Chapter 28: Training

The ORC wasted no time in preparing for the match. Rias found a mountain village as their place of training for the next 5 days. She had her members doing strenuous exercises to boost their stamina and strength for the match.

" B-Buchou." Issei was panting as he adjusted the large heap of items on his back. " Can we take a break?"

"It won't do, Issei." Replied Rias who was carrying nothing but a map. " We haven't even reached the top."

Issei could feel his legs about to break in any moment. He received a pat from Erin who also seems struggling with the task.

" Let's do our best, Issei." Replied Erin as she wiped a sweat from her forehead. "We still have to beat that chicken so we can't just give up here."

" H-Hai!" Issei replied shakily but with renewed spirit.

" Hurry up you two! You are lagging behind the rest of the group" shouted Rias.

Erissei looked at the other members and they can see how they easily climbed the mountain track. Koneko looked like she wasn't even carrying a large package on her back same as Kiba who swiftly walked past them.

Erin rolled her eyes at this. Having great speed and ability to use magic equates to her lacking on certain aspects in Strength. The gear can help her amplify her strength but she still needs to undergo training to improve her blind spots.

" Let's go Issei." Spoke the Goddess and the two went on walking.

After a long and arduous walk, the group finally arrived at their base where an average sized cabin awaits them.

Issei dropped on his knees and face-planted on the ground by the moment they reached their destination. Erin excused herself and asked permission from Rias to enter the cabin so she can change out of her sweaty clothes.

"Ugh. That was tiring. I can't feel my shoulders." Erin moaned out as she took off her shirt. She wiped the sweat from her body with a towel and grabbed herself some water.

A slight noise from the background startled the Goddess causing her to spill the drink on her body. She made a 'tsk' sound in annoyance and faced backwards to check up at the noise.

This caused her to come face to face with Akeno who chuckled at her startled expression.

" Ara, did I scare you, Erin-chan? Gomen."

Erin breathed a sigh in relief as she calmed down.

" I thought it was some enemy or something."

" Did you arrive here first, Akeno-san?" Erin asked curiously. "Speaking of which, I haven't seen you joining us for the exercise earlier."

" Rias gave me some instructions to check the place so yes. I arrived here earlier than the rest of the group."

" I see..." Replied Erin absentmindedly that she didn't notice Akeno invading her personal space.

" W-Wha, What are you doing? Akeno-san?" Erin said in a slightly panicked tone.

" Is she trying to give me a heart attack?!"

" You should be careful, Erin-chan." Akeno said in a low tone as she wiped the lone trail of water dripping down towards Erin's toned stomach.

"You shouldn't let other people see you in this state."

"But I wasn't -

" They might have difficulty controlling themselves around you." Akeno said as she leaned towards Erin to whisper in her ears. The Goddess was sure that a blush was appearing on her cheeks by now.

She looked at her up and down with a gaze Erin couldn't describe.

Then she gave a wink and said

" We don't want Rias to get jealous, do we? I'll leave you now so you can change."

Erin felt like her strength left her and she leaned towards the wall for support.

" What the fudge was that?!"

---- Time Skip -----

3 days have passed and the ORC was training non-stop. Issei complained about being the weakest out of them but with Erin's words of encouragement, he continued to persevere and upgrade his attacks to a certain degree.

" Everyone is really doing their best. I'm thankful to have a peerage who is hardworking and supportive as well." Rias commented as she sat down next to Erin.

They witnessed Issei blow away a portion of the mountain to which the boy danced happily in satisfaction.

" Erin?" asked Rias in worry when the Goddess didn't make any sort of remark.

" Rias.." Erin said in a worry. " I received a call from home. Apparently, I need to do an important mission 2 days from now."

She heaved a sigh and looked straight ahead.

"I tried reasoning out with Mom and Sebastian but they said that it can't be delayed any further. This means that I won't be able to participate in the Rating Game."

Rias' eyes widened at this. With Erin not able to participate, their chances of winning will be lessened. The red head is aware of Erin's great skills and her absence would create an impact on their match.

However, she also understood the circumstances of whatever mission Erin was being sent to. She knows that this is important and is one of Erin's responsibilities in her household.

" I understand." Replied Rias. " Though it would be a waste to not have you participate, you can't neglect your duties in your household too."

Erin wore a guilty look and gazed at the red head sadly. She badly wanted to help her and quite frankly, beat the crap out of that chicken Riser.

The twins informed her that they will be picking her up after 2 days and the Goddess also tried reasoning out with the two. She asked to reschedule their trip to the Underworld but the twins declined saying that the entrance to Hade's lair only opens at certain points in time. They could have easily entered at any time in the past but being separated from the place for too long regards them as strangers, as per the defense mechanism of the lair.

