Chapter Four

Woo, Chapter Four and it's finally time for Part One of Gumball's first day back at school. Not sure how many parts it'll end up being, but it'll definitely be at least 3 or 4. Also, as a quick side note, I'm going to try and make each chapter a little longer now, otherwise, this story is going to take ages to get anywhere. Normally four chapters would be at least around the halfway point of one of my stories, but for this one we aren't even a quarter of the way through yet!

So, what kind of problems will end up happening to Gumball this time? How will the young feline fair finally being back in the place where everything went wrong? And will he perhaps gain some unlikely new supporters?

Well, let's begin this chapter and find out...

Still holding hands Gumball and Penny took a deep breath and entered the school.

Here he was. Back in the very place he'd completely lost control only a few weeks prior. Where he'd almost lost Penny forever. Almost killed his sister...

The feline swallowed as the painful memories came flashing back to him. Yelling at Penny and Darwin, losing control, and waking up to find himself about to kill Anais.

He began to tremble lightly, eyes tearing up as he let out a quiet whimper. Penny noticed this and gently gave his paw another squeeze, quietly turning and giving him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."

He smiled weakly, pausing to close his eyes and taking a few deep breaths to calm down.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah..." The feline nodded, exhaling again before flashing a grateful smile. "Thanks."

The fairy gave a nod as if to say he was welcome before the two continued toward the lockers.

When they finally arrived they found Darwin, Carrie, and Anais all waiting for them, the fish tapping his foot impatiently,

"There you are!" Darwin crossed his arms. "What took you so long!?"

"Sorry, I was just having a quick chat with Gumball about something, that's all."

"Then why didn't you tell us you were gonna stop and have a little chit-chat before coming in?"

"I didn't think it was that big a deal." Penny shrugged.

"Not that big a deal? You can't just randomly disappear whenever you feel like it!" The young fish glared at her.

"Dar, it was only a few minutes. It's really not that big a deal. Just calm down, okay?" Carrie spoke up, floating over to him and squeezing his fin.

"Yes it was only a few minutes, but those were a few minutes where I didn't know where Gumball was! Anything could have been happening! Someone arguing with him, him running away too scared to come in, him losing control again! I just...I'm just really worried about him, okay? I don't want something like before to happen again!" He finally admitted, beginning to tear up.

"Awww, bud..." The feline couldn't help but smile, heart warmed that his brother was so concerned about him.

"I...I know how bad you felt the first time, h-how bad you still feel, a-a-and I don't want that to become any w-worse! I don't want you to lose control and d-do something you'll never be able to forgive yourself for! I c-can't let that happen!" Darwin sniffled, warm tears now trickling down his face.

"Oh...come here!" Gumball opened his arms, offering him a hug. He accepted, letting the kitten's arms wrap around him as he continued to cry.

"It's okay Dar, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I'm completely okay."

"But...b-but what if something happens again? What if you get angry and completely lose control?"

"Then that's for me to deal with. You shouldn't have to go around all paranoid about how I feel. That's not your job bro. This is my limit. it's for me to worry about."

"No, I'm your b-brother! Your best f-friend! It's my duty to worry and care about you! It's my duty to make sure you're okay!" The fish insisted.

"Okay, but being paranoid about me isn't going to help anyone. You need to take a deep breath and just calm down a little for me, okay?"


The feline stopped him, placing his paws on his shoulders. "I know, you're really worried about me. And that's okay." He began to wipe the tears from his eyes. "But if you really want to help I need you to simply be there for me. That's all. Can you promise me that?"

"Y-yeah, of course! Anytime you need me!" Darwin nodded frantically.

"Thank you. That's all I could ask of you..." He hugged him again, and the fish soon reciprocated.

" promise you'll be okay though?" He looked up with a sniffle.

"I promise. As long as I have you, Anais, Penny and Carrie with me I won't have anything to worry about. Right guys?" He looked up at the three of them and they all nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry Darwin! We'll take good care of him!" Anais assured him.

Carrie nodded."If anyone tries anything on him, they're gonna have to deal wih some pretty nasty potions..." The ghost smiled. "Besides, I don't know why we're so worried. We all know Gumball'a really just a big old' harmless little softie deep down!She teased, giving the feline a playful nudge.

"Am not!" He crossed his arms, blushing.

"Are too!" Penny joined in. "You felt so bad about killing a fly you dreamt about a giant version of yourself trying to swat you!"

"Hey, I told you that in confidence!" His blush grew as Carrie and Anais burst out laughing.

"See Dar, he'll be fine! Nothing for you to worry about."

