Day 7

As I woke up from my sleep, I usually do my morning routine. Today will be the last day of our tour. Tomorrow we will go back home. I was saddened by the idea of Odile and I not meeting again.

Today the tour started later. First, we went to Prince de Galles for English High Tea. We spent a few hours there indulging in the most incredible snacks and desserts. But today was the day we finally visit the Eiffel tower. We went to the Eiffel tower after Prince de Galles. As we made it there, we first went to the Rodin Museum. The Rodin Museum is one of the most celebrated sculpture museums in Europe. Rodin was one of the last masters of a classical sculpture of its time. He revolutionized art.

We later went on a boat cruise. It's an amazing way to look at Paris. To see Notre Dame, the Islands, the bridges, and hundreds of other details that will make you love Paris, even more, is one of the best experiences you'll enjoy while in Paris. As we a tour went on the boat. I kept an eye on Odile. She was right Infront of me. Seeing her made me happy, as to my mom talking to some random guy on the boat. His name is Claude.

Afterward, we went on to climb the Eiffel Tower. It was quite a view from there and very tall. As I wanted to take a few pictures, I saw Odile. She looked very nervous. I went up to her.

"You look very nervous," I spoke.

"I have a fear of heights, but I must see this view,"

"Well, at least it's worth it right?"

"Yes," Odile grabbed my hand out of anxiety. Something I did not expect.

"Sorry, I need to hold on to someone,"

"That's ok,"

But I saw my mother, she pulled me away from Odile. I was having much more fun with Odile than my mother.

My mother and I had a nice picnic with cheese and wine as the sun was setting. It was a bit crowded with tourists. But it was a great experience. I think mother may had a bit too many glasses. I'm not a drinker, I only drank barely a glass.

As we headed to look closer at the Eiffel Tower at night, I started bursting with joy. She pushed me aside to hug Claude. They started talking. I could overhear them talking.

"Who is she?" Claude said.

"My niece. You don't have to worry about her,"

My heart was broken. She was lying about who I am. Also, Claude looked 10 years younger than Mother. Out of frustration, I left them alone. I walked to the tower myself. As I marvel at the tower up close, I see Odile walking up to me.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Odile said with a smile.


"I will miss you,"

"Me too. Today is the last day we will ever see each other,"

As The Tower lights and beacon are lit up, Odile came in closer and kissed me. I didn't know what to do. I actually liked it. This lasted a few minutes until I remembered my mother. I pushed her away from the fear mother would see us.

"I like you, Louisa,"

"Me too,"

"But your mother won't let us be together. What should we do?"

"Runaway?" I said sarcastically, but not really.

"Yes, why not?"

"But what about my clothes at the hotel"

"We can buy you new clothes,"

"Are you serious?"


"Let's do it. Right now,"

I grabbed Odile's hand as I ran as fast as possible. We ran like tomorrow doesn't exist. We ran too much in fact. We had to stop for a while to catch our breath. We stopped at a park to sit down. But that was only for a few minutes. Maybe we should slow down but the adrenaline passed me. We later went on the subway to Odile's hotel. She grabbed her suitcase; we couldn't stay here. What if mother comes to this hotel and catches us. We can't risk it.

We didn't know where we will go, but we didn't care. We did a bit of searching and found a cheap motel to stay in for a while. It had a bad review but we don't have any other choices. We took the subway again to that motel. It was a bit of a long ride since the motel we are going to stay in isn't in the city. We farther we go, the better. After what felt like half an hour, we finally made it there. As we got comfortable which is a bit hard since this room is well you can say disgusting. We tried finding a place to live. After many hours of searching, we finally found a nice town in Northern France called Les Roses. The pretty town of Les Roses in Northern France is undoubtedly worthy of a place in the "Plus Beaux" list of most beautiful French villages. We knew this was the best place. But while searching for a place to rent, I saw the clock strike at midnight I got sleepy and fell asleep.

Odile went on to search for a place to rent. She found a nice one. The owner is a nice old grandma. Odile stayed up till 2 A.M. She was planning out everything for our trip to Les Roses. And bu everything, I mean everything. She wanted to stay up even more but her tired eyes said no, she fell asleep before she could even turn the laptop off.
