Kittens and Not Getting Off

2.09k Okay I REFUSE to be the writer that doesn't update so I'm putting my all into this, just gimme a little time. Commenting any ideas would be helpful (seriously any) anyway, hope you like-CJ

Of course, it would happen eventually. He should've seen it coming. With all the contact with animals and all the animal planet shows and all the little doodles on napkins (half the time he couldn't tell what they were but he encouraged Cas anyway). Why had he not seen this coming? He could anticipate where a demon would hit next, where it would try to strike him, what it's attacks would be.

He was totally, completely ambushed by this though. And that's saying something.

Just as simple day in town, coffee from some cheap street vendor in his hand as hey strolled along. He'd even seen the sign in the window! He'd seem how Cas's eyes narrowed just slightly, tunnel vision on...

The fucking kittens.

He was just strolling along and all the sudden he's being dragged into a pet store by a still very strong ex-angel and being led over to the pen enclosing the fluffy little devils, they may seem all squishy and harmless now but Dean was already seeing his life, well, the life of his baby's upholstery, flashing before his eyes.

Cas, of course, picked up the smallest, most helpless looking one. It was black with pale blue eyes, almost silver. It's tail flicked as it was held in large calloused hands and gentle fingers trailed over it's back.

"No Cas."

A very non-angelic glare

"Don't pull that on me."

A quirked eyebrow.

He was losing this battle.

"It'll ruin my baby Cas."

Eye roll.



"Cas, no."



A smirk.

"Oh but Dean I'll do anything." Cas drawled.


"C-Cas I said no."

and was the guy seriously trying to seduce him?

For a cat?

Of course he ended up losing and emptying his wallet. Cas carries the mini-lucifer in his hands as they walk around and get supplies. Pet carrier, food bowl and water bowl with a stand, about fifty toys with annoying bells, actual food, a collar, a litter box, a tag, treats, two brushes because "Dean there's an undercoat and an overcoat and that one will get the hair under the top coat", some more treats, a scratching post (he's about to let the cat use Cas as one with how much money all this would cost), cat bed thing, and a laser light (they could've just gone to the general store but no they had to get the expensive one).

Deans definitely thanking chuck that he had the right mind to grab a shopping cart because sheesh, if he had to try to carry all of this around? Hell would break loose.


They get up to the register and Cas pays for the cat and fills out the paperwork (using Dean's money) as Dean purchases all the items. Damn good thing he had a good time hustling poker and pool last night.

Once that's done he drags Cas out of the place before he sees the guinea pigs. The cat has been put in the carrier (seriously Cas couldn't help carry anything?) and is meowing it's little demon ass off as its taken out and Dean loads everything into the back seat of the car.

"You let that cat out and I'll--"

Too late.

The cat is purring in Cas's lap as its being pet and Dean grumbles about how he left his coffee in the shop as he drives away.

The ride is a nightmare to say the least, and Dean's been to hell and back.

"Cas that damn cat is on the leather!"

"His name is Sherlock Dean!"

"Cas why is your hell lion on the dashboard!"

"Sherlock you mean?"

"Damnit Cas do you see that scratch that little fucker left!"

"His name is Sherlock!"

Dean is barely holding back his rage as they pull up to the bunker. He lugs all the shit he bought into Cas's room and tosses it haphazardly to the floor. "There's your shit Cas!" He yells, storming off to leave Cas to set up.

He doesn't come out until dinner when he's calm and what he sees just makes him want to scream.

"Cas, why is that thing on the table," he growls, glaring at it. If looks could kill it'd be mutilated and hacked to pieces. He's got things he wants that make him happy too and now he doesn't have he money because he spent it all on Cas's stupid piece of crap.

Cas turns around and smirks as it saunters lazily over to Dean's sandwich and goes to take a bite.

Dean snatches the plate right from underneath it's nose, making it hiss in surprise. Cas starts to protest but Dean whirls on him.

"You know what Cas! Don't even try!" He shouts, unable to get his thoughts across. He doesn't even know why he's so mad but he is and storms off to his room, collapsing onto the bed and aggressively eating his sandwich.

He doesn't know when he falls asleep but he knows that when he wakes up it's to Cas knocking on the door and making his way across the room to the bed.

"If you brought that fucking cat in here-"

"I didnt Dean."

Dean breathes a small sigh of relief and Cas crawls into the bed with him. He realizes that his angel is only wearing sweatpants. Wow. Must be pretty late if he's dressed up for bed.

"Are you okay?" Cas asks softly, setting the plate hat was still in he bed on the bedside table with a sound that seemed too loud in the quiet room.

"Fine, Cas," Dean said softly, sitting up against the headboard. "I'm sorry for freaking out I just...I'm so stressed out and I haven't gotten off in weeks and I need to get more money for food and I just..." he trailed off with a small huff.

Cas worked his way behind the hunter, warm chest pressed to his companion's back. Gentle hands, the same ones that put him together after hell, start working out the knots in his back.

"I know, I'm sorry," the angel mumbled, dropping a shy kiss to Dean's back.

"I really don't mind the cat, I think I just broke down a little."

"I know Dean."

"I really am sorry."

"I know, it's okay, relax Dean. I broke down a lot when I first came here and you've got a lot to be stressed out about."

Dean just falls silent.

He's just nodding off when a small weight, accompanied by the sound of a bell, gets on the bed. His eyes snap open and ohhhhhh that demon cat.


"But Dean you were doing so well."
