haneul stands up and was about to leave but Hae Ji stands up and stops him...

"You better get back to your seat, Song Haneul." She strictly said

"Why don't you let me cool off for a second..." he said looking over his shoulder. He walks off

"I'll go talk to him..." Dae Jung stands up and ran after Haneul... Hae Ji sat down harshly with her fingers travelling through her hair in frustration... Woo Hee comforted her... the 7 men sadly started at her, seeing their love hurt and in pain was also pain in their hearts... they couldn't do anything to cheer her up...

While Dae Jung was chasing his older brother, he grabbed his wrist and made him turn around. Haneul yanked his arm from him...

"What do you want Dae Jung?!"

"What meteor has hit your head and you started yelling at Hae Ji Noona?! You know that she tried to protect Hyun Ki Hyung and everyone!" Dae Jung yelled at his older brother

"Then Why did Hyun Ki Hyung die if she really try to save him..." he questioned his brother...

"Hyung, She wasn't aware... she only saw him having a fight with some unidentified men..."

"Well I thought she was smart enough to know who their target is!"

"Haneul Hyung... please..."

"You know what, which side are you Dae Jung.."

"I'm not on anyone's side!"

"Well to me, it seems like your in Hae Ji's side!"

"Correction...Hae Ji Noona..." a raspy voice said...

"Looks like I'll have two targets today..." he said while he smirked...

"You..." Haneul growled... he took his metal stick and started attacking... the man had a sharp sword... Dae Jung pulled his sword. Both of the prince joined forces to defeat the man... but the man was strong...his strength was as strong as their sister, Hae Ji...

They yelled while they fought... Haneul then lost his guard and got slashed. He got a deep cut... he was laying down the floor as he groaned in pain.. Dae Jung saw this and started taking over the fight...

Dae Jung then drops his sword. The man was ready to aim when someone blocked the man's sword.

It was Hae Ji... Hae Ji ran there as fast as she could when she heard swords slashing, groans and yells...

Hae Ji growls and fought the man...




She yelled while fighting him...

She hits one after another. Hae Ji was aiming for his mask... Woo Hee was from a far also aiming her arrow for the man... when she aim the man blocked it not even looking at her... he slowly looks at her and Woo Hee could see him creepily smirked...

Hae Ji took this opportunity to aim on his mask. She aims but he blocks it not even looking at her...

"You're just like your younger brother, Hyun Ki... he died like this... but you're a bit stronger..." he said... in anger she fasten her every move.... and on Hae Ji's last move... she slashed the mask of the man making a deep and a long scar from his eyebrow to his cheek crossing his left eye, his mask broke... blood was dripping from his face... Woo Hee arrived right in time seeing the side viewed man, covering his left part of his face...

Woo Hee looked carefully, a figure of someone-

The man took his sword and he did a trick that made dirt and dust circle the himself... after a while... he disappeared like the dust in the air... leaving no trace...not even a single footprint... not even his blood that dripped to the ground...

Hae Ji didn't bother to catch the man running away... she only cared for her dying brother that was on the floor... Jin came and looked at Haneul's scar... his eyes widened in realisation... it wasn't just a simple deep cut... it's blood, around it, was clotting... it had venom in it...

"Venom... his scar has venom..." Jin said in panic...

"C-call a Doctor! Now!" Hae Ji order some servants. The servants rush to a doctor... but Jin was too late...

"D-Don''s alright... I'll die anyways..."Dae Jung hugs his older brother...

"Hyung, don't say such a thing!" Dae Jung said tearing up...

"Hae Ji Noona...mianhae... I'm really sorry that I disobeyed you..."

"As your sister I will always forgive you..." Hae Ji smiles...

"But close those eyes... this I cannot forgive... don't leave me Haneul... please..."Hae Ji pleaded...

"Mianhae..." was the last word that he said...haneul's eyes started closing... his blood slowly dripping...his breathe started fading... his heart slowly beating...

At that moment... they all knew... he was dead...


~time skip~

Hae Ji's POV

I was at some part of the palace where cherry tree was still fall... so some these pink leaves fall...

Me trying to relax... I was walking, looking down and humming... when out of nowhere hoseok jumps in front of me...

"Hello Hae Ji!" He said smiling brightly...

"Hoseok..." I weakly smiled... he sighs...

"I'm not really used on seeing you so down... I mean... I've been seeing you emotionless but... sad? No... it's seems so off... I'm not comfortable..." he said sulking...

"Isn't it suppose to be me that is sulking.." I said chuckling and he laughs a bit...

There was silence...

"Hae Ji..."


"Do you trust me? I mean... do you trust us? Now that-" I cut him off

"Yes...yes I do..."I said and his smile was priceless...

Then the atmosphere suddenly got sad... and I knew hoseok wasn't comfortable...

"...look I know it still hurts but... you should know... that... we're still here..." he said...

"You know you can always cry..."

"I'm so tired of crying..."I replied...

"..cry if you cant take it anymore..." he said

"...thank you..."

"For what..."


"thank you..." he said... I didn't know why but my heart suddenly started beating faster... I looked at him...

"For what..."

"For trusting me..."


End of chapter
