Chapter 31

 "Your majesty you are coming along so well!" Madam gushed as she monitored my dancing.

I glided across the ballroom floor concentrating on the steps. I had already broken a sweat and the sky with not even light yet.

"Okay! Your Majesty that ends your lesson for today!"She called once I was finished

The sun was just starting to rise which dashed any hopes I had that I could get any more sleep before I had to start my day.

I made my way outside to the garden sitting next to the little fountain. At this time of year when the leaves have all fallen and the air was frigid; the fountain was frozen over. It was cold but it felt good against my heated skin. One of my many guards laid a cloak out on the bench next to me in case I got cold.

I stayed there staring unseeingly at the fountain. I was startled out of my thoughts by something being draped over me. I quickly looked up to find Prish and Tori standing before me.

"It's cold here your majesty, best you cover-up," Tori said fastening the cloak around my shoulders.

"I don't want you to call me that," I grumbled

"Call you what? Your majesty? You know we must, especially in front of others." Prish said sitting next to me.

Tori sat on my other side both pressed up against me. I did not realize how cold I was until I felt their warmth.

"Any word?" I wondered

"Not yet, he did say it would be harder to write," Prish answered

I had not heard from Ari in weeks and I was worried sick. At first, he wrote so much that one letter would come back before I could send one out. Though it got scarce, then just stopped altogether.

It was silent for a while before the cold become almost unbearable.

"Okay let's get you inside before you freeze to death," Tori said guiding me back inside the palace.

"Oh, there you are!" I heard the all too familiar screech of the Queen Mother.

She wore a blue silk dress that moved so elegantly that when she walked it looked like water. She hurried towards us not giving Prish or Tori a single glance.

"Come along we must get eh council meeting before Councilman Lee. He will have a fit if he isn't the last one there." She said linking our arms and dragging me away.

I quickly turned and waved at Tori and Prish making promises to see them later.

Later seemed to never come as time went by without seeing any of them.

"Your Majesty the annual winter's ball is coming up soon," Grisha stated as we sat in Ari's office. I was pouring over some documents when she spoke thrusting me from my concentration.

"What time is it?" I asked

"It is almost midnight your majesty," Grisha answered

"Hmm, I am not even close to being done." I started turning my attention back to the documents.

"Did you hear what I said?" Grisha asked

"Hmm? About the ball? Yes." I answered

"Well you know we have many preparations for it. Queen Mother has taken care of the guest list, invitations, decorations, and food." Grisha stated

"So, what am I needed for?" I asked

"We must get your outfit ready," Grisha answered

"Outfit? I don't have time for that." I dismissed

"Well, your majesty we must find time. This is very important especially since it is wartime. We must showcase you as a powerful capable leader." Grisha answered

"I don't really care," I answered

"I am aware." Grisha deadpanned.

"It is of no matter your majesty. You have an appointment with the royal seasonal celebration tailor in the morning." Grisha revealed

"Royal seasonal celebration tailor? This tailor is different from the regular royal tailor?" I questioned

"Yes," Grisha answered

"I thought I had a meeting with the council?" I questioned

"This will be before that," Grisha answered

"Before that? Grisha I refuse to wake at the beginning of the morning for a dress. I already have to take lessons with Tutor Winstall" I argued

"Don't you want a beautiful dress? You haven't seen the young masters in a while, they will be there." Grisha tried

"I know," I mumbled resting my head in my arms.

"I miss them," I revealed

"I know which is why you must have the perfect dress!" Grisha exclaimed

"They prefer me without clothing," I mumbled

"Your majesty!" Grisha yelled

"Grisha this is ridiculous." I fussed

"We shall see your majesty," Grisha stated cryptically.

The next morning,

"This is bullshit," I grumbled as I was dragged halfway across the palace.

Grisha finally stopped at a large bright pink door.

"What the hell is that?" I wondered aloud

Grisha did not answer and pushed open the door. The inside was a mess of fabrics and accessories and in the middle sat a small woman a little more than half my size.