"Okay, I guess you're right. Thanks for the talk guys." He smiled, wiping his tears

"Any time Dar..." Carrie smiled, giving him a hug.

Gumball hesitated before giving the ghost a playful look. "Hey, what about me? Don't I get a hug too?" He pouted, giving her wide pleading eyes.

She smirked. "Nah, you look like the dumpster fire child of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Shrek. And smell like it too. It's already bad enough being this close to you, I'd rather not get any closer thanks."

The feline smirked, letting out an exaggerated gasp of insult as everyone else laughed.

"Speak for yourself!" He crossed his arms, frowning. "You look like the dug-up corpse of a depressed emo goth girl. And act like one. I mean you probably cry whilst listening to My Chemical Love and Blue Day, but you don't see me complaining do you?" Gumball couldn't help but break character and let out a small giggle as he lovingly made fun of her.

The ghost let out an equally exaggerated gasp, holding her hand up to her forehead as she leaned her head back in an extremely exaggerated manner. "Oh, the pain, the audacity! How could you insult me like that!? I thought you were my friend!"

"So did I, but now I realize how much we've drifted apart! I fear we are now nothing more than reluctant acquaintances, trying and failing to rekindle what once was!" Gumball grinned, playing along.

"You feel the same way!?" The ghost playfully covered her mouth in shock."Please, tell me it isn't true!"

"I'm afraid it is my dear Carrie!" The feline dramatically swooned, struggling to keep his composure. "That spark that was once our friendship has wained, the love and care I once felt for you is no more! We are no longer the great friends we once were!

Carrie teared up, pretending as if she was about to cry. "If...if you're sure there's nothing of our friendship left...then I suppose there's nothing left to do but for us to part ways and never look back!" The ghost let out a fake sob, Gumball quickly covering his mouth to avoid bursting out laughing. This wouldn't help for long, however.

She dramatically turned around, beginning to float away from him as he giggled. "This is me, turning my back on you Gumball Watterson! Goodbye forever!"

"Goo-Goodbye!" The young feline managed to get out between the tears of laughter he had broken down into. "Can't say I'll miss you!"

To say Carrie was not expecting that last remark was an understatement. The ghost stopped in her tracks as she burst out laughing.

The feline joined in, slowly followed by Darwin, Anais and Penny.

Carrie turned around, the emo ghost and feline in tears of laughter at their whole ridiculous mock friend breakup.

Gumball smiled. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen her laugh this hard. Had she even done so before? Nevertheless, it was nice. Really nice. He genuinely appreciated that after everything that had happened she was still willing to mess around and have a laugh with him. That their relationship was just as strong as it always was.

The ghost was more than just a friend to him. They were so close at this point that she felt more like a second sister to him. He didn't know what he would have done if she'd turned her back on him.

He was brought of his thoughts however as the ghost suddenly wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace.

"Huh!?" The feline looked up surprised. "What's this for?"

"You...asked me for one earlier?" She replied as if it were obvious.

"I was joking, you doofus!" He burst out laughing again  "Gosh, it really is nothing but air and ectoplasm up there, huh?" He grinned, playfully knocking against the side of her head.

The embarrassed ghost quickly released him, sheepishly looking down as she held one arm with the other, rubbing her hand up and down it. "Oh, I uh...I knew that. Obviously." She replied, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson.

"Oh, you did, did you?" The kitten inquisitively raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you still hug me? Is it cause you wanted to? Cause you lloooove me?" He playfully sang the last words.

Her face turned an even deeper red, her eyes widening. "What!? N-N-No, I uh-I just...uh..." She tried to reply but was unfortunately left completely flustered.

"Ahhahahahahaha, you do don't you!" He giggled, leaning up close to her face. "Admit it! Tell me how much you wuuuuv me!"

The young (or technically old) ghost couldn't help but grin as she rolled her eyes. "God, you are such a little kid sometimes, you know that?"

"Yeah, but that's exactly why you love me, isn't it?" The kitten smirked.

Carrie said nothing, though her smile grew slightly indicating he was correct.

"Come on, just admit it! Say you love me! Say it, say it, say it!" He started jumping up and down eagerly.

She sighed. "Do I need to say it? You already know I do."

"Yeah, but you're super uncomfortable right now and I love it!"

"Well, I don't." She crossed her arms. "It's humiliating."

"That makes it all the more fun!" The young feline grinned, leaning toward her blush-ridden face. "Come on, just say it and I'll stop! Pleeeease!" 

The ghost hesitated, looking down before sighing again and speaking quietly. "...I love you."

"What was that?!" He smirked.

"I said I love you." She said a little louder.

"Huh? Gonna need to speak up Car!"