" When will you be leaving?" Rias asked after a period of silence.

" In 2 days time."

-- Night before the Rating Game ---

Erin approached the red head who was still awake and reading some sort of book.

" Aren't you sleepy? You still have to preserve your strength for tomorrow."

Rias heaved a sigh and placed her glasses on the table.

" I can't sleep." The red head admitted.Β  " And frankly, I still have doubts that we will win the match tomorrow. That's why, I am researching on alternatives on how we can beat Riser."

Erin regarded her words and took a seat next to the red head. The twins would arrive in a short while so she decided to spend the time with Rias.

" Hmm. And what have you found so far?"

" There are 2 ways. " Rias replied and pointed to a section in the book. " The Phenex clan is known for their rejuvenating energy and fast healing ability. So basically, that makes them kind of immortal."

Erin's brows furrowed at this. She didn't think that Riser could be overpowered.

" Oh. So what are the methods to beat him?"

" 1st is to crush him using a great amount of force. However, this would require a god-like strength which I am certain we aren't capable at the moment."

Erin nodded at this and Rias continued.

" So this leaves us with option 2. Keep fighting him until his spirit is crushed and he loses the will to go on. This would require a lot of stamina to survive the duration of the match. Hopefully, we trained enough to cover that aspect."

" I now understand why we had to do that tiring walk." Erin remarked to which Rias smiled lightly.

" You're doing a great job. Have faith and focus on the match. Surely, victory will be on your side."

" Yes, hopefully..." Answered Rias with a faraway look.

"Can I ask you something?"

" What is it?" Replied Rias and faced the Goddess.

" Why do you hate the idea of being married to Riser that much?" Erin asked curiously. " I mean, I get that he is arrogant and can be an ass based on how he acted but is there a deeper reason for your deliberate rejection to get married to him?"

" Because Riser only wants to marry me due to my name. Because I am a Gremory and my household is known for its name." replied Rias with a sigh.

" Don't get me wrong, I love the Gremory title and I am proud of it. However, I want someone to love me because of who I am and not because of the name I carry as a Gremory."

Erin nodded in understanding and replied.

" That's right. I wouldn't like someone to marry me just because of my name either. Well.. not like I'll be marrying someone anyway."

Rias grew intrigued at this and questioned the Goddess.

" What do you mean you won't be marrying anyway?"

"Love is complicated Rias." She said and leaned on her chair. " It's easier on the books and I'm not saying that it's impossible for it to occur on real life but if it was in my case, it'll be hard to find someone who truly loves me."

" Of course not. You just have to expand your horizon and focus on the things around you. You'll be surprised that there is actually someone who loves you for who you are." replied Rias with a slight blush.

The Goddess merely shrugged it off and directed the conversation back on the red head.

" Riser seems stupid. And honestly, I don't think he is a good fit for you."

" Who do you think is a good fit for me then?" Rias said with a slight tilt of her head.

" Someone who values you and not just your body." Erin deadpanned. " Riser honestly doesn't pass that qualification and he's a big pervert to be honest."

Rias stayed silent and continued listening to the Goddess.

" Well, all people deserves someone who values them. But you're a special case."

" How so?"

" You're not just some random person. You are our club president and Master who we adore and look up to. You are the cool Rias who I make fun of." Erin grinned and Rias glared at her.

" And most of all, You are Rias Gremory. The person who deserves someone who will cherish her like every second spent with her is a precious memory."

Rias was moved hearing this and her heart started beating faster unknowingly.

" That's why.." Erin took a hold of Rias' hands. " I'll make sure to help you escape this twisted engagement so you can be with someone who is more worthy. I won't be able to participate in the Rating Game but remember this.."

" When you seem out of options to beat Riser, I'll be your last resort and option to beat him. So don't you dare lose hope and you should give your best for tomorrow's match! I'll be supporting you and the others even from a distance. And I'll always try to help you so you can continue to be cool and not fall into despair." She finished with a smile.

Rias broke into tears and hugged the Goddess with intensity. Erin was pretty much used to her actions so she just reciprocated the hug.

" Geez Rias. You really like hugs, do you?" Or are you being a hassle and just prefer to hug me instead?" The Goddess teased.

" Both." Rias replied with a slight chuckle. She looked up and their faces were closer causing her breath to slightly hitch.

Erin furrowed her eyebrows. She grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped Rias' cheeks.

" Stop crying, will you? It doesn't suit you and honestly, I'm not good with drama. It makes me awkward." Said Erin with a shrug.

Rias only snuggled closer with one thought ringing on her mind.

" I really like this person."

- End of Chapter -