"Why hello your majesty!" The woman stated jumping from her spot and racing over to me bowing low.

"I am honored you made time to visit me. My name is Elodie Springwater." She stated

"Hello Elodie, I am happy to finally make my way to you," I answered

She smiled widely before ushering me to a small circular platform that sat in the corner of the room.

"First we must take your measurements. Although we technically have them on file I want them for my personal record." She stated

She pulled the long white string from around her neck. She started wrapping it around various body parts, measuring my arms and legs my waist and neck. She then stood still staring at me for longer than what would be considered comfortable.

"I know exactly what I will put you in." She said finally

"The ball is next week," Grisha commented talking for the first time since we entered the room.

"Ah yes though I am ecstatic you have come to see me, but you have not given me much time." Elodie stated

"Well, that is why you are the best," Grisha stated

"Damn right, I am!" Elodie yelled

She then started ushering us from the room.

"I will have the most exquisite dress ready for you next week your majesty count on me." She said before slamming the door shut.

"What an off-character." I commented

"Yes, but she is the best of the best," Grisha stated

"We shall see," I mumbled

The next week.

It was the day of the ball. I was a bundle of nerves wound so tight I could snap any moment. The week had been extra stressful since there were loads of nobles and royalty from all over arriving at the palace. I did not have to worry about the planning and setup, but it would seem my everyday duties were now being watched by loads of people. Everyone wants a glimpse of how the Queen is as a leader. Is she pretty? Perhaps. Is she smart? Who knows. Is she going to run this kingdom into the ground? Probably.

I was stretched so thin I was a wreck by the end of the week. It did not help that I had been feeling rather sick lately.

"Your majesty there is no need to fret. Today will be all about preparing for the ball tonight. Hopefully, you can unwind a bit." Grisha assured me when she woke me in the morning.

"I am not fretting. I am just tired that's all." I said sliding from the bed.

Grisha chose not to comment and instead steered me to the breakfast room.

After eating I was ushered into the bath. Grisha filled it with hot water, various oils, and flower petals.

I sank into the tub and let the water calm me.

Grisha poured some oil and wash into my hair. It had gotten thicker and longer recently leaving it too unmanageable at times. She washed it and detangled it before wrapping it on top of my head.

"Alright time to see the dress," Grisha announced once I was out of the tub.

Like she was waiting for her queue Elodie burst into the room in a flurry of noise and fabric. She motioned someone into the room and in came a cart. On that cart was a humanoid shape covered by a sheet.

"Hope you are ready to be amazed!" Elodie yelled

She immediately snatched the sheet from the figure and revealed the dress.

It was honestly beautiful.

The dress was a layered White with a series of intricate designs made from diamonds, silver, and gold.

"Wow, this is... beautiful," I said

"I knew you would like it. OH! And see this!" She yelled pulling her satchel from her shoulder and pulling out a cloth-covered object.

She removed the cloth revealing a diamond and pearl tiara. It went up to a point giving a sort of pyramid shape. A veil hung from the tiara gives the entire look a wedding feel.

"That. Is. Stunning." I said amazed by the beautiful piece.

"I knew you would like it. It was something I made a while ago and never found the right person to wear it." Elodie stated

I smiled as I took it in my hands.

"Well, I appreciate you choosing me," I said

"It is my honor, your majesty, now let us get you ready," Elodie announced

Grisha handled my hair and Elodie did my makeup. I was poured into the dress and the tiara with the final touch.

"All done!" Elodie yelled

The mirror held someone I hadn't seen since my first day. I looked surprisingly relaxed and regal. I did not feel anywhere near as relaxed as I looked, but the show must go on.

Once I left the room I was surrounded as always. We made our way to the ballroom. I was too focused on reciting my speech I did notice that everyone stopped.

The ballroom doors were before me and I prepared to enter.

I could hear the hum of voices just beyond the door, then I smelled the smoke.