"I...I said I love you, okay?" The ghost replied at normal volume, her face now completely beet red.

"Hahahahaha, I heard you the first time! Just wanted to milk it!"

"You know what, I change my mind. I hate you. So much."

"The hug from earlier and your red face say otherwise!" He happily teased her in a sing-song voice.

Carrie hesitated, before sighing and holding out her hands. "...whatever. Just come here, dude..."

The cat smiled and accepted his friend's embrace. As he rested his head on her shoulder she couldn't help but smile as he heard him purring. He'd never usually do that in public...though with how scared and traumatized he was it makes sense that he wouldn't really care anymore and just get all the comfort he could. And she was glad that she had been able to give him that comfort and cheer him up so much.

"...thanks for the laugh Car. I really needed it." He looked up at her with a smile.

"No problem dude. You know I'm always here for you." She playfully nudged the feline.

"Okay you two, enough messing around. We need to get to class before the bell rings." Penny chuckled.

"Oh shoot, yeah! We need to get moving! Let's get going!"

The feline went to headed to class, only to hear his sister let out an annoyed huff.  "Oh, okay then. Don't say goodbye to me then. Not as if I care." She crossed her arms in mock annoyance.

"Oh yeah. Bye." He turned and replied bluntly before continuing to walk away.

Anais looked on in disbelief, until the feline stopped, turning back around in a fit of giggles. "Ah, I'm just messing with you! Come here you!"

Now smiling the bunny eagerly ran over to her brother's arms, hugging him tightly and lovingly.

"I wish I didn't have to leave you...I'm gonna be so worried..."

"Aww sis...I'll be fine, I promise. You don't need to worry about me."

She looked up with lightly tear-filled eyes and gave a small sniffle. "I'm your sister Gumball. Of course I do." 

"Oh, Anais..." The young kitten smiled, struggling not to tear up himself. "You're seriously awesome, you know that?"

"R-Really?" The young rabbit's face lit up. "You really think so?"

"Yeah!" He nodded, before cheekily grinning as she grabbed her books from her locker. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's pretty difficult having to tolerate how annoying and fat and ugly and smug and...smelly you are, but it's definetely worth it." 

Anais smiled, rolling her eyes as she playfully nudged her older brother. "...I love you too you big goof..." She hesitated, holding her books under one arm as she rubbed the other nervously. "Just...promise me you'll be okay, a-a-and that you'll come and find me if you need me, alright?"

The cat crouched down, taking her paws and squeezing them tightly. "I'll be fine, I promise."

She looked down, ears lowering slightly, unsure if she should believe him. " do I know you aren't just lying to "protect me and my feelings"?  How do I know you aren't just sugarcoating the truth like you always do even though I always tell you not to? I'm old enough and mature enough to handle the truth Gumball! You don't need to pretend to be okay anymore!"

Gumball gently lifted her head back up, allowing her to his his stern but caring glare. "You're right, You're old enough and mature enough for me to not need to sugarcoat the truth to you anymore, so I'm not going to. I'm going to be completely honest with you because I trust you, and I trust that you can handle it."

He paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm...I'm scared Anais. Terrified even. This is my first day back at a place where I almost lost Penny and killed you. And now I'm back here and those memories are all pouring back. Everything I did and said that day is hitting me all at once, harder than ever, and I'm terrified that something is gonna happen. Someone is gonna push me the wrong way, or get on my nerves, and I'm gonna snap and that whole day is gonna happen all over again..."

He took a moment to compose himself, before sighing. "But...I'm not letting that fear or anxiety get to me. I'm not gonna go around paranoid that I'm gonna be set off by every single little thing around me. I'm taking things one step at a time, dealing with things as they come. And right now, at this moment in time, I feel safe. I feel happy. I feel okay. And you wanna know why that is?"

"...why?" The young rabbit asked quietly, processing everything she had found out.

"Because I have all of you looking out for me, making sure I'm okay, standing right by my side, and taking every step right alongside me. And I know that as long as you're all here, I have absolutely nothing to worry about. And if I'm not worried, then neither should you, huh?"

Anais paused, thinking about what he had said. Taking it all in. He was right. If he was scared but still not worried, then why should she be? He had confidence in his friends and siblings, and so did why was she worried?

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, you're right, I am worrying and fussing over you a little too much. I'll...try to calm down a little...I-If it'll make you happy."

The young kitten smiled. "Just being there when I need you is all I ask."

"And I will be. But...I still feel kinda bad about having to leave you..."

"Well don't!" He chuckled. "It's not your fault, and there's nothing you can do about it, so you have no reason to feel bad about it sis. Besides, we'll see each other again at break and lunch."

