Chapter Fifteen, Out The Window

Point Of View - Elma Farfalla Bianchi

      "Hm, this black jacket will work." I mumbled to myself. I put on the black leather jacket that matches with my black skinny jeans. Going out of my walk-in closet and opening the door to my bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror and lifting up different white earnings to match my silk white shirt. Lifting up a set of silver stud butterfly earnings. Looking at myself in the mirror. "These fit my outfit well." I told myself out loud. Now my eyes are now closing onto my chest where my black bra sees through my white silk dress shirt.

      B-u-z-z, b-u-z-z, I hear my phone go off on my bed. Walking out of the bathroom and picking up my silver colored G-Phone T7. Picking up my phone and looking at the caller ID. It's Brooklyn, she must be here already. Pushing the red accept button on my phone. "You're here already?" I asked while going back into my closet looking for the right bag to bring.

      "Yes, I am just about to block the security cameras, Sis." Brooklyn informed me as I heard her typing in the background.

      "This bag will work perfectly and now the shoes!" Now grabbing the black mini backpack and looking at the few shoes that I brought back with me from base.

      "You Don't Have Any Shoes On Yet!" I hear Brooklyn yell and quickly move the phone away from my ear.

       Sitting down on the floor and putting on some black flats. "Now I do have shoes on!" I used my normal voice as I finished putting on my right shoe.

      "Ok, the cameras are down now." Brooklyn told me immediately as I was grabbing a couple more things.

      "See ya in ten-ish!" I yelled into the phone and hung up.

      Double check I have my knives, my wallet, my phone, wired headphones, my gloves and the cable. Opening the window, pulling it in. I set up the wire tying it to the bolt I had made earlier in the wall outside the window. Peaking my head out to the left, I see the gutter and the bolt. Letting go of one of my points of contact but still have three points. I double check that my thick gloves are strapped tight around my wrist. The gloves are custom made so I don't damage my hands while going up and down the metal wire.

      Climbing down the wire and jumping off of it about three feet in the air from the ground. Once on the ground I crouch down on the green grass. Looking to the right and left of me, I see a lovely garden around me. Now on the pathway heading towards the fence in the distance. I hear footsteps, Diving into the bush behind me. Waiting for the guard to turn the corner of the house. Peaking my head out, I see the coast is clear.

      Now over the fence and about five minutes away from the house in the dark woods. Turning on my phone to see where Brooklyn has dropped the pin. So, she can pick me up. "Ok, about a half mile away from here." I mumbled to myself but also rolled my eyes. Being quiet is hard because you keep stepping on twigs. Stopping for a minute and plugging my headphones into my phone. Putting the earbuds in my ears and going to my phone to click my playlist.

      "Ug, How Long Have I Been Walking!" I yell out not caring about people hearing me. I stomped my foot out of anger. "Y-e-s-s!" I yell out again but not in anger but joy to see Brooklyn on her phone leaning on a black RA4.

      When she finally lifted her head to see me, she asked. "Did you get lost?"

      "Duda!" I told her waving my arms in the air and staring straight into her brown eyes. Brooklyn just acted like she didn't see me like thirty feet away. I know she saw me because we are both assassins and Brooklyn is one of the best assassins in the world with her twin brother.

      "Next Time You're Picking Me Up Closer!" My used demanding voice to her and know my flats are toast. I open the passenger side door and get in.

      After my door closes Brooklyn sped off. "Ok, but we will need to be more careful if we do closer. The Italian Mafia have a wide perimeter around the area." Brooklyn notified me, making sure I knew about the risks.

      "Non sto più camminando in quei boschi! (I Am Not Walking In Those Woods Anymore!)" I made my statement sarcastic in Italian.

     "I get the point." Brooklyn used her harsh voice on me which is rare.

    "Sorry, Sis. What's with the RA4?" I lower my voice and change my language back to English. Calming my nerves down by breathing in and out.

      After that Brooklyn started talking. "None of our cars are here yet. The RA4 is a nice car but there is the point of a sports car being more noticeable than a RA4." She eyed me at the end of her comment before bringing her attention back on the road. I just stared out the window to watch the scenery change in front of me. Being outside and just starting into nature feels amazing.

     We sat in silence until we entered the city limits and then my feet started to bug me. I saw the destroyed black flats that I had walked in the woods with. "I need new shoes, these flats are toast." I started complaining while taking them off of my feet.

     "Ok, anything else to say?" Brooklyn interrupted my rant which is good because ranting is not a good practice.

     "No, I think I am done." I smiled back at Brooklyn with joy and love. Then something hit me at the meeting. I am currently thirty minutes late! "Crap, The Spanish!" I groaned out in frustration as I stared at the dashboard clock in the RA4.

      "I pushed the meeting an hour." Brooklyn assured me as we just entered the city center of Milan. Even if it was night it was still a bustling city.

      Now breathing again. "You're a lifesaver!" I praised her with joy.

      Brooklyn pulls over in the delivery truck spot in front of Black Guard Technologies. "Check Mishka's office for flats." She yelled at me before I closed the door.

      "Thanks, Brooklyn!" I replied back quickly and gave her an air kiss with my hand. Crap, I forgot this is a different branch which means they don't know I have the same amount of authority as Mishka here.

       Standing in front of the glass automatic doors. I look up and see the glass skyscraper and think of just who much work. It took years to make Black Guard Technologies with Mishka and her husband Ivan to a worldwide company. Not just in the public eyes but also in the underworld.

      Looking straight through the glass door. I walk in and the receptionist who saw me staring at the building gets up from his chair and comes towards me. The lobby of this branch is modern themed with different circles, squares, and triangles. "Excuse me? Do you need any help sweetheart?" She asked in a worried look. All thou I look like a professional adult, my body size still looks like a fifteen year old.

      I clear my throat and let my angel voice out. "I am here to see my sister Mishka. She is the.."

      "I know who Mishka Black is and I doubt you are really her sister. A Lot of people come to see her, who are just faking it. Mrs. Black is very busy and has no time for you." The woman dictated to me with hashes as she cut me off. She signals the guards to show me out of the building. I refused, the first guard laid his hand on my shoulder. Think that they can overpower me. "Wrong Choice, Dude!" I barked out and smirked at the same time. I twisted his arm but not enough to break it. Both guards backed off, the second guard called for backup on the radio.

       The receptionist just stands there in shock as she looks at this five foot teenage girl overpowering a six or seven foot male guard. "U-m, what your nam-e..."The receptionist asked, guessing to inform Mishka of the situation in the lobby.

      "Elma and I demand to see my sister now or I will not play nicely!" I demanded with my business voice and vibes.

      The receptionist freaks out and picks up the phone. "U-m, there is a teenage girl named Elma in the lobby. She is claiming that Mrs. Black is her sister." The receptionist said as she eyed me with a smile. Thinking that I will be kicked out. "Yes, I got it." She trembled as she replied and put down the phone.

      After she got the reaction on the phone I smirked for a second. "I will show myself up." I made it clear before she spoke. The guards looked at her and she called them off. I walk to the elevator and push the button. The elevator doors opened and I entered. After the door shut, my muscles relax. "Why are people so frustrated and she is so fired." I say to myself while making a fist in my right hand.


Thank you for reading my Chapter Fifteen, Out The Window About 1,600 words in Chapter Fifteen. 
