Meeting eachother

*Fireteam Silver*

Normal Pov

They all met at the tower which housed all the guardians. The three young girls walked up the steps and headed for Master Rahool, the Cryptarch.

"Hello Master Rahool, how are you doing?" Ashley smiled, pulling out all of her engrams she collected from her enemies.

"I am well, these are some interesting item you have received. This exotic engram will take some time, so you may go talk to the Speaker. He has an important message for you and your team."

"Thank you," Ashley nodded, "Alright ladies, to the Speaker."

As they were walking to the Speaker, Amanda spoke.

"I wonder why he needs to speak to us. Normally we can just go to the Postmaster.

"Yeah, this must be really really important," Lola agreed.

"Hello guardians, you are probably wondering what the message I have is. You must find Crota and defeat him," the Speaker ordered.

"Um, if we're going to kill Crota, we need more than three people," Ashley remarked.

"That is why I have called another fireteam to aid you," he replied motioning to the three people behind the girls, "I have chosen you six because I believe you are the best. Ashley, I'm am declaring you the leader of this mission."

The boys all groaned behind the snickering girls.

"We won't let you down," Ashley smirked.

The six headed for the hanger in silence.

"Ghost, set a course for the moon," Lola ordered.

"Already on it," the Ghost replied.

Ashley's ship came up the landing pad first. She walked up to it, and climbed the ladder that was placed there by one of the robots. Ashley liked to call her ship Horsepower because of how fast it flies.

The next ships to come up were Lola's and Brice's.

"Ladies first," he bowed in mockery.

Lola just rolled her eyes and ran to her ship, The Sharp Edges.

Once Brice had climbed into his ship, Severed Head, the three teammates flew into orbit to wait for their other Fireteam members.

"So, what's your name?" Jacob asked.

"You can call me Feisty," Amanda smirked.

"Dude, you seriously need to learn some pick-up lines," Alex laughed, running to his ship, with Jacob scowling in the background.

"Let's go Brownie!" Amanda laughed.

"That's racist!" he laughed back.

Jacob ran to his ship, and fired up the engine.

Ashley's Pov

"Alright everyone, we're going to the moon because we need to kill Crota, we aren't here to just kill enemies. We only get one shot at this. If we don't kill him, he will kill us," I explained.

"Nice pep talk there Deadly," Lola laughed.

Once we reached the moon and hopped out of our ships, we huddled behind a rock to avoid being shot at by fallen.

"Alright, here's the plan. Once we reach Crota's Temple, we need to construct a bridge. There will be a plate that we all need to stand on. Once we get across the bridge, there is a really long jump. When you reach the bottom, it will feel like you just broke everything below your waist. Once you recover, we have to get to the other side of the chasm, but we will be slowed. It will be like you're walking through a fast moving river. There are lanterns that will make it easier to move, but they only last for ten seconds, so we need to stick together. On top of all that, thralls will be chasing us," I explained.

"How do you know all of that?" Alex questioned.

"She's attempted to kill Crota before. She lost her whole fireteam," Lola answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking," he replied.

"On that note," Jacob stood up, "the fallen have left, we should get going."

We all hopped on our sparrows, and raced to the Temple of Crota.

"Alright Lola, you're up first, go scout the area," I ordered.

She crouched low and eventually tuned invisible.

"We're all clear," I heard through the comms.

"The portal is just on the other side of that hill," I announced, pulling my hand cannon out, and sprinting to the portal.

All of a sudden, thralls emerged from a cave and flooded toward us. Four knights ran out as well.

"Uh guys, that's a lot of Thralls and those knights are Hallowed. What's the plan here?" Alex panicked.

"I need the strikers to engage first. Take out as many Thralls as you can. Voidwalkers are next. Cover their escape to the portal. Lola and I will bring up the rear," I yelled over the screaming of the Thralls.

"And the pain!" Lola laughed.

Alex and Brice pulled out their shotguns and charged the Thralls. They both screamed as the pounded the ground with a sea of blinding lightning.

"Good work, Amanda and Jacob, you're next!"

They ran through the chaos and unleashed their fury on the rest of the Thralls, also killing one of the knights.

"Ready for some fun Lola?" I smirked under the protection of my helmet.

"Do you even have to ask?" she laughed.

We ran toward the three remaining knight will our supers activated. I pierced one of them with three coordinated arrows from my nightstalker bow. Then while he was blinded and vulnerable, I used my hand cannon to kill him. Lola took out another knight with her blade dance, and then we both converged on the last knight. Before we could kill it, its blade struck my gauntlets.

Thank you armor.

We finished the knight off, and ran toward the portal before anymore enemies arrived.

As we jumped through we were met by the rest of our team.

"Nice plan Deadly," Alex complimented.

"Thanks, it pays to be prepared."

"I see the plate!" Brice yelled, "it's right over there!"

"Perfect, let's go," I replied, placing my hand cannon back into its holster.

"Look, the bridge is forming," Jacob announced.

Once the bridge had fully formed, we sprinted across it and jumped into the dark chasm below.

A/N: So, I don't own any of this except for the fireteam characters. All credit goes to the creators of Destiny.

I really hope you liked this first chapter! Merry Christmas!