The bunny paused, her face lighting up slightly. "Actually, maybe there is something I can do!"

"What? What do you mean? You have to go to class sis. You'll get in trouble if you don't."

"Yeah, I know I do." She replied as she took out her bag and began rifling through it. "But..." She paused, before pulling out Daisy. "Daisy doesn't! She can go with you and look after you for the day."

"No, no, it's okay sis. You need Daisy. You've never been through a school day without her."

"I know, it'll be a little tough without her, but I'm sure I'll manage. Besides, you need her more than I do right now." She smiled, holding the doll out to him.

"No, r-really, it's fine sis. I don't need her." Gumball insisted.

But the rabbit remained resolute, refusing to take no for an answer.

"Just take her Gumball, please. For me."

The cat hesitated, his heart melting as he looked into his sister's eyes. They were wide and so full of genuine worry and concern.  Sure, it might be a little irritating how stubborn and unnecessarily protective she was acting, but she was just looking out for him like the amazing sister she was. And with a face like that, how could he possibly say no to her?

He sighed before smiling and taking the doll, putting it away into his own bag. "...Alright, if it'll make you happy..."

"Thanks Gumball! As long as I know she's keeping an eye on you I know I have nothing to worry about."

"As long as you're happy sis." He smiled, ruffling the top of her head. "Now you go ahead and get on over to class before you're late! The bell is gonna go by the time you get there!"

She looked over at the clock on the wall and gasped. "Shoot, you're right, I need to get going!" She ran over and quickly gave Darwin a hug before turning to head to class with a wave. "See you guys soon then! Have a good day! And make sure to look after Gumball for me!" 

"We will!" The four waved her off, watching her walk around the corner.

"Right you guys, i think it's about time we headed to class too. Don't wanna be late on our first day back." Penny spoke up.

"Yeah, come on dude, let's go get through your first lesson." Darwin smiled, offering his fin.

"Err, you guys go ahead without me. I'm just gonna pop to the bathroom quickly."

"Why? Are you okay?" The fairy raised her eyebrow in concern.

"Yeah, just need to freshen up a little up. Won't be long." He assured her, before turning to leave. He was stopped however by a gentle tug on his sweater. He stopped and turned to see Darwin pulling him back.

"Wait, do you want me to come with you?" Darwin asked, gently holding his paw. "Y-You know, just in case something happens?"

"No, It's alright dude, I think I'll be fine on my own. You go on ahead with the others."

"Mmm...alright then. If you're sure..." The fish reluctantly agreed.

Noticing his brother's reluctance the feline took Darwin's fin and gave it a quick squeeze. "I'll be fine, I promise. It's only a quick trip to the toilet dude. How could that possibly go wrong?"

"Well..." The fish paused before grinning. "You could end up getting locked inside with your brother. And then after telling him a secret become desperate to find out his. And go crazy trying to figure it out until you lock him and yourself back inside again just to find it out.  And then have to go through the sewers to escape. You know, just an example."

"That...sounds like a very specific example..." Carrie remarked. "Did this actually happen by any chance?"

The feline looked down sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "...Yeah, quite a while back. It's a long story. But seriously though, I'll be fine Darwin. Honest."

The fish paused, before smiling weakly. "Alright, if you say so. Just don't take too long okay? I don't want to have to wait for you again."

"I'll be as quick as I can dude!" The feline promised as he turned and headed toward the bathroom. 

"Okay, see you in a few!" His brother waved back, followed by Penny and Carrie as the three headed toward class.

Meanwhile, Gumball stuffed his paws into his pockets and kept walking, beginning to whistle happily.


The feline headed into the bathroom, walking over to a sink. He stopped, letting out a long tired yawn. Man, he wished he'd gotten some more sleep...

Almost on autopilot at this point, the feline turned on the faucet and splashed cold water over his face in order to try and wake himself up a little. He washed the sleep out of his eyes and rubbed the water through his fur before smoothing it down to make himself look more presentable. Normally he hated the feeling of his fur being wet, but right now he really needed the wake up.

As he continued to wash his face he sighed. At least today was going alright so far. Despite being his first day back, so far he felt fine other than that nightmare earlier...whatever that was...

If his siblings, Penny and Carrie weren't here to help him though it'd probably be an entirely different story...

He smiled. He was lucky to have them.

Looking back up the feline suddenly jumped back and yelled in fright, falling to the floor as he saw his limit in the mirror's reflection staring at him with a large grin.

It unsheathed it's claws, beginning to scrape them down the mirror, and Gumball could swear he actually heard the ear-piercing noise of the glass being scratched. He held his head in agony, squeezing his eyes shut.

