Chapter 12 (Natasha)

*Warning in this chapter it tells of a severally injured person, blood, Gayness and traumatic events*

Natasha POV:

My breath is almost no existent. My eyes start to roll to the back of my head, blood spilling onto the floor. A large gaping hole is left in my right side. I feel myself going limp. "Wanda!" I splutter, gasping for air.

"It's alright, you'll both be okay." a familiar voice says but I can't place it. They roll me onto my back. Bad Idea. My breathing becomes more labored. I start to fight whoever is holding me down. Fighting to stay in conscious, no matter how bad my body wants it. I must stay awake. A combination of spots forming on the side of my eyes and my eyes blinking at a million miles an hour makes my eyesight little to none.

"Steve!!!" another voice shouts also familiar.

"Roll her on her side or you'll choke her to death!" the voice shouts out coming from what I assume must be where Wanda is. The voice seems to be frustrated and scared.

I feel my limp body being pushed onto the side. The gravity meaning that the hole in my side pours more blood than before. The voice that must be Steve shouts to the other voice. "Well, fine she'll just bleed to death then!" Steve voice seems to be equally as frustrated but more scared.

"You'll be ok, alright. Just hold on." Steve says to me his voice unsteadies like his emotions.

What feels like a hand grips my side. I squirm the hand is cold and doesn't feel like it is doing anything. "Please stop moving Nat..." Steve pleads, his voice signally he is on the brink of tears. I do so but as well as that I also stop breathing completely. The darkness taking me in. Again.

Steve's POV:

Natasha stops squirming. I am thankful that in her nearly unconscious state she can still listen. She is still conscious. Right? Her body feels even limper. I no longer hear her raspy breaths. Tears spill down my cheeks.

Bucky pushes me to the side. He must of left the others with Wanda who had been knocked square in the chest and flung in front of the door. I sit there useless. Looking at the stains of Natasha's blood on my hands.

"Steve...? Steve...?" Bucky asks, he sighs still looking after Natasha. "Look, she's not dead...Alright? Or at least not yet..." he trails off. "We can't deal with another unconscious person. Wanda has already been taken to the hospital ward where she can get help. But Steve, buddy, if you don't help me move Nat to where Wanda is. She's not going to make it."

My head snaps up at his last sentence. I start to nod my head. Bucky gestures for me to come closer to Nat's body. "Ok hold her side, she's in a fragile state so we have to be careful." Bucky says. His voice one of reason. I am thankful that he is here. We slowly rise making sure we are supporting her. We speed walk towards the hospital ward.

I never really thought of why Tony put the Hospital ward near the Training center. Which was opposite to the cell. But I am ever glad he did. I look up at Bucky as we enter the Hospital Ward. He gives me a polite smile. I know I am thankful of a lot of things but none more so then the fact he is my Boyfriend.


Hope you will stick around to find out what happens next.

If you have any questions or feedback that is highly appreciated. 

Next is Wanda...

You have been warned. 
