Chapter 6

Unus and Cradline where getting ready to leave the valley. A herd of buffalo had arrived and scared off most of the prey. They may return when the animals come back.
They carried some fish in their talons as they flew out of the protection of the cliffs surrounding the valley.

~°>°~ ~°>°~ ~°>°~

"We've been flying for days Cradline.Don't you think we could rest?"Unus asked"Alright then" Cradline said,flying down to the ground.

They sat and ate their fish,till they saw a horse herd run past.
The herd leader was a young mare,still a filly really. Who stopped at the sight of Unus.
The horses where scared,shooting eachother worried glances. But the leader;Fairy walked nervously but courageously up to Unus,to ask for them to move from the path so her herd could continue on their migration. She didn't want to go around,through the trees,it was hard to run when the trees are hardly apart.
She walked to them and cleared her throat,as they stared up at her,waiting to hear what the horse had to say.
"Excuse me...uhh" She was afraid to say what Unus looked like "Dragon" He finished it for her"I'm Unus. This is Cradline" he said gesturing to the crow beside him"I am Fairy.Leader of the Dew herd"She said,as her two deputies flanked her side's;Flicko and Trot.



Trot the Arabian horse!

"May we walk past?"Fairy asked.But Unus saw her nervous breathing "You don't need to be afraid" Unus said standing up"I'm  friendly. The last dragon.I'm an I'm only a teen" Unus said.Hearing his calm and uniquely beautiful voice,calmed them down. Slowly they all walked closer.

"We'll move. Its safer to eat in the trees anyway" Unus said politely. Before flying off with Cradline.Fairy bowed her head gratefully to them,before trotting off with her herd.

Chapter over.sorry for the short chapter,ill make the next one extra long.