Hyperventilating he screamed in pain for the sound to stop. Suddenly, everything went quiet. 

He hesitated. Did..he do that? Did the limit actually obey him?

Slowly but surely he opened his eyes and looked up again at the mirror. He was confused as he saw his reflection had returned to normal, and the mirror would completely unscratched.

Cautiously the feline stood up and walked toward the mirror. He stopped, hesitantly tapping it, leaning in and peering at his reflection. He made a few funny faces to himself before letting out a sigh of relief and laughing. God, I'm so tired I'm starting to see and hear things...

Amused, the cat shook his head with a smile before washing and drying his hands and heading back outside. He began to whistle again as he headed to class, though as he walked his thoughts drifted back to the reflection.

Was it just him seeing things? He was pretty sure it was but...what if it wasn't? What if that really was his limit? Why would it have appeared? To taunt him? Mock him? Warn him?  Either way his good mood was now tainted. He was now on edge, his mind now racing with paranoia about what had happened. Debating his own sanity, and if what he'd seen was actually real or really was just a result of him being tired.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't pay attention to where he was walking and bumped right into Principal Brown. He jumped, being snapped out of his thoughts.

"O-Oh! Oh really scared me there Principal Brown." He smiled, exhaling in relief. Of all the things to be scared by.

"My apologies Watterson. It's a good thing you did bump into me, however. I've been trying to find you all morning. Please, follow me to my office for a moment."

He nodded, following along with the Principal as they headed toward his office.

"What's going on? Am I in trouble?" The young kitten asked concerned.

"No, no, of course not. I just need to have a talk with you."

"...About?" He raised his eyebrow in slight annoyance.

"Well, I assume you remember the incident that happened the last time you were there?"

"M ..mhm...of course." He nodded, swallowing as he was reminded of that horrible day.

"and you understand how serious an incident it was? You attacked a student, attempted to kill another, and caused thousands of pounds in damage."

"I...I know. It was horrible...b-but, where is this going exactly?" The feline asked confused.

"Well, I'm afraid after such a serious incident I'm going to have to enact a few safety precautions. More precisely, precautions to make you safer to be around everyone else."

"What? What do you mean? I'm already safe! As long as I have my friends to keep me calm I'll be fine." 

"I understand that." Nigel paused to unlock his office door. "But I can't take any risks."

"Okay...s-so what are these precautions? Y-Y-You aren't going to separate me from anyone are you?!" He asked, his eyes widened slightly at the thought. "Please, you can't do that!"

"No, not that. As you said you're safer with your friends there to calm you down."

"So...w-what are you going to do."

"Stay out here a second. I need to get something."

"Okay...?" The cat reluctantly agreed as Nigel walked inside his office, leaving Gumball to wonder what precautions the Principal could possibly have put in place.

Is he gonna make me see Mr Small? Or put me in some plastic box with air holes so I can't attack anyone? O-O-Or ask Ms Simian to be extra strict to me? Or w-what if he handcuffs me to the classroom wall!?

As if to answer his question Principal Brown stepped back outside. Gumball's eyes widened with horror as he saw with was in his hands.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to put these on." Nigel informed before holding out the objects to him. 

A muzzle, a pair of thick rubber gloves, and an electronic collar.

"The muzzle will prevent you from attacking anyone, and the collar will monitor your mental state. If it detects any signs of anger, frustration, or aggression it will you give a small warning shock. if you continue to act aggressively after three warning shocks it will administer a stronger pacification shock, strong enough to render you unconscious, so you can be moved somewhere safe."

"W-what!? You can't be serious! I can't wear these!"

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, Watterson. My student's safety is at risk, and I will not allow you to lose control like that again."

"P-Please, don't make me do this Principal Brown! It's gonna be so embarrassing! I'm gonna look like an idiot, and I already feel bad enough as it is!"

"This is not up for debate Gumball. Put them on."

At this point, warm tears had begun to stream down the feline's face. He couldn't believe this was happening. The principal wanted him to wear a shock collar!? and a muzzle!? Surely he couldn't do that! It was against his rights, o-o-or freedom or something!

"But...b-b-but I don't need them! I have my friends! They'll keep me calm! They'll look after me!  A... a shock collar is completely unnecessary!  O-O-or a muzzle or the gloves! I d-don't need them! P-Please, don't make me wear them, please!"

"If you refuse to put them on you will be endangering not only my students but my staff as well, and I cannot allow that. So, I will not ask you again Watterson. Put them on or I will be forced to have you removed from this school for my student's safety."

Gumball hesitated, looking at the muzzle, gloves and collar in front of him. His ears lowered as he let out a quiet whimper, tears continuing to stream down his face. this really what people thought of him now? As some freak that needed to be restrained and shocked into obedience? Some mindless savage beast who would lash out any moment?! He wouldn't do that! He would never hurt his friends, he would never attack them, ever! He didn't want any of this, he didn't mean any of this! Why couldn't anyone see that? Why did everyone hate him!?

He squeezed his eyes shut, trembling as the thoughts continued to flood his mind. Reluctantly, he picked up the muzzle. 

"Thank you. I understand this is difficult but it's for the best."

(If you can play "Rise Up" by Andra Day, please do so now.)

The young kitten took no notice. He was too upset to care anymore. He simply quietly undid the straps of the muzzle and was about to put it on when a voice suddenly called out from behind him. A voice that sounded angered and upset at what she was seeing.

"Woah, woah, hey! What on earth are you doing to Gumball!?"

"Yeah, leave him alone!" Another voice called out. This one higher pitched and male. 

The feline slowly turned around, confused, and as he saw who had come to his defense his eyes widened with surprise.

"C-Carmen!? Alan!?" Gumball called out in surprise and confusion. They had been walking by, heading to class, but had seen what was going on and had decided to step in and intervene. "What are you-"

"Are you...Are you trying to make him wear that muzzle? And that shock collar!?" Alan asked with a surprising mix of confusion, anger, surprise, and disgust as Carmen walked up holding him by his string.

Wow, I didn't know he was actually capable of feeling any negative emotions... The kitten couldn't help but smile slightly.

 "Well yes, but you see-"

"See what!? That you're treating our friend like some feral animal!?" Carmen exclaimed, narrowing her eyes. "That you're trying to make him wear some...some muzzle and collar to shock him into obedience? What is wrong with you!?"

"I know it may seem a little harsh, but it's for your own safety."

"Our own safety!? Principal Brown, I feel perfectly safe around Gumball!" Alan smiled. "And I'm sure Carmen does too! Don't you, my love?" He looked down to Carmen who nodded. 

"Absolutely! I know Gumball, and I know that he would never hurt a fly, let alone us!"

Gumball stood with the biggest grin ever plastered onto his face, tears of joy weakly trickling down his face. He couldn't believe what was happening. Carmen and Alan had come to his rescue. They were defending him, calling him their friend. They had said they weren't scared of him! He actually had more people on his side! 

Granted one of them was Alan, but still, he had more people who still liked him! Who cared enough about him to go out of their way to defend him! That alone meant the world to him!

"Perhaps he wouldn't normally, but if he were to get pushed too far and lose control again then he wouldn't know what he was doing! He would be completely uncontrollable, and I simply cannot allow that to happen!"

"And it won't happen!" Carmen raised her voice slightly. "He has his brother and sister, and Penny, and Carrie! They won't let it happen again!"

She paused before taking hold of Gumball's paw, squeezing it as she looked up at him with a smile. "And nor will we."

He smiled back, silently mouthing a 'thank you' to her, receiving a nod in response.

"Whilst I admire the sentiment Ms. Verde, I'm not sure you and his friends alone will be enough to keep him under control. If his anger were to get the best of him he could very easily overpower all of you. And once he's through you there's no stopping him going on another rampage. I'm sorry, but he has to wear this protective gear. it really is for his own good."

"No, it isn't!" Alan spoke up. "I heard what you said about the collars, what they do! Shocking him isn't going to deter him from acting out, it's only going to make him angrier! And the muzzle and gloves are pointless! If he gets angry enough he'll just rip them off!"

"Well, yes, I suppose that could happen but the collar still has the stronger pacification shock."

"And if that doesn't work?" Carmen raised her eyebrow.

"Well, I suppose we'd have to just tranquilize him..."

"Tranquilize him!?  Are you insane!?" Carmen raised her voice to the point she was almost screaming.

"Well, what do you suggest?" Nigel raised his eyebrow.

"Maybe just leave him the hell alone and mind your own damn business!"  The cactus snapped, beginning to lose her cool.

"Yeah!" Alan floated over next to the feline and wrapped his string around his free paw, showing his solidarity with Gumball and Carmen. "This poor guy has been through more guilt and pain than any 12-year-old should ever have to endure! Don't you think he already feels bad enough? And now you're standing here trying to force a muzzle and shock collar onto him!? How do you expect that to make things any better?"

"Exactly!" Carmen agreed. "You're treating him like a feral animal! Making him feel like a freak! All that's doing is adding a whole bunch of unneeded pain and stress onto an already massive pile that's weighing him down. And you call yourself our Principal?!"

"Well, I-"

She stepped forward, stomping her foot. "A good Principal would try his best to alleviate as much of that stress as possible, to make his student feel as calm and relaxed and safe as possible! Not add onto it and make him feel a hundred times worse!" 

"Please Principal Brown...just do the right thing." Alan smiled, floating up next to Carmen. "I promise you, we'll look after Gumball, along with everyone else who already is. He'll be fine." He paused, turning to Gumball. "Won't you?"

The young kitten nodded. "Y-Yeah...sniff...I'll be fine. As long as I've had them with me I haven't felt angry or annoyed at all. They've always made sure to reassure me and calm me down before I could even come close to anything happening, and having two more people only further makes sure of that! Please Principal Brown, just give them a chance! Give me a chance!"

The Principal hesitated, considering what they had said. He glanced down at Gumball who's eyes were big and wet. He sniffled as Carmen quietly reassured him.

Eventually, Nigel sighed. "...oh, very well. I'll drop the safety precautions."

"Really!?" The feline's face lit up. "You will!?!"

"Against my better judgment. yes. But if one of my students ends up hurt because of you I will not hesitate to reenact them again. Am I understood?"

"Y-Yes sir. Of course." 

"Good. Now get to class, the bell is going to ring any moment."

The feline nodded, watching as the Principal entered his office. Once the door closed he let out a sigh of relief, a few tears trickling down his face.

"Hey, Gumball, are you okay? I can't believe he tried to make you wear those..." Carmen asked as she took hold of both his paws.

"Uh, y-yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Only thanks to you though. I...If it weren't for you I would be going around wearing all that stuff. Feeling like such a stupid freak...I can't believe that...that almost happened..." He began to cry harder.

"It's okay, it's alright, you don't have to worry about it anymore." She smiled, rubbing his shoulder. "And if he ever, ever tries something like that on you again, you come and find us immediately, okay?" 

The young feline nodded. "Y-yeah, of course. Thanks, Carmen, I can't thank you enough. Seriously, I really owe you one. You too Alan. I'm...sorry I treated you so harshly before."

"Aww, don't sweat it Gumball!" The ballon smiled, playfully tapping him with his string, "We weren't just gonna stand there and watch our friend getting treated like that. I mean, our Principal was essentially bullying you, and I hate bullies! Can't stand them! They're the worst kind of people imaginable!"

"You? Hate something? Not possible dude. You're the most patient, accepting guy I know. Well, other than Darwin. You don't hate anything."

Alan smirked, letting out a polite laugh. "Well, I may appear that way, but trust me there are definitely things I can't stand, and bullies are near the top of that list."

"Along with people grinding their feet?" The young feline smirked.

"Huh?" The balloon gave a confused look at Gumball for a moment, before remembering that he had pretended to be annoyed at the cat for dragging his feet in order to cheer him up. "Oh, y-yeah! Absolutely!"

The kitten's smirk grew as he let out a chuckle. "...Dagnabbit, I knew you were just pretending..."

"Well, you seemed so bummed out that I just had to do something..." The balloon lifted his string up to imitate a shrug.

"Yeah, I know...and I appreciate it. Really, I needed it. Thanks, dude. For that and this."

"No problem Gumball! Glad I could help!" Alan smiled, before pausing to think. "So...does this mean we're more than 'maybe a little' friends now?"

"Mmmm...." He placed his paw on his chin, pretending to think about it. "Nah. There's only so much of you I can stand, and we're already well beyond that threshold."

"Oh..." The balloon replied disheartened, not expecting such a response. He looked down. "...okay then. T-That's fine..."

The cat suddenly smirked, beginning to laugh. "Ah, I'm only messing with you! Of course we are! In fact, I'd say we've graduated from 'maybe a little' friends to 'okay, you're actually not that bad and I have no idea why I had such a grudge against you' friends."

"Really!?" The balloon looked back up in surprise. "Of course! C'mere!" He held out his arms, the balloon gratefully accepting the cat's tight embrace, beginning to bulge under the stress.

"Thanks so much, dude...I swear, I'll pay you back at some point. Both of you."

"Don't...worry about" Alan struggled to say under the strength of the feline's hug.

"Really? You sure?"

"Yes...though if you me a favor now...could you loosen your grip a little...I'm on the verge of popping here..."

"Oh, yeah, s-sorry!"  He quickly released the balloon, much to his relief.

"Thank you..."

The feline turned to Carmen, rubbing his head sheepishly. "I'd, uh, hug you too but...y'know... It'd hurt...A lot."

"We...could just fist bump?" She smiled, holding up her hand. "Actually, why don't the three of us have a toast?"

Anton, who was getting his books behind them, froze as his eyes widened in horror. He quickly stuffed his books into his hand and slammed his locker shut, running away as fast as he could.

"Not that kind of...toast..." Carmen tried to call out, but it was too late. She turned back to the other two, Gumball unable to resist a small giggle at the mishap.

Carmen simply shook her head. "Come on then, let's do this toast." The cactus smiled, holding out her hand.

"What for?"

"You. Friendship. To declare that something like your incident won't ever get in the way or change anything about how we treat each other, no matter what."

Gumball simply grinned, placing his paw on top of her hand. "To...everything you just said."

Alan joined in, placing his string upon the other's two hands. "To everything she just said."

The three raised their appendages, laughing together. As they did however Alan stopped, noticing something. 

"Gumball, are...are you purring?" He asked in surprise. Neither he nor Carmen had ever heard him purr before, not at any point in all the years they had known him. By this point, they had assumed he just didn't do such a thing.

"Huh?" The feline too stopped laughing, blushing slightly as his purring quietened. He hadn't realized he had started long had he been doing it? "Uh, y-yeah. Sorry, I didn't realize I..."

"Sorry?" Carmen asked. "What for? You've done nothing wrong."

"I dunno, I just...I was embarrassed and thought apologizing would make it less awkward."

"Aww, well don't be. I thought it was adorable."


"Yeah, it's really nice to see you so happy! Especially after what you've been through!" Alan nodded in agreement.

The young kitten smiled. "Err, thanks, I guess. You're the reason I am still happy. If it weren't for you I'd be wearing that muzzle and collar."

"It was no problem honestly, Carmen assured him, before a small cheeky smile formed on her face. "Though if you wanna make it up to us, it'd be nice to hear that purr again..." She winked as she gave him a nudge.

Gumball smiled, beginning to purr again much louder than before.

"There we go! Like music to my ears!" Alan smiled.

The cat rolled his eyes with a smirk, blushing again lightly.

"Still embarrassed, huh?" Carmen smiled as the feline gave a silent nod. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Well, except for Teri, Molly, Tina, Penny, Carrie, Anton, Idaho, Bobert, Tobi-"

"Don't you dare!" Gumball playfully nudged her, only to gasp and jump back in pain as a thorn stuck into his arm.

As he pulled it out her smile widened. "Ah, you know I wouldn't really do that! Besides, I'm sure Penny is already very familiar with you purring." She winked, causing his blush to deepen. She let out a quiet chuckle before holding out her hand. "Come on you, let's get to class."

He hesitated before smiling and taking her hand."...thank you. Really, I mean it, thank you. Both of you, for all of this. I was dreading coming back to school. I thought that other than my siblings, Penny and Carrie, no one would want anything to do with me. That everyone would absolutely despise me and think I was nothing more than a freak. proved me wrong. You came to my defense when I needed you most. You still treated me not as a freak but as a classmate, a friend, despite everything I did to you, despite what happened during the incident. And it genuinely means the world to me. I just...I can't thank you guys enough."

Carmen smiled, squeezing his paw. "You don't need to thank us Gumball.. Even if you are a bit of a jerk sometimes, you're still our friend... And friends stick together and look after each other no matter what."

The feline gave a nod of appreciation back and the three turned and headed to class, the Cactus holding her boyfriend's string in one hand and the cat's paw in her other. 

The feline smiled happily, his purrs echoing down the corridors and into the distance.

He was happy, and he wanted the world to know it.

Awwww, wasn't that wholesome!? Thanks to Memelord1117 for the idea of including Alan and Carmen. I didn't initially have that scene planned, and was going to just go straight to the next one, but they suggested Alan and Carmen should join Gumball's group. That led to the idea of that entire scene and I just had to do it!

Also thanks to gaywriterthings for giving me inspiration for the whole Gumball/Carrie banter scene. They wrote an amazing scene between the two in their fanfic "The Consequences" over on AO3, and I loved seeing that side of their relationship and decided it would be perfect to include a fun little playful scene between the two in my own story. I mean, Gumball needs the fun at the moment.

I originally had Anais as the one annoyed at Gumball and Penny for disappearing for a few minutes, but I realized I had been focusing a lot on her and Gumball lately and hadn't done much between him and Darwin at all. That and Anais having a significant scene with Gumball in a few chapters time made me decide to change it to Darwin instead to have him have a little more bonding with Gumball and slightly more significance to the story. And don't worry I'll try to keep Gumball's time with both siblings a little more balanced from now on. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll try not to make the wait between chapters quite as long from now on if possible! 
